

Monday, January 13, 2014


Just once I wish the Republicans would possess the same level of ferocity in going after corrupt Democrats as Democrats seem to possess in going after just about any Republican upon committing any transgression either real or imagined. Look at the Democrat feeding-frenzy as they go after Christie over what was essentially nothing more than a traffic jam. And in practically no time at all they had even assigned a monicker, Bridge-Gate, to this supposed scandal. And it was in pretty short order that the Democrats had subpoenas flying in nearly every direction all in what they claimed was only their attempt to get to the bottom of blatant act of political corruption. But apparently not satisfied with a mere traffic scandal, Democrats have now managed to successfully escalate things to where they are now actually accusing Christie of misallocating Hurricane Sandy relief funds.

Now why can’t the guys on our side be half as aggressive in getting to the bottom of some real scandals as the Democrats are in getting to the bottom of scandals that barely even exist? I mean let’s face it, when it comes to Barry "Almighty" we have Fast & Furious-Gate, AP Snooping-Gate, Benghazi-Gate, IRS-Gate, NSA-Gate, EPA-Gate and Obamacare-Gate. By comparison, Bridge-gate is pretty insignificant. So doesn’t it stand to reason that Republicans should have long ago started to send out all manner of subpoenas in their effort to get to the bottom of what has become a rather impressive list of scandals that Barry has now put together? I heard it expressed the other day that the Democrats play hardball while the Republicans play bean-bag. And judging by what’s been going on of late, there’s a lot of truth in that. They would rather cower in the corner than act.

And you know, it’s more than a little demoralizing when we look at those on our side and see nothing more than a bunch of cowardly wimps. I mean how long has it been since Benghazi, where we had four Americans butchered, including an ambassador, and still we’re no closer to finding out the truth than we were the day after the attack occurred. And worse, one of the major players in this scandal, Hitlery, may be a candidate to replace another major player, Barry, as president in 2016. We were told, "What difference does it make?" And still those on our side remain afraid of their own shadows, and seem to go out of their way to avoid any sort of confrontation. And there is no one now arguing that if, in fact, Christie is determined to be guilty of some misdeed, that he should then be permitted to avoid the consequences he has rightfully earned. The argument is just for him to be treated fairly.

But let’s face it, while it remains in doubt whether or not Christie has done anything improper, it’s pretty clear that Barry is hip deep in any number of very serious scandals. And these are scandals where people died or had their constitutional rights violated in a pretty significant way. And yet there has been very little effort expended in connecting the many dots that would most assuredly tie Barry to, if not all of these scandals, at least the more serious ones. He who promised the most transparent administration in history, now heads up what can very safely be described as being the most secretive and clandestine administration in this nation’s history, surpassing even that of Richard Nixon. And what’s being done about it? Absolutely nothing! If Barry was a Republican, the Democrats would have long ago had him impeached. Barry must now be gotten rid of for the good of the republic!

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