

Wednesday, January 29, 2014


Ya know, what a pathetic bunch of hypocrites these damn Democrats are. But then I suppose I’m not telling you folks anything that you don’t already know. What I’m talking about here in this particular instance, though, has to do with one Ms. Debbie Wizzerman Schulz. You see, despite criticism of Barry’s pledge that he plans on using his pen and his phone to advance his socialist agenda, regardless of Congress, Ms. Wizzerman Schultz said that Barry "should use his executive authority." I wonder, though, if she would have felt the same way about, say, George W. Bush making the same kinda threat? Call me crazy, but I don’t think so.

Anyway, it was at the U.S. Capitol last night following Barry’s rather lackluster State of the Union speech that Wizzerman Schultz was asked, "What do you think of the criticism about using executive order(s) to get things done on climate change or [the] minimum wage?" And in making a reference to Republicans, everyone’s favorite crackpot bitch from here in Florida said, "Well, the ball’s in their court." And then she went on to say, "I mean, they have an opportunity to work with him." But why would they ‘want’ to work with Barry on ‘climate change’, that doesn’t exist and raising the minimum wage that’s a proven job killer?

Wizzerman Schultz, who also happens to be the chairmoron of the Democrat National Committee, said, "The president made that very clear." And again she went on to say, "We want to make sure that we’re working together and deepen our impact by passing legislation, but there are urgent challenges that we [are] facing and the president is going to have to use his executive authority." She added, "And I agree that he should use his executive authority because if the Republicans continue to try to be obstructionists, then we’ve got to make progress." Why is it that Democrats can never be accused of being obstructionists?

It was during his address that Barry said he would use his "authority" to advance his agenda, including increasing government control over federal land. He said, "And while we’re at it, I’ll use my authority to protect more of our pristine federal lands for future generations." And in referencing his executive order to increase the minimum wage for federally-contracted workers, he said, "To every mayor, governor, and state legislator in America, I say, you don’t have to wait for Congress to act; Americans will support you if you take this on." Adding, "And as a chief executive, I intend to lead by example." He doesn’t know how to lead!

The fact that so many of the American people continue to fall for this kind of ideological tripe is reason number one why I have pretty much given up on them as far as they’re ever being able to figure things out. I suppose I could blame it on their ignorance, but I think it’s more purposeful than that. Because what they’ve done here is to put their desire to collect a government check above the survival of the country. Personally, I think that’s kind of sad that they have allowed themselves to be reduced to being parasited. It’s just so un-American. But hey, what they’ve now allowed Barry and his band of Democrats to make them into is, Europeans.

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