

Wednesday, January 22, 2014


I suppose this latest revelation coming from our less than stellar first lady should come as no real surprise. The revelation to which I refer is the one where the very classless Mee-Shell Obumer says that one of her role models is none other than another classless bitch, "Hanoi Jane" Fonda. Remember now, this is the same bitch for whom it took the electing of her corrupt husband for to finally be able to be proud of her country.

So I guess her declaring of Ms. Fonda as one of her role models came during some silly interview with People Magazine. Mee-Shell "O" listed "Hanoi Jane," as one of the people she would like to look and live like when she's 70 or 80 years old. "There’s Jane Fonda, a beautiful, engaged, politically savvy, sharp woman," Mee-Shell said. Somehow those aren’t exactly the adjectives I would use to describe someone who’s a traitor.

And I’m sure that this rather idiotic comment is likely to enrage Vietnam War veterans, which I’m quite sure is exactly what was intended. Many still remember how Fonda, now 76, went to North Vietnam in 1972 and was photographed sitting on an anti-aircraft battery. Fonda denounced U.S. military leaders as "war criminals" and later called tortured American POWs "hypocrites and liars," telling them to "get a life."

Mee-Shell's comments are already receiving criticism. Writing on Breitbart, David Webb said, "Michelle Obama often comes across to me as an angry black woman who had all the advantages such as going to Princeton University after coming from basically nothing. Yet instead of maximizing her advantages in life she seems to wear them like a burden and projects the burden onto others." Sounds pretty accurate.

A post on the conservative blog, Weasel Zippers said it best, saying, "Only a die-hard liberal thinks Jane Fonda is anything less than a traitorous scumbag." While another reader at Newsbusters said, "Oh gee, a communist being a 'big fan' of another communist, who’d have thunk it?" And still another said, "These are the type of people who now rate tribute in our great Republic? This story is sad on so many levels."

Never before in the history of our country has there been two more classless people residing in "The People’s House" than the Obumers. And have you ever noticed that those who possess the least amount of class are always Democrats? Let’s face it, who besides a Democrat would EVER think it even marginally appropriate to be on the receiving end of a ‘BJ’ in the Oval Office? But, it’s really all we can expect from these scumbags.

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