

Sunday, January 5, 2014


I would think that it would be difficult, if not completely impossible, for any rational person to look at our government today and not be able to recognize almost instantaneously that it is spinning wildly out of control.  And those of us who are fortunate to still have a job seem to be the only ones who really care that such an event is taking place. Because it seems that the millions of our fellow countrymen who find themselves on the receiving end of a growing number of government giveaway programs couldn’t care less. But what these parasites fail recognize is the fact that with nearly each passing day there are becoming fewer and fewer of us working Americans left who can be forced to hand over to the government more and more of what it is that WE work for.

One thing that recently ticked me off was the fact that some dingbat U.S. District Court Judge down here in Florida ruled it unconstitutional for those on welfare to undergo drug tasting as a prerequisite for they’re being able to receive benefits. Now how does that in any way make sense except. I guess, to the twisted liberal mind of this activist judge? Because as a condition of my current employment and, before that, over the course of a 24 year career in the Navy, I was REQUIRED, to take drug tests. Additionally, it has also been determined by previous jurists, also in the very activist mold, that those collecting welfare benefits cannot be made to perform any task in exchange for the benefits that they receive. That’s deemed to be something seen as demeaning. Go figure.

So in their continuing effort to keep their little gravy train firmly on the tracks and completely free of requirements such as random drug tests and being made to work, these parasites vote for those who they view as looking out for them. And in so dong they demonstrate, and very clearly so, that they care very little about those of us who work hard everyday, and have our own families to provide for, are becoming less able to do just that. And that would be because we are now being forced to hand over to the government an increasingly larger share of our money in the form of escalating taxes to cover the cost of these growing entitlement programs. It seems that the only thing these people truly care about is getting as much as they can for as little as possible in return.

And as much as these parasites might wish it could be so, it simply isn’t realistic to expect that things can go on in the manner in which they have now become accustomed to for very much longer. Let’s face it, there comes a time in everyone’s life when we need to stop running around with our hand out and to grow up and learn how to properly take care of ourselves. Our country is now perilously close to imploding and I would argue that it’s our parasite class to can said to hold a substantial share of the blame for that. Somehow they must be made to understand that those they have been voting for, for years, are now on the verge of bringing everything to s screeching halt. And when that finally happens their days of riding the gravy train will officially be over.

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