

Wednesday, January 22, 2014


I know that I’ve said, and on any number of occasions, that I think things are pretty much over, that the fat lady has begun the last chorus and it’s now all now just a matter of time before Barry, having been successful in his attempt to "fundamentally transform" America, will be out doing his victory lap. But, and this may not make much sense to many, I keep hoping, even praying, that enough of the American people will wake up in the nick of time and we can avert what I know is now be headed our way.

Now that’s not to say that we’re going to be left with enough time to fix things, only that we might just have enough time to go into full damage control mode and prevent that which Barry and the Democrats have been so determined to bring about. That being, of course, a complete economic and financial meltdown. But even if we are provided with such an opportunity, the salvaging of what’s left of our country is going to be far from a painless experience. This is, in fact, gonna hurt, and hurt a lot.

The focus of our salvage effort should be the coming election, this November. And we must formulate it into a two pronged attack. First of all, we need to focus on getting rid of every single Democrat that we can. Secondly we need to force incumbent Republicans, who refuse to join in our little salvage mission, into primary races against those candidates who possess strong conservative credentials. And if the incumbents come out on top, we must then energetically support, and not simply abandon, them.

Everything, and I do mean everything, hinges on the level of success that we are able to attain for ourselves this coming November. Now is not yet the time to even begin talking about 2016, despite the state-controlled media’s best efforts to get us to do so. The focal point of our efforts must be the midterm elections, because if we are unsuccessful in achieving at least some level of success, 2016 becomes a moot point. Winning control of Congress must be viewed as being our primary objective.

And while I have also been one of the louder voices calling for the impeachment of Barry, I think that if we are successful in our attempt to gain control of both houses, such an action would only serve to squander the victory. I think it would be very counter-productive when there are so many other issues that will, by then, be in urgent need of attention. We should not waste any of the time that we may have left on Barry. But that’s not to say that we do not need to work on limiting any further damage.

So I think it fair to say that the countdown has now officially begun. We know what needs to be done, and from here on out we need to be very methodical and systematic when it comes to determining the best course for achieving our desired goal. That being, of course, the neutering of Barry, in the political sense of course. We must be united and we must speak with one voice. We must not be afraid to defend our point of view and we must not back down when being challenged by the opposition.

And there will be little or no time to make up for lost opportunities and we must be ready to strike whatever there is a misstep by our opposition. We must have a Plan A, B and C always at the ready because everything will be riding on what we are able to make happen on November 4, 2014. Mark it on your calendar as D Day. The day we will all stand together against those forces who wish to destroy our country as we fight to keep that which was handed down to us for safekeeping. And we must never forget about the future generations who are counting on us to succeed.

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