

Friday, January 3, 2014


I can only assume that the Uncle Sam must have wanted, in leaving 2013 behind, to go out with a bang. And boy did he ever. Obviously it was determined that the very best way to do that would be to see just how money could be spend in just 24 hours. I only say that because beginning at the stroke of midnight on 31 December, Uncle Sam, aka the federal government, went on what can only be described as a spending binge of governmental proportions. And in the process it added a net of $125,202,709,546.99 to the nation’s total debt, all in the span of just one day. Now in an effort to put that into perspective, that amount equals approximately $1,088.60 for each of the 115,013,000 households the Census Bureau currently estimates there are in the United States.

Overall, during the first quarter of fiscal 2014, or that 3 month period of time between 1 October to 31 December, the total debt of the federal government jumped by $613,787,258,252.83 or $5,336 for each and every household in the country. At the close of business on Dec. 30, 2013, the total debt of the federal government was $17,226,768,075,403.16. By the close of business on the very next day, New Year’s Eve, the debt had risen to 17,351,970,784,950.15, hence a one-day jump of $125,202,709,546.99. How is it that anyone can look at this amount of money being spent and in only 24 hours and not see it as being nothing short of totally irresponsible and reckless beyond all commonsense? And who in their right mind thinks that this should, or can, continue for very much longer?

Such is the continuing madness that we the American people are constantly being asked to tolerate because we’re told that it’s simply the right thing to do. We are endlessly being provided with all manner of supposed justifications regarding how all of this spending is actually for our own good and the good of the country. And far too many of us, for whatever the reason, seem to be far too accommodating in allowing it to continue, and to even accelerate, completely unabated. Selfishness and greed seem to now be the defining characteristics of what it means to be a modern day American. And strangely enough we seem to possess not even a shred of guilt as we go about the wholesale destruction of a future that would have otherwise been enjoyed by our children.

Look, if we want to ever possess any hope of there being anything left to leave for our children, at least anything that’s worth a shit, then we’re going to have to come to our senses. And sooner rather than later, that’s for sure. We must, somehow, come to possess a mindset that would then enable us to finally recognize that what we are being told by our politicians, including our president, and that we have, for far too long, been willing to accept at face value, is actually nothing more than part of some sinister master plan that actually has us acting as willing accomplices in the destruction of own country. When out of sight, our politicians are laughing at us because it’s been so easily for them to play us as fools. And is that really what we wish our legacy to be?

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