

Wednesday, January 8, 2014


For some reason, every time I hear her speak, I’m still amazed that someone with her lack of intelligence has actually been able to progress to the point where she is a member of Congress. But then she’s far from being the only mentally challenged individual who has made it that far. I swear this bitch must been dropped on her head multiple times as a child because as an adult whenever she opens mouth, nothing but some of the stupidest shit you’ll ever hear comes out. And just when you think that there’s just ain’t no way that she could top herself, she does.

The most recent demonstration of her less than superior intellect came in a brief little speech that delivered from the House floor on Wednesday. More of a rant really, during which she hailed the war on poverty, endorsed government welfare programs, and said the "safety net has to be something for all of us." And she blabbered on a bit longer saying, "Maybe the word welfare should be changed to something of, 'a transitional living fund.' For that is what it is -- for people to be able to live." Now who but a Democrat could have come up with that nomenclature?

In leaving nothing out, Jackson Lee hailed the Earned Income Credit, food and nutrition programs, jobs training and education programs, Medicaid, Medicare, and the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare, as "huge safety nets -- not handouts, but safety nets, she screeched. As part of her five-minute speech, she displayed a photo of people in a long line "who are possibly looking for work." Jackson-Lee said there's no way to know which of those people "are near the edge of poverty or living in poverty simply because they cannot find work."

This complete and utter moron went on to urge Congress to pass emergency unemployment insurance -- "a transitional outreach to individuals who are chronically unemployed," as she put it. "Quite frankly, of all the wealthy nations, we have the lowest safety net and the highest poverty, because we're not willing to accept the fact that sometimes an American needs help. Even a veteran -- even a soldier." Right, like this brain dead old cow actually gives a squat about a veteran or a soldier. I may have been born at night, but it wasn’t last night!

She declared, "So today, I honor the 50th anniversary of the war on poverty, Mr. Speaker, and I ask us not to give up the fight because the American people are looking to us to win the war." Yup, 50 long years with trillions of dollars spent and no further ahead than we were on day one. Who but a Democrat would claim that a good idea? This war on poverty she sees as such an accomplishment has been a disaster. How can anyone look at what’s transpired under the guise of a war on poverty and see anything other than a complete waste of time and resources?

And if we’re being honest here, although commonly referred to as being a war on poverty, what it was really constructed to be was a way to forever enslave blacks to the Democrat Party. And it seems to have worked even better than intended. Of course it doesn’t hurt that you’ve got turncoats like old Jackson Lee here selling out her own people. I’ve often wondered how these congressional blacks, people who could truly make a difference if they wanted to, sleep at night. To be able to so deliberately betray their own people takes a unique brand of callousness.

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