

Monday, December 3, 2012


Now I'm sure everyone is quite familiar with Barry's "all of the above" energy policy. But apparently this much talked about plan, at least as far as the Outer Continental Shelf in concerned, does not include any new oil and gas leases in the Atlantic Ocean over at least the next five years. But, strangely enough, it does include, of all things, windmills. The Interior Department headed up by that complete imbecile, Ken Salazar, wants to lease nearly 278,000 acres off the coasts of Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and Virginia for wind energy. Wind energy, is that not the stupidest thing you've ever heard?

Now these lease sales, which are to be held sometime next year, will be the first-ever competitive sales on the Outer Continental Shelf for wind energy, and the Interior Department, being ever so proud of itself, describes the lease sales as "major milestones" in its wind energy program. "Wind energy along the Atlantic holds enormous potential, and today we are moving closer to tapping into this massive domestic energy resource to create jobs, increase our energy security and strengthen our nation’s competitiveness in this new energy frontier," Salazar said on Friday.

Trying to sound like they know what knows what he's doing here, this doofus, Salazar, continued by spewing the idiotic propaganda that we heard throughout the campaign, "We are implementing the President’s all-of-the-above strategy by focusing on developing areas with the lowest potential conflicts and the greatest expected gains. As we experience record domestic oil and gas development, we are moving forward at the same time with efforts to ensure that America continues to lead the world at developing the energy of the future." And how do you spell, BULLSHIT?

The administration's Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) oil and gas leasing program for 2012-2017 "does not include areas off the Atlantic coast for leasing," the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management says in something called a fact sheet. Big shock there, right? "Areas off the Pacific coast are not included," either. New domestic oil and gas development is taking place only in the Gulf of Mexico and offshore Alaska. The oil industry has been, and continues to be, very frustrated by the administration's outright refusal to grant new oil and gas leases off the Atlantic and Pacific Coasts.

It was just this past June that the Institute for Energy Research, a free-market energy policy group, accused Barry, and his little cadre of climate change fanatics, of turning their backs on "potentially enormous energy resources that could provide jobs and energy security for America." By imposing what is a "unilateral executive embargo" on new OCS oil and gas leases in the Atlantic and Pacific, it said, the Barry is providing to the American people access to "a mere fraction of the offshore resources they own." But this is of very little interest to Barry, because it's not part of his agenda.

In Friday's announcement, Salazar made the claim that the wind energy leases are part of a overall plan that is designed to develop the "full range" of energy resources on the Outer Continental Shelf. Barry believes new oil lease sales in the Gulf of Mexico and Alaska are enough to support the idiotic claim that he is continuing to increase domestic oil and gas production, which "has grown each year the President has been in office," the Interior Department noted in what is nothing more than an attempt to perpetuate the myth that oil production is increasing on government land, which it is not anywhere near being true.

Domestic oil production last year was higher than at any time in nearly a decade; and natural gas production is at its highest level ever, or so says the administration. It also claims that foreign oil imports now account for less than 50 percent of the oil consumed in America, the lowest level since 1995. But funny thing, the highest percentage of oil and gas production is actually taking place on private lands because Barry refuses to issue any permits allowing exploration to take place anywhere on government owned lands. The amount of which seems to be increasing on nearly a daily basis.

The proposed lease sales announced on Friday include two "Wind Energy Areas", one about 27 miles off of the Virginia coast and the other about 10 miles off the Massachusetts-RI coasts. "Holding competitive lease sales on the wind-rich east coast is ushering in a new chapter in America’s development of renewable energy," said Deputy Interior Secretary David Hayes. "By working closely with Rhode Island and the other states to identify the best areas for offshore wind farms, winning bidders will have a clear pathway to successfully harness our world-class offshore wind resource." But at what cost to the taxpayers, I wonder?

I just love all of the new lingo dreamed up by these incompetent boobs now in charge of our so-called energy policies. You know, terms like "wind-rich." I mean here we sit atop the most 'oil-rich' nation on the planet, and we're just supposed to ignore that fact? In their effort to sell us on this idiocy, I can only assume that they must think we're all pretty stupid, and granted, a great many of us are. But come on! While I am in favor of pursuing alternative forms of energy, it just seems rather foolish to do so at the expense of not taking the fullest advantage possible of the other energy sources that we have been blessed with in this country.

Yup, so we are again made to confront the consequences resulting directly from our being stupid enough to re-elect this guy, Barry. This kind of crap makes no sense except for the fact that Barry is desperate to raise the cost of using fossil fuels, that one source of energy that America possesses more of than any other country on the planet. Barry is at war with fossil fuels and those who would dare to make a living off of producing them. His goal here is to make them cost prohibitive. He wants $10 a gallon gasoline, and to have it cost us $1000 a month just to heat and cool our homes. And trust me, that's where this is headed!

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