

Monday, December 3, 2012


Remember that New York City homeless guy who was the recipient of a nice pair of boots from an NYPD police officer and then became an online sensation. Well, it appears that he's back out on the street and guess what, he's once again walkin around without shoes. Yup! It seems that The New York Times found this joker Sunday night wandering around Manhattan, barefoot. The paper has now apparently identified him as being Jeffrey Hillman, who is, we're also told, formerly of South Plainfield, N.J.

When he was asked about those $100 all-weather boots that Officer Larry DePrimo gave to him back on November 14, this moron Hillman said that he’s hidden them because "they are worth a lot of money." Then he went on to say that while he’s grateful for the gift, he now wants to get in on the action that has resulted from his picture now having, essentially, gone viral. He actually said that he thinks he deserves "a piece of the pie" because the photo was posted online "without permission."

This flaming dumbass went on to say, "I was put on YouTube, I was put on everything without permission." Adding, "What do I get?" Still, he said, he was grateful. "I appreciate what the officer did, don’t get me wrong," he said. "I wish there were more people like him in the world." he continued to the Times, "I want to thank everyone that got onto this thing," Saying finally, "I want to thank them from the bottom of my heart. It meant a lot to me. And to the officer, first and foremost."

So who, exactly, is this moron, Jeffrey Hillman? He told the Times that he’s a veteran with two kids, but was a little coy about how he got to this point in life, walking barefoot on the streets of Manhattan. Mr. Hillman said he was from South Plainfield, N.J. He said he joined the Army in 1978 and served as a "food service specialist" in the United States and Germany. Mr. Hillman said that he was honorably discharged after five years and that before he became homeless he worked in kitchens in New Jersey.

He said he also has two children, Nikita, 22 and Jeffrey, 24, but has had little contact with them since a visit three years ago. He was reluctant to talk about how he ended up on the streets, staring blankly ahead when asked how his life went so far off course. After a long pause, he shook his head and said, "I don’t know." Right, he doesn't know how it is that he came to be wandering the streets of Manhattan, barefoot. And now he thinks he can somehow make a buck off of someone's generosity so that he can what, buy booze?

Ya know, this is exactly why trying to do the right thing these days, more often than not, simply winds up being nothing more than both a waste of my time and effort. Frankly, I just don't bother anymore. Because by simply ‘giving’ folks like this something all you're doing is playing the role of enabler. It’s like you’re validating the fact that they see themselves as victims of society, and how if it weren’t from some stranger they’d be forced to walk the city streets barefoot. They’re only victims of their own ignorance.

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