

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Demonstrating once again what it is that he and the Democrat Party do best, Barry "Almighty" has made clear his intention to slander the presumed Republican nominee, Mitt Romney, in every way possible. Barry made the claim that, "We now have a Republican nominee who said that the Arizona laws are a model for the country, that -- and these are laws that potentially would allow someone to be stopped and picked up and asked where their citizenship papers are based on an assumption," in an interview with Univision that aired over the weekend. "Racial profiling?" Univision reporter Enrique Acevedo asked. To which Barry replied, "Very troublesome. And this is something that the Republican nominee has said should be a model for the country." Barry then went on to say that, "So what we need is a change, either of Congress or we need Republicans to change their mind. And I think that this has to be an important debate throughout the country." Again he attempts to do nothing more than to distract, distort and deceive.

Making it painfully obvious the lengths to which he is apparently now willing to go, Barry also said, "What I have said to Latinos across the United States is that my compassion for this issue is undiminished. That, for example, when it comes for the DREAM kids, who have been raised as Americans and see themselves as Americans and want to serve their country or are willing to work hard in school, start businesses or working hard in laboratories or businesses, it is shameful that we cannot get that done. And so I am going to keep on pushing as hard as I can. And what I am going to do is encourage the Latino community to continue to ask every member of Congress where they stand on these issues." Speaking of the Dream Act, which more of a nightmare, Barry said, "I will do everything that I can to try to get it done, but ultimately I'm going to need Congress to help me." I would have to say that the politics of personal destruction remains very much alive and well. It should now be considered as being officially underway for 2012.

As has been made very clear on any number of occasions by those much better versed on such matters than I, this is really all this guy has. He is more than willing to put into action his "all of the above" strategy in his attempt to gain re-election. That includes his eagerness to repeatedly lie and perpetrate all manner of slander against Gov. Romney as well as to mischaracterize and/or distort Romney's position on any number of important issues, of which immigration is but one. Let's face it, as much as clowns such as Timmy "The Tax Cheat" Geithner love to rave about what a magnificent job Barry has done with regards to our economy, the facts paint a much different picture. And since Barry essentially has nothing positive whatsoever on which he can run, as far as he's concerned he has no other option but to go to work here in an effort to destroy his likely rival. This most corrupt of our recent presidents will make whatever accusations he feels he has to in his effort to tarnish or to malign Gov. Romney. It's really quite pathetic and unseemly.

Barry has proven time and again, going all the way back to his Illinois state senate days, that he is a very skilled practitioner in all manner of gutter politics. He is very much at home in the sewer. And after having left himself with very little if anything on which to run, he is once again choosing to resort to typical Democrat tactics. So I guess the question that remains to be answered is the one which asks will the continued use of such tactics be something that a majority of the American people will tolerate. Now I'm sure his more rabid supporters will have no problem with Barry's using such sleazy tactics, even cheering on his efforts. But I am curious if those outside of this strange circle of braindead individuals will be able to stomach them. I would like to think not, but these days one can never assume anything. After all, I think it very safe to say that we no longer live in the America of our parents but instead in some deformed mutation that is the net result of the Democrat's twisted vision of what America "should" be.


  1. Me thinks that you are spot-on: "... I think it very safe to say that we no longer live in the America of our parents but instead in some deformed mutation that is the net result of the Democrat's twisted vision of what America "should" be."

    It is necessary to divide for this Resident if he is to stay in power. He cannot unite given his extreme and unconstitutinoal approach.

    1. I only hope enough people will see through all his crap. But I can't help wondering if enough will even try. I fear for my country.

    2. And you have hit the proverbial nail on the head -- you fear for YOUR country. It's personal, not collective. And you take personal responsibility, not part of a collective. Well said, Dan!
