

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Ok folks, Barry appears to be getting more and more desperate and seems to be losing touch with reality in his efforts at distract attention away from his lack of having any record on which to run. Either that or he has now decided to embark on a campaign based on nothing more than some of the most outrageous lies imaginable. The most recent of these came while speaking to the American Society of Newspaper Editors at a luncheon in Washington, D.C., on Tuesday. It was then that Barack Hussein Obama went so far as to actually accuse the Republican-controlled House of Representatives of attempting “to impose a radical vision on our country” through the budget proposal it passed last week. For him to actually make such an accusation was really quite remarkable, especially when it is so obvious that the only one taking great pains to do just that is…Barack Hussein Obama. In his delivering this “speech” Barry attempts to perpetuate the campaign theme of late with it being pretty much in line with a “speech” he delivered at a campaign event in Vermont on Friday. It was there that he argued that “you’re-on-your-own economics” has not worked in the United States, called for more redistribution of wealth, and declared: “I am my brother’s keeper.” Despite his idiotic claim, the "you're-on-your-own economics" to which he referred has worked far better than anything that has been tried.

In this last phrase, Barry was apparently alluding to the book of Genesis, and spinning to fit his own definition, in which Cain, after killing his brother Abel, tells God: "Am I my brother's keeper?" Barry told the newspaper editors, “This congressional Republican budget is something different altogether.” Adding, “It is a Trojan Horse. Disguised as deficit reduction plans, it is really an attempt to impose a radical vision on our country. “It is thinly veiled social Darwinism,” Barry lied. “It is antithetical to our entire history as a land of opportunity and upward mobility for everybody who’s willing to work for it; a place where prosperity doesn’t trickle down from the top, but grows outward from the heart of the middle class. And by gutting the very things we need to grow an economy that’s built to last--education and training, research and development, our infrastructure -- it is a prescription for decline.” Can anyone look back over the last three years and not come to the conclusion that what has occurred during that time has not been an attempt to impose on this country a very radical agenda? Is there a better definition for "social Darwinism" than what Barry has repeatedly shoved down our throats since assuming office? As well, if there is anything that can rightfully be described as being a prescription for decline, it's the Barry presidency in its entirety. Because were it not for the polices Barry has put into effect we'd now be in a much better place, both economically and financially.

The budget the Republican House passed just last Thursday, at least according to Congressional Quarterly Today, would spend $5 trillion less over the next 10 years than Barry "Almighty" proposed and flattens income taxes to just two rates, 10 percent and 25 percent. Amazingly, Barry, in his little theatrical address to the newspaper editors gathered, proceeded to issue a blistering attack on the entire notion that excessive government regulation and taxation are what is actually hindering job growth in the United States. “They keep telling us that if we’d just strip away more regulations, and let businesses pollute more and treat workers and consumers with impunity, that somehow we’d all be better off,” lied Obama. “We’re told that when the wealthy become even wealthier, and corporations are allowed to maximize their profits by whatever means necessary, it’s good for America, and that their success will automatically translate into more jobs and prosperity for everybody else. That’s the theory.” This class warfare stuff is all he's got, and he's out there giving it his all. It's the standard nonsense we always hear from Democrats when they have nothing else. Their ability to achieve electoral victory rests entirely on how successful they are in deceiving the American people. And Barry is quite pathological in his efforts to assign the crimes of the Democrat Party to the GOP.

Barry has repeatedly attempted to paint a picture of America where it is the Republicans in government who have repeatedly failed to 'use' government to stop “insurance companies or credit card companies or mortgage lenders” from taking “advantage” of American citizens, while recklessly handing out tax cuts to the “wealthiest.” “So we tried this theory out,” lied Barry. “And you would think that after the results of this experiment in trickle-down economics, after the results were made painfully clear, that the proponents of this theory might show some humility, might moderate their views a bit. You'd think they’d say, you know what, maybe some rules and regulations are necessary to protect the economy and prevent people from being taken advantage of by insurance companies or credit card companies or mortgage lenders. Maybe, just maybe, at a time of growing debt and widening inequality, we should hold off on giving the wealthiest Americans another round of big tax cuts.” Look, lets not forget who it was that literally forced those evil mortgage lenders into making loans to people who had absolutely no hope of ever being able to pay them back. It was the Democrats in Congress together with two Democrat presidents, Carter and Clinton, courtesy of a little something called the "Community Re-Investment Act (CRA).

“But that’s exactly the opposite of what they’ve done,” Barry lied yet again. “Instead of moderating their views even slightly, the Republicans running Congress right now have doubled down, and proposed a budget so far to the right it makes the Contract with America look like the New Deal. Ya know, I find quite appalling that Barry could actually stand there, and with a straight face accuse the Republicans of doubling down and of not being willing to moderate their views. It's really pretty amazing. When, over the course of the last three years, has our socialist zealot of a president EVER chose to moderate his views as he has gone about his stated mission of "fundamentally transforming" our country? Can anyone provide to me just one instance where he has shown any desire whatsoever to compromise without resorting to name calling. He's not a leader, he's a bully and a thug! And worse than that, he's a liar. Every single action that he has taken or policy that he has put into place since he first came into office has done nothing but to makes matter very much worse. Whether your talking about our employment situation, our economic situation, our financial situation or our energy situation, all are in very much worse condition because of Barry and the Democrats, not the Republicans. That is his record. Hence his resorting to his current tactics.

And it was also in this very same “speech” where we heard Barry accused the House Republicans of being extremist that he also went on to accuse journalists of being, what he called, "too balanced" at least when it comes to their reporting on his conflict with Republicans over the federal budget. Too balanced? I'm curious, just who the Hell is it that he's he been watching or reading? I'm pretty sure it isn't Fox News. Saying, “I guess another way of thinking about this--and this bears on your reporting--I think that there is often times the impulse to suggest that if the two parties are disagreeing that they are equally at fault and the truth lies somewhere in the middle, equivalence is presented, which reinforces people’s cynicism about Washington in general,” Barry said. “This is not a situation where there is equivalence.” Adding, “I’ve got some of the most liberal Democrats in Congress were prepared to make some of the most significant changes in entitlements that go against their political interest and who said they were willing to do it,” Barry lied. “We couldn’t get a Republican to stand up and say we’ll raise some revenue or even to say we won’t give more tax cuts to people who don’t need them.” So I guess he's now asking these folks to assist him a bit more aggressively in his efforts to convince the American people that it is the Democrats who are willing to compromise and the Republicans who remain stubbornly intransigent, even though it's the complete opposite that's true.

“So, as all of you are doing your reporting, I think it’s important to remember, the positions I’m taking now on the budget and a host of other issues, if we’d been having this discussion 20 years ago, or even 15 years ago, would have been considered squarely centrist positions,” Barry told the editors. Centrist? And again in his attempt to place all of the blame squarely on the GOP, Barry claimed that, “What’s changed is the center of the Republican Party. That’s certainly true with the budget.” Is this not some of the incredible drivel you've ever heard? Then why is it that a version of Barry's $3.6 Trillion budget, when voted on in the House last month, didn't receive a single DEMOCRAT vote and therefore died a very deserving death, 0-414. Barry seems to be living in a world that's very far removed from any semblance of reality. And it would seem that the level of blatant dishonesty possessed by this man, our president, knows no bounds. He will say whatever it is that he feels he needs to in order to justify his subversive activities. He will lie, mislead and distort to the extent he deems as being necessary in his effort to paint the opposition as being the primary cause for this country being in the shape that it is. And unfortunately, there remains in this country a significant portion of our population who is either too stupid or too lazy to recognize the fact that they are being lied to again and again and again.

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