

Monday, April 30, 2012


A rather pompous Al Gore, in what was a very obvious attempt effort to energize apparently devoted followers of his cockamamie theory that continues to make him very rich, on Friday refuted claims that global warming is a myth, going so far as to say that 97 to 98 percent of the worlds’ scientists now attest to its veracity. That may, however, be more than a slight exaggeration of the fact, on the part of old Al. Gore was the keynote speaker at the inauguration of Hampshire College President, Jonathan Lash Friday. The theme of Lash’s inauguration was “Educating for Change: critical thinking in a critical time.” What a bunch of hogwash, I don't think I'd be sending any of my kids to this treatment facility, thinly disguised as a supposed institution of higher learning. Not that I'd likely be able to afford it anyway. This Hampshire College is just the tip of the iceberg here and should be considered as being far from the only college out there where our children are being subjected to a theory that can only be described as lunacy and far from being proven.

For those of you who may never have heard of this particular little institution, Hampshire College, at least according to Wikipedia, is a private liberal arts college located, where else but in, Massachusetts. It first opened its doors back in 1970 with its mission being to serve as an experiment in alternative education, in association with four other colleges in there in Pioneer Valley. Together they are now known as the Five Colleges, or the Five College Area. The college is widely known for its alternative curriculum, focus on portfolios rather than distribution requirements, and reliance on narrative evaluations instead of grades and GPAs. It is known particularly for facilitating the study of film, music, theater and the visual arts. In some fields, it is among the top undergraduate institutions in percentage of graduates who enroll in graduate school. Fifty-six percent of its alumni have at least one graduate degree and it is ranked 30th among all US colleges in the percentage of its graduates who go on to attain a doctorate degree. Or, so says Wikipedia.

Al was introduced by Hampshire alumnus Gary Hirshberg, co-founder of some New Hampshire-based outfit by the name Stonyfield Farm, who took the opportunity to announce a $1 million donation to the college for, of all things, its commitment to the environment. After being introduced by this like-minded goof, Gore went on to blather for about 20 minutes, which I'm sure must have seemed like much longer, before the more than 2,000 people who were said to have packed the tent on the campus lawn. His speech ranged from the telling of stories about growing up in Nashville, Tenn., at a time of the civil rights movement to need to addressing injustice wherever it might be found. He actually spent just a few minutes addressing the environment and global warming. I'm thinking that that was the case probably because he was standing in front of a crowd fellow travelers, so to speak, who therefore needed very little, if any, convincing that the doom and gloom that Al is known for preaching about, is actually taking place.

In Gore's commencement speech, our stellar former vice president told the graduates that global warming is “the most serious challenge our civilization has ever faced.” Now I suppose if you bought into this whole line of climate change malarkey, you would think that after watching old Al propagate this drivel for the last number of years, and in the rather convincing nature that he goes about doing so, that he must be a pretty smart guy. But apparently, such is not the case. You see, as an undergraduate at Harvard University in the late 1960s, Gore, one of the most prominent spokesmen on climate change today, earned a “D” in Natural Sciences. Gore’s transcript documents that during his sophomore year at Harvard he earned a "D" in Natural Sciences 6 (Man’s Place in Nature). Also, as a senior at Harvard, he earned a C-plus in Natural Sciences 118. Oddly enough that weak amount of brain power didn't hinder Gore, along with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, from being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007.

And I'm sure most of us can remember back 2007 when our old buddy Al, together with that U.N Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, won the Nobel Prize, and those who decide such things made it quite obvious just how detached from reality they really are. And there was that joke of a movie, “An Inconvenient Truth,” a film about his campaign to re-educate people about global warming, and that "won" two Oscars in 2006. Since then many have contested the veracity of the claims that climate change is caused by humans. Al said that some claim environmental change is caused by sunspots or volcanoes.” Adding, "That’s not true. It’s an urgent problem that requires urgent attention and must be addressed.” Gore told those students who were present, “You will have the opportunity to do things greater than you can possibly imagine," Gore said. "And now is the time. We need an American spring this spring. We need to occupy democracy.” As might be expected, Al's remarks drew wild applause.

Then in his official remarks following his assuming his new position as the sixth president of Hampshire College, Lash also spoke about his supposed concern for the environment. “I think what we are doing to our earth is stupid, wrong, short-sighted and completely unnecessary,” Lash, who, which it should come as no surprise, describes himself as being a "card-carrying greenie," said. Lash went so far as to refer to this time as belonging to something referred to as the Anthropocene era, which some scientists are calling some new geologic era. “Part of my role at Hampshire will be to be relentless and ambitious about what our community can do to live, and prepare our students to thrive in the Anthropocene," Lash said. "How can we link our farm and our food, our curriculum and our operations, our understanding of culture and art, and our notion of humankind's place on earth to make a difference in the course of events.” Is this an institute of higher learning or is it instead is it another facility more concerned with the brainwashing "students"?

Ok, and for those of you like me who think all of this is nothing more than an scheme to destroy my country and don't really go along with all of this global warming mumbo-jumbo, you may not be familiar with the analogy that is being made here by this nut. Neither was I, but according to Wikipedia, again not the ideal source for seeking accurate information but convenient for now, the Anthropocene is a recent and informal geologic chronological term that serves to mark the evidence and extent of human activities that have had a significant global impact on the Earth's ecosystems. The term was coined by some kook ecologist by the name Eugene F. Stoermer but has been widely popularized by the another Nobel Prize winning nut job, atmospheric chemist, Paul Crutzen, who, it just so happens, regards the influence of human behavior on the Earth's atmosphere in recent centuries as so significant as to constitute a new geological era for its lithosphere. So, it's nonsense based on nothing more that more nonsense.

This moron Lash outlined seven ways in which the college is addressing these issues, including a climate action project to make the college operations “climate neutral” in 10 years. Another project is a major upgrade of the Robert Crown Center that will result in a major reduction of carbon dioxide emissions and hundreds of thousands of dollars in energy savings. And with money from Hirschberg, he said the college is undertaking a “comprehensive program seeking transitions in the way Hampshire feeds itself, uses its farm, operates its campus…and defines its culture.” What a bunch of idiotic pabulum. I can't help but wonder who it is exactly that would subject their children to such a twisted institution as this in the first place? And what kind of little mind-numbed robots come out the other end after having graduated from this place? It's institutions like this that are poisoning the minds of future generations. Generations that we are going to need to rely on to clean up the mess being created by sleaze balls like Gore. And it is going to take generations.

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