

Friday, April 27, 2012


For quite some time now, I've heard countless political pundits on both ends of the political spectrum, describe this next elections as being everything from crucial to pivotal and one that will most assuredly determine the future of this country. Many compare it to the election of 1980 because the philosophies of two likely candidates could not be more different. But as far as I'm concerned, what this next election will undoubtedly prove, and very clearly indicate, is just how far round the bend the American people have finally progressed. As well, to will demonstrate just how gullible they are when it comes to believing anything that comes from any member of the Democrat Party. Because nowhere else on the planet will you find members of a political party than can be viewed as being more prolific liars. But there is one thing of little doubt, the fate of the country is very much at stake here. We are, quite literally, hanging by a thread. A thread the Democrats seem quite determined to cut and they are looking to women to assist them in that little endeavor. The question is, will they succeed?

Which brings me to one of the Democrat Party's more skilled exaggerators of fact and creators of all things fiction, Nancy "Too Much Botox" Pelosi. The esteemed Ms. Pelosi recently was quite busy making more of her typical idiotic claims regarding how it is that women’s health care remains an “old favorite target” of Republicans whenever it comes to budget cuts, adding that while the GOP wants “to protect subsidies for big oil,” Democrats want to “prevent breast cancer” and “immunize our children.” Babbling on in a way that only she can do at a Capitol Hill press conference on Thursday she said, in speaking about Republicans in Congress, “Their priority is to protect the subsidies for Big Oil.” And then of course speaking of her fellow Democrats she said, “Our priority is to prevent breast cancer, cervical cancer, to immunize our children, so that they are healthy.” Yup, that's a Democrat priority, by golly. Come on, are there really enough brain dead females in this country who are actually willing to go along with this rather obvious, and rather transparent, attempt at political chicanery?

And as usual old Nancy proceeded to level the same old tired and worn-out charge that those evil Republicans continue to view Obamacare as being nothing more than a slush fund for the administration. “It may be a slush fund to him [House Speaker Boehner], but it’s survival to women,” she said. “It’s survival to women. And that just goes to show you what a luxury he thinks it is to have good health for women. We do not agree.” Are there enough women who are really stupid enough to believe any of this drivel? Aren't any of these women ever going to be having kids, and aren't they going to want those kids to grow up in a country that offers them the greatest chance to achieve some level of success and to maintain some freedom of choice? Or are they going to want their kids to grow up smothered under a mountain of debt created by Nancy and others in her political party? If women truly do care more about their kids than they do for themselves they will not be voting for Democrats. So I'll guess we'll find out what's uppermost in the minds of women come November.

Pelosi began her little rant here by working to tie in the political battle over interest rates on federally backed student loans with her mythical assault on women's health. These interest rates currently are 3.4 percent but are scheduled to rise to 6.8 percent in July unless Congress agrees to extend the current rate. Republicans have said they are open to extending the lower rate if it is paid for with spending cuts. However, Pelosi blathered on saying, “In our budget that we have put forth, we stop that increase, the Republican budget does not. As recently as last week, 100 percent of the Republicans voted for that increase in the Ryan budget. And now, and they were saying they were really growing tired of this whole issue of the interest on student loans and thought that was that.” She continued, “Thankfully, our president went out, made the pitch to the American people with such clarity that the Republicans are now changing their mind and coming back and saying, ‘okay, we won’t have it go from 3.4 to 6.8, but in order to pay for it we’re going to make an assault on women’s health,’” Pelosi said.

Never being one who is the least bit shy about telling all manner of lies, old Nancy went on to say, “And pay for this with prevention initiatives that are in effect right now for childhood immunization, for screening for breast cancer, for cervical cancer and for initiatives to reduce birth defects, a large part of what the Centers for Disease Control does in terms of prevention.” Adding, “We will not support a bill that robs Peter to pay Paul, which ostensibly supports a middle-class initiative on making those very same people pay for it,” Pelosi added. “I don’t know what it is that the Republicans have against the idea that there’s a positive role that we can do in a public-private way to make America healthier. That a women’s health is central to the health of her family, they consider it a slush fund to pay for women’s health. We consider it an absolute necessity and that’s the difference here.” Man I gotta tell ya, I thought it pretty humorous when Nancy said that Democrats would not be in favor of robbing Peter to pay Paul. I thought that was the typical Democrat budgetary process.

Pelosi stated that House Democrats will be "whipping against" the $5.9 Billion Republican package to extend the student loan rate, which is set for a vote on Friday. The Republican bill pays for the extension in the student loan rate at 3.4 percent with $17 billion in cuts to a Prevention and Public Health Fund created by the President’s health care law. Old Nancy continued the typical Democrat mantra alleging that House Republicans are protecting “Big Oil” subsidies at the expense of their “favorite target” of women’s health as a way to pay for the extension of the loan rate. When asked if the student loan debate was political posturing in an era of $1 trillion deficits, Pelosi said, “I don’t see it as any posturing, $6 billion is $6 billion.” “We say, ‘okay, we want to pay for it,’ and we can pay for it by going to subsidies for big oil and gas,” she said. I swear, dishonesty as well as blatant hypocrisy just oozes from every pore of this bitches old, saggy body. She just makes shit up as she goes along. It doesn't matter that she has no facts to back up what she says.

Pelosi continued: “And what we see here is what are the priorities of the parties in Washington, D.C.? We say big oil and gas get subsidies to have incentives to drill so that they can make probably $1 trillion dollars over the next 10 years. Certainly, we could spare some of that money for the student loan -- reducing the student loan interest.” “The Republicans say, ‘No! Leave the subsidies for big oil intact and let’s take it out of our old favorite target: women’s health,’” she said. “And that’s just wrong.” “But it is what we come here to do, to debate priorities,” Pelosi said. “Their priority is to protect the subsidies for big oil, our priority is to prevent breast cancer, cervical cancer, to immunize our children, so that they are healthy. And if they think that it’s a good economy, a good economic measure, fiscal measure, to stop immunization because it’s largely for poor children, that’s really very harmful to the health of all of our children.” “It’s important to all of us that poor children get immunized, but everybody has to get immunized,” she said.

I just think it's so sad that in this country we no longer possess anything that can be said to even remotely resemble a media could rightfully be called a watchdog, guarding "We the People" against an ever more intrusive federal government. Instead, the majority of today's faux journalists gladly hop aboard the Democrat bullshit express and loudly trumpet absurdities of every stripe, such as there being some GOP assault on women's health, as being fact. If there's one thing that I've learned from many years of watching how it is that these sleazy Democrats like Nancy operate, it's that the things that they most loudly accuse the Republicans of doing, upon closer inspection, usually turn out to be the very same things that we find being done by Democrats. Ya know, maybe it's because Democrats just aren't as bright as conservatives that they continue to fall for this little tripe or maybe, because of the fact they're liberal parasites and perfectly content with mooching off the rest of us, it simply isn't important enough for them to worry about. Either way, until enough people are able recognize this ridiculous charade for what it is, scumbags like Pelosi will continue to work it as long as it continues to work for them.

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