

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Going all the way back to before the 2008 election, many comparisons have been made between Barry and Jimmy with some being good and some being not so good. Many, like myself, have noted many less than flattering similarities between these two socialists, saying that the first term, and hopefully the last, of Barry "Almighty's" presidency would be nothing more than the second term of Jimmy "The Bonehead" Carter. And I think it fair to say that that can now be said to be a fact. Also, I think, evidence would seem to be mounting that suggests, now more than ever, that Barry is morphing, or has already morphed, into a Carter. Albeit a Carter on steroids. I mean just look around you. We now have more people than ever before living on food stamps and/or receiving some form of government "assistance", we're paying $4 a gallon for gas, the price of food is increasing nearly as rapidly as the price of gas and real unemployment, and not that being reported by Barry, remains very firmly in double digits.

And there are even a few on the left who also see a resemblance between these two. In fact it was in an Op-Ed article back on July 30, 2011, that even the dour New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd made the comparison. This is some of what she said: “Democratic lawmakers worry that the tea party freshmen have already ‘neutered’ the president, as one told me. They fret that Obama is an inept negotiator. They worry that he should have been out in the country selling a concrete plan, rather than once more kowtowing to Republicans and, as with the stimulus plan, healthcare and Libya, one Democratic U.S. senator said this referring to the Obama, “The president veers between talking like a peevish professor and a scolding parent.” Another moaned: “We are watching him turn into Jimmy Carter right before our eyes.” Dowd, who once loved Barry, seems to be souring on her liberal-media created sensation and apparently believed at the time, and may still, that the comparison of Barry to Jimmy is a valid one.

So let's take a very brief looks at these two outstanding examples of what it means to be a Democrat, to see what might be some of the more valid comparisons between the presidencies of Barry and Jimmy:

How about we start with the management style of these two. When most of us think of Carter, the first word that xomes to mind is inept. Look, I think most of us remember Carter being pretty much completely ineffective the entire four years he was in office. He was seen as being a compulsive micromanager who even had to decide who was allowed to play on the White House tennis court. Barry is also seen as being ineffective. He is the ultimate delegator who likes being president but doesn’t really care much for all of the work involved or required. He much prefers to subcontract presidential leadership to the likes of "Dingy" Harry Reid and Nancy "Stretch" Pelosi on matters such as healthcare and economic "stimulus" and to "Slow Joe" Biden on matters involving spending and energy. And he prefers to avoid all the entanglements resulting from matters involving foreign affairs preferring, instead, to leave such things to our less than stellar Secretary of State, Hitlery Clinton.

Next we have how they compare in the handling of Iran. This is one of those déjà vu all over again moments. I think it very fair to say that Carter was quite literally paralyzed from the neck up by the Iranian hostage crisis where we had 52 Americans who were held against their will for 444 days from Nov. 4, 1979 to Jan. 20, 1981 (the day Ronald Reagan was sworn in as president). During his presidency, Carter was consumed by this crisis and in the end was simply powerless to end it. There was a failed rescue attempt which served as being the perfect symbol of his failed presidency. If there was anything that very clearly deomonsatrated the fact that Carter was thoroughly in over his head, it was his inability to deal with this crisis. Also the rise of Islamic extremism that we are experiencing today had it's start and was provided with a huge boost from Carter, who effectively drove from power a staunch ally in the Shah of Iran and escorted into power, that nut Ayatollah Khomeini. That's where things definitely started to go south.

Barry, as I'm sure we all remember, ran on what was a platform of appeasement and repeatedly apologized to any and all foreign enemy powers for any and all past American “aggression”, real or imagined, and pledged to usher in a new approach toward Iran that would bring better relations between the U.S. and Iran. Barry has exerted very little effort and has therefore failed miserably in being able to bring Iran around and in fact, two American hikers were held hostage for more than 18 months by the Iranian government before their release upon payment of what amounted to a ransom. Iran continues to crack down on its people and is accelerating plans to build nuclear weapons. They also continue to arm rebels in Iraq, Syria and other Middle East hot spots, all in an effort to destabilize the region. Oh, and let’s not forget the capture by Iran of our U.S. drone. And as we know all Barry did was to very politely ask for it back. I'm sure he even said, pretty please.

Let's now move on to the area of energy, or lack of. In 1979 America faced an oil crisis in the aftermath of the Iranian Revolution. A revolution essentially made possible by Carter himself through a foreign policy that bordered on being insanely inept. OPEC reduced production, and as a result, oil prices shot through the roof and supply was severely curtailed. Carter, instead of taking on OPEC and demanding increased production, imposed rationing on gasoline and home heating oil and placed tariffs on imported oil. The result was that America literally ran out of gas and what gas there was to be had could be purchased at outrageous prices. And today in the aftermath of a sluggish response to the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, Barry has ceased drilling in the Gulf and set in place a moratorium on new offshore drilling. This action was being taken despite America’s dependency on foreign oil and gas prices that have risen over 120 percent since Barry took office. His "all of the above" energy policy is essentially a joke.

Since assuming office, Barry has effectively shut down all drilling here at home anywhere on "public" lands. At the same time he gave a "loan" to Brazil of millions of taxpayer money to subsidize that country's off shore drilling. He has stated that he wanted the U.S. to be Brazil's first customer. But how about we do some drilling here at home? We already have Mexico, China and even India drilling in the Gulf of Mexico, but U.S. firms are prohibited. And Barry's EPA can now be said to be running out of control having now demonstrated a vendetta of sorts against all fossil fuels, most recently going after coal burning powerplants. Barry remains stubbornly persistant regardng the persuing of so-called "green energy" technology that he claims will not only make this country energy independent but will also create millions of new jobs. But so far all that we have seen from his many green energy give aways is our watching one company after another go belly up with hundreds of millions of taxpayer money being poured down a very deep hole.

And in the area of the Economy the similarities continue. Because of his failure to lead and his failed economic policies of government spending and indecision, the misery index of unemployment plus inflation ¬ crested at 20 percent under Carter’s watch, the highest since World War II. Add to that double-digit interest rates and you have “stagflation.” Stagflation is defined as a situation in which the inflation rate is high and the growth rate is low. The result was high prices, high unemployment, low confidence, and low growth. There is no doubt that Barry, like Jimmy, inherited a recession, however, it is equally apparent that both made their situations very much worse by their actions and inaction. Barry, again like Carter, went on a government-spending spree in response to the recession with little to show for it. Barry promised that if his $800 billion stimulus was passed, the national unemployment rate would not exceed 8 percent. Whoops, we know how well that worked.

Staying with the economy, our unemployment rate has not dipped below 8 percent since Barry has been president and spiked above 10 percent well after the stimulus was passed. Instead of dealing with high unemployment, soaring energy prices, record home foreclosures, bankruptcies and record-setting debt, Barry turned his attention to the seizing of our healthcare and starting what amounted to a third war in Libya. Barry caused the current self-inflicted crisis over the debt-ceiling increase by failing to lead well in advance of the deadline. He could have taken the recommendations of his bipartisan commission as a starting point to lead on spending and deficit reduction over a year ago, but nope, just couldn't bring himsxelf to do it. The central part of his economic plan amounts to nothing more than on the raising of taxes on those evil millionaires. He says over and over how it is that everybody needs to pay their fair share. But what about the 50 percent of us who are allowed to get away with paying absolutely nothing?

So these are just a few of the more obvious similarites than can be noted between these two men who very easily the worst tow presidents of the modern era. Together they are reposnible for causing more damage to this country than you would have thought was humanly possible. And when you throw "BJ" Clinton into the mix, these "Three Stooges" of American politics have been the equivalent of swarm of locust. The resulting amount of damage inflicted upon this country from just these three men over the course of their combined time in office, 16 years, has been monumental and perhaps insurmountable. The events of the last 3 years have served as being the finishing touches on what was began under Carter and Clinton and have now made it all the more imparative that this coming election be our line in the sand. We must use this next election to begin the long, and perhaps very painful, process of getting this country headed back in the right direction. Because the direction in which we are now headed is not conducive to our being able to survive much longer in the manner that our Founders had intended.


  1. I could get really really snide here and ask, so was Jimmy Carter really the first black president but I would not do such a thing on your fine blog, Dan.

    I personally think the most striking comprator lied in your analysis of "ineptness." What is fascinating is that two people with opposite styles net the same result. Misery for U.S. Citizens.

    1. Actually, as we all know it was "BJ" who is said to have been the first "black" president. I think it quite safe to say that this bizarre political philosophy pursued by both Carter and Barry afflicts regardless of race.
