

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Personally, I'm thinkin that there is an abundance of evidence that makes it painfully obvious that we haven't had a Justice Department this screwed up since the days of Janet Reno. Especially when it comes to all issues of race. Of course, as we have seen on quite a few occasions over the course of the last 3+ years, that seems to be a one way street. A point that is made all the more clear by the fact that our very stellar Attorney General, Eric Holder, recently saw fit to heap all manner of praise on left-wing kook, perennial race baiter and faux reverend, Al "Bull Horn" Sharpton at the opening of the National Action Network (NAN) convention on Wednesday. And I guess Holder also too the opportunity to stress that the Justice Department is now conducting what he termed as being a thorough investigation of the fatal Trayvon Martin shooting that “will examine the facts and the law.” Boy, I certain feel better don't you?

"Bull Horn" Sharpton, president of this group referred to as NAN, which most likely is nothing more than a method by which Sharpton can get for himself some taxpayer money, as well as being the host of MSNBC’s Politics Nation, has led several rallies demanding the arrest of George Zimmerman, who reportedly shot Martin on Feb. 26. On Mar. 30 in Sanford, Fla., where the shooting occurred, old "Bull Horn" pledged that his group would “move to the next level if Zimmerman isn’t arrested.” At the opening of NAN’s 14th annual convention in Washington, D.C., the attorney general first thanked Sharpton “for your partnership, your friendship, and your tireless efforts to speak out for the voiceless, to stand up for the powerless, and to shine a light on the problems we must solve, and the promises we must fulfill.” What a pathetic load of crap. I'm curious, had the roles here been reversed, would Eric be getting involved? Nope!

Concerning Trayvon Martin tragedy, our buddy Eric said, “I know that many of you are greatly, and rightly, concerned about the recent shooting death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, a young man whose future has been lost to the ages." he added, "As most of you know, three weeks ago, the Department of Justice launched an investigation into this incident, which remains open at this time, and prevents me from talking in detail about this matter." he went on to say, “Although I cannot share where current efforts will lead us from here, I can assure you that, in this investigation – and in all cases – we will examine the facts and the law.” Holder said, “If we find evidence of a potential federal criminal civil rights crime, we will take appropriate action. And, at every step, the facts and the law will guide us forward." Look, I think it safe to say that Holder is more than a little selective when it comes to allowing the law to guide him in any direction.

This silly little thing called the National Action Network of his, which "Bull Horn" founded, has held multiple rallies about the Martin shooting, largely critical of shooter George Zimmerman, irrespective of an ongoing investigation. And it seem to matter very little of old "Bull Horn" that very few facts have been public regarding exactly how it was that things went down that night. And even though Zimmerman said he acted in self-defense after following Martin on Feb. 26, with him now having been arrested it appears that once again this sleazy sort of tactics has appeared to work. And now that the Florida special prosecutor has announced his arrest, might the question now be asked is Mr. Zimmerman being railroaded in an effort to quell racial violence. After all, "Bull Horn" has led several rallies, shouting "Arrest Zimmerman Now!" and has gone so far as to call for civil disobedience and an "occupation" in Sanford, FL, if an arrest is not made and soon.

So we now have a Justice Department headed up by a guy who I can only assume has no problem with those advocating vigilante type justice as long as they are black and the focus of their wrath is a non-black. Zimmerman has been described as being a white-Hispanic, although I'm not really familiar with that ethnic group. But it matters not, because in Mr. Holder's universe everyone but blacks are presumed to be guilty with the burden being placed on them to prove otherwise. Thus the upside down world we now live in courtesy of Mr. Holder and his boss Barry "Almighty". Everyone but blacks are now labeled as being consumed by racism while blacks are treated as if they are as pure as the wind driven snow. But sadly while there is an epidemic of black on black violence, Mr. Holder seems more interested in looking for racism where none exists. Because, I can only assume, that's what works politically. So how many more black lives will need to be sacrificed at the hands of other blacks before these people wake up and recognize the fact that their future isn’t being helped by the likes of Sharpton, or even Holder for that matter.

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