

Saturday, April 14, 2012


According to one of our favorite faux “reverends”, old Al “Bull Horn” Sharpton, inequities in our criminal justice system go all the way back to the time of Jesus. His idiotic comments came as he was discussing, what else but, the Trayvon Martin case. Sharpton told a gathering of his National Action Network in Washington, D.C., this past Thursday, “We believe in Jesus, they crucified him and never had a charge.” In attempting to further his imbecilic analogy, Sharpton said, “They never charged, there wasn’t no crime on his indictment. So we’ve got to deal with the inequities of the criminal justice system. The fact that we (black people) are overly-incarcerated, the fact that we go to court and are treated differently, and the fact that when we’re victimized there is not the same response. That’s what Trayvon was about.” What an absolute bunch of drivel. It’s because of guys like Sharpton and his many Democrat Party masters who have literally obliterated the black family, that more blacks are incarcerated. Like it or not, that is the root cause for nearly every problem faced by those in the black community. It is these people who blacks have been, and continue to be, repeatedly victimized by. Blacks continue to be their won worst enemy and the majority of the problems they face, as a community, are self-inflicted.

Sharpton and his National Action Network have led a number of protest rallies in recent weeks, demanding the arrest of neighborhood watch captain George Zimmerman, who told police he shot 17-year-old Trayvon in self-defense. Sharpton, who hosts both a radio and TV show on MSNBC, with a combined audience of roughly a dozen or so, said Martin’s attorney Benjamin Crump called him last month, requesting publicity about Trayvon’s death: “The reason they called us was to try and make it a big case,” “Bull Horn” said. “I put Crump on the radio show that day and on the television show that night, and we began building.” Adding, “Then everybody say, ‘Well they ain’t gonna get nothing done no how.’ And it kept going and rallying and people got involved -- culminating, as you know, with Zimmerman now being charged with second-degree murder. “Now they are going to attack those of us involved, ‘cause that’s what they always do. Part of the job of activists is, you want them to attack you and not the victim and the family. You want to absolve it to you. So I’m ready for all of that.” Sharpton is about as far removed from being a true “activist” as you can get. He’s an anarchist and a rabble-rouser, his is not an activist who places the interests of others above those of himself. He’s completely the opposite.

As for the repeated criticisms that his tactics are racially polarizing, “Bull Horn” very quickly responds in typical “Bull Horn” fashion saying, “If nobody is upset with you, you are not doing much of anything.” Sharpton admits that he doesn’t really know what happened on February 26, the night Zimmerman shot Martin. All he knows is that Trayvon (black) was “an unarmed young man that committed no crime,” while Zimmerman (described as white-Hispanic) was “an armed man that was not even a law enforcement officer or a registered watchman.” He droned on saying, “He should have been arrested and have to stand trial. That’s all we say.” Sharpton said he will continue to fight Florida’s Stand Your Ground law, the self-defense statute that could be used in Zimmerman’s defense. “The reason this (Zimmerman) case is serious is the ramifications of this will determine Stand Your Ground in 21 states,” Sharpton said. Look, the only reason “Bull Horn” is choosing to focus his showboating efforts in this case is because he sees it as being yet another opportunity that will allow him to, by seizing upon a tragedy, garner some publicity for himself. He, as well as other of these “civil rights leaders”, continue to ignore mounting black on black crime that leaves far more casualties in its wake than does any of these various “stand your ground” laws.

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