

Friday, April 27, 2012


Well, well, well, what do we have here? You see, it seems that Time magazine, not a publication that I usually spend any time reading these days, has gotten hold of a memo written by then-CIA head, and Clinton retread, Leon Panetta, after he received orders from Barry’s team to green light the bin Laden mission. Here’s the text, which summarized the situation: "Received phone call from Tom Donilon who stated that the President made a decision with regard to AC1 [Abbottabad Compound 1]. The decision is to proceed with the assault. The timing, operational decision making and control are in Admiral McRaven’s hands. The approval is provided on the risk profile presented to the President. Any additional risks are to be brought back to the President for his consideration. The direction is to go in and get bin Laden and if he is not there, to get out. Those instructions were conveyed to Admiral McRaven at approximately 10:45 am." What we see here is a memo written in typical Barry-speak and came with a ready made exit built in for our "Fearless Leader" just in case events should take an unexpected turn to the south. This guy is such a piece of work.

Anyway, the memo describes the scenario that forms the basis for what was referred to as being Barry's famed “gutsy call.” Here’s how Tom " The Douche Bag" Hanks narrated it in Barry’s campaign film, “The Road We’ve Traveled”:
HANKS: Intelligence reports locating Osama Bin Laden were promising, but inconclusive, and there was internal debate as to what the President should do.
VICE PRESIDENT "SLOW JOE" BIDEN: We sat down in the Situation Room, the entire national security apparatus was in that room, and the President turns to every principal in the room, every secretary, “What do you recommend I do?” And they say, “Well, forty-nine percent chance he’s there, fifty-one … it’s a close call, Mr. President.” As he walked out the room, it dawned on me, he’s all alone. This is his decision. If he was wrong, his Presidency was done. Over.

However, a funny thing seems to have happened here in desctibing this entire scenario. You see, the memo doesn’t show any gutsy call. It doesn’t show a president willing to take the blame for a mission gone wrong. What it does shows is a CYA maneuver by the White House. The memo puts all control of the evolution in the hands of Admiral McRaven – the “timing, operational decision making and control” are all up to Adm. McRaven. So the notion that Barry and his team were walking through every stage of the operation is more that a little incorrect. It's a LIE! The hero here was McRaven, not Barry. And had the mission gone wrong, McRaven surely would have been thrown under the bus, hung out to dry and sent packing. The memo is crystal clear on that point. It says that the decision has been made based solely on the “risk profile presented to the President.” If any other risks – no matter how minute – arose, they were “to be brought back to the President for his consideration.” This is ludicrous. It is wiggle room. It was Barry’s way of carving out space for himself in case the mission went bad. If it did, he’d say that there were additional risks of which he hadn’t been informed; he’d been kept in the dark by his military leaders.

Finally, this memo is unclear on just what the mission was. Was it to capture Bin Laden or to kill him? The White House itself was unable to decide what the mission was in the hours after the Bin Laden kill, and actually switched its language. The memo shows why: McRaven was instructed to “get” Bin Laden, whatever that meant. Now while the case can be made that Barry did make the right call to give the green light to the mission, it was made in typical Barry fashion. I say that because it's obvious that he did it in such a way that he could, if needed, very easily shift the blame to others if things went wrong. And as is usual for him, he was pretty quick to claim full credit for it, even though he really did nothing more than to give some vague nod, while putting his top military officials at risk of taking the hit in case of a bad turn. This is our joke of a Commander-in-Chief. For him, those in the military serve no other purpose than to be used whenever the opportunity presents itself to enhance this pathetic president's supposed military prowess. He is a disgusting human being and undeserving of any amount of respect. I'm so glad that I retired before this guy would have been my Commander-in-Chief.

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