

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


As if we needed any further proof that these pathetic Democrats feel that they are somehow entitled to run roughshod over the rest of us, we now find out that they are readying plans to force a floor vote on legislation that would essentially invalidate Arizona’s "controversial" immigration statute should the Supreme Court uphold the law later this summer. And who else should be behind the plan by our old friend, Chuckie "A Few Sandwiches Short of a Picnic" Schumer. Our favorite sleazy DEMOCRAT from New York, will announce the Democrat fallback legislation at a hearing on the Arizona law Tuesday, a day before the Supreme Court is to begin hearing oral arguments in a suit to determine whether Arizona had the authority to enact the 2010 state law which actually does nothing more than to enforce Federal law. But hey, that matters very little to Chuckie and his fellow psychopaths because their sole purpose here is to garner for themselves some more voters. Voters that they can work to get attached to the government teat and therefore firmly in the Democrat camp whether they're here legally or not. You see. Democrats aren't really bothered all that much when it comes to having anything to do with making people actually obey our laws. Because, as we've seen so many time, they rarely do themselves.

While this little piece of Democrat legislation will ultimately have little or no chance of passing in a stalemated Senate or being approved by a GOP-held House, it would most likely aid slimy Democrats like Chuckie in their attempt to push their electoral advantage with Latino voters just as the presidential campaign heats up in July. Which I guess begs the question, just how stupid are Latinos anyway? I mean really. Why is it so important that people who are breaking our laws by being here and yet should somehow be permitted to stay here? If it's that important to them, then maybe they should all go, especially if they're going to possess so little regard for our laws! Anyway this supposed scheme is designed to allow Democrats a route by which they can then express their displeasure with the Arizona law if the court allows it to stand, and it would then force Republicans to take a clear position on the law during the height of the presidential campaign. The immigration law is deeply unpopular with Latino voters, who could be key to the outcome of the presidential and Senate races in several Western states. Like I said, if these people support the breaking of our laws, they don’t deserve to remain here whether they're here legally or not. Either they are with us, or they are against us.

“If the court upholds the Arizona law, Congress can make it clear that what Arizona is doing goes beyond what the federal government and what Congress ever intended,” old Chuckie said in a recent interview. He went so far as to actually call the Arizona law an “assault on the domain of the federal government” that Congress will need to address if the court allows it to stand. As chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee’s subcommittee on immigration, old Chuckie will hold a hearing Tuesday to discuss the impact of the Arizona law. The state senator who wrote the statute will appear, as will a number of those who oppose the law. Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer (R), the law’s chief proponent, was invited, and rightfully so, declined to attend. Why should she subject herself to what most assured be and opportunity for Democrats to do a little grandstanding. Ya know, old Chuckie is about as full of shit as one man can be. Most rational thinking people are able to recognize what Chuckie is trying to pull off here, so he's not really fooling anybody. And he's not near a clever as he seems to think he is. He is, as well as the people like him, the root cause of why this country is currently in the mess that it is. And you would think that even Latino voters would be able to figure that out. But, I guess not.

I'm sure we all recall how it was that the Barry "Almighty" administration chose to sue to prevent implementation of the Arizona law, which included a provision requiring local law enforcement to actually check the immigration status of anyone stopped or arrested who they "suspect" is in the country illegally. The argument was that the Constitution gives the federal government jurisdiction over immigration laws and that the state’s statue interferes with federal efforts. In response, federal courts have blocked key portions of the law from going into effect. Arizona appealed to the Supreme Court arguing that the state has the power to pass the legislation because Washington has failed, in any meaningful way, to deal with the illegal-immigration problem. And that's because the Democrats are pretty much in charge of Washington right now, and the problem is being experienced by a state with a Republican governor and are therefore of little concern, especially when it involves potential voters that the Democrats are busy trying to entice. And again, if Latinos can be so easily persuaded into allowing others to break our laws for no other reason because of their heritage, then they have very clearly demonstrated that they are not worthy of remaining in this country either.

In what is very clearly nothing more than another blatant attempt by Democrats in their continuing efforts to re-write our Constitution, Old Chuckie says that while he believes that the court will side with the federal government, nonetheless, he is prepared to act if it does not. Because if it does choose to come down on the side of Arizona he is standing at the ready to propose a new law that would require federal approval for all new state immigration laws, essentially blocking implementation of Arizona’s law and others like it that have passed elsewhere. According to old Chuckie, his legislation would also bar states from imposing their own penalties, beyond federal sanctions, for employers who hire illegal immigrants. Some business leaders have said they are concerned new state rules on hiring could lead to a patchwork of conflicting employment rules across the country. Well look there's are really simply solution here. All that really needs to happen is for the federal government to actually start enforcing laws that are currently on the books. Such action would serve two purposes. It would free up states to spend money on other important issues and it would most likely result in more deportations. But until Washington decides to enforce federal laws, states are left with no alternative.

Presumed Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney has said the he opposes the federal lawsuit filed by the Barry "Almighty" administration to block the Arizona law. But he has also been working to improve his image with Hispanic voters, who, at least according to the latest NBC News-Wall Street Journal poll, now seem to favor Barry "Almighty" by more than 40 points. Those numbers come after Romney took a hard line on immigration during the Republican primary season, opposing the Dream Act, which would provide a path to citizenship for some young adults brought to the country illegally by their parents as children, and indicating that he supports making life in America tough enough for illegal immigrants that they voluntarily “self-deport.” His campaign has protested that his February comments describing the Arizona law as a “model” for the nation were misinterpreted. At the risk of repeating myself here, if these people are so much in favor of allowing people to break our laws for no other reason than because they're Hispanic, then maybe it's time to significantly reduce our Hispanic population by sending them all back to where it was that they came from. There is no excuse to advocate the breaking or our laws.

It would seem to me that Hispanics in this country have an important decision to make. Is it important for them to be considered as being Americans, or are they simply here for no other reason than to simply take advantage of our generosity as a nation? If they truly do wish to be recognized as Americans, then they should take it upon themselves to be more willing to force politician to abide by our Constitution by recognizing the fact that those who are here illegally do not deserve to remain here. If they view the breaking of our laws to be only a trivial thing then, try as they might, they are not Americans but instead are people who merely reside here. The sad fact of matter is that what it means to be an American has now become so diluted to the point that it really doesn't mean as much as it once did. Therefore there isn't much concern over the point that these people are actually violating our laws by being in this country. It's considered as being no big deal. Well, it is a big deal, and anyone who refuses to see it that way is nothing more than a parasite and not deserving of being called American. And I can only assume that that isn't important to them. Frankly, I'm getting really tired of people coming here and essentially doing nothing more than to simply take up space and mooch of the system. 

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