

Thursday, April 19, 2012


How many times before and/or since the 2008 election have we continued to hear about how it is that because of everything he has experienced throughout his life, Barry knows very well how it feels to struggle? That because of his life experiences, he is better much more in touch with middle class Americans better equipped to help those who are now forced to work so hard just to make ends meet, than are any of his Republican rivals. And we recently heard from Mrs. Barry "Almighty" how it is that Barry has brought us out of the dark and into the light. I can't help but wonder, is she living in the same country that I am? I'm one of those folks on the middle class which she refers to as struggling. And I'm struggling because of her husband who is perfectly content with $4 a gallon gas, skyrocketing food prices and unemployment that, despite his claims, remains very firmly stuck in double digits!

So I guess I'm not getting how it is that he's supposed to be better able to feel my pain than, say, a Gov. Romney. I thought it quite amusing when recently Barry's Housing and Urban Development Secretary, Shaun Donovan, actually made the claim that Barry “Almighty's” vision as president is shaped by the fact that he knows what "it's like to take a subway or a bus just to find a fresh piece of fruit in a grocery store." Donovan seemed to be suggesting that Barry "Almighty" had once lived in what Mrs. Barry now refers to as a "food desert", a place without a nearby supermarket. Mrs. Barry, as most of you may or may not know, launched an "initiative" to eliminate these places back in 2010. “Why has all this work been such a priority for the president and every one of us in the administration?” Donovan said. “Because he knows what you know: He knows what it’s like to walk the halls of public housing because he’s worked there."

This clown Donovan went on to say, “He knows what it’s like to walk the streets of some of our cities’ poorest neighborhoods because he’s lived there.” Adding, “What it’s like to take a subway or a bus just to find a fresh piece of fruit in a grocery store.” Donovan also said that Barry had to “wonder” about whether he could “afford a college education or decent health care” or be “judged” unfairly. “And [Obama] knows what it’s like to be judged not on your merits or your talent but because of where you come from, what your name is or even what you look like,” Donovan said. Donovan made these idiotic remarks as one of the featured speakers at, where else but, the 14th annual convention of the National Action Network (NAN), which was founded by that faux preacher and professional race baiter, Al "Bull Horn" Sharpton, who is also its current president and who hosts a show on MSNBC entitled “Politics Nation."

And since I’ve never really bothered to read any of the books supposedly written by our “Dear Beloved Leader”, I was recently made aware of yet another one of Barry's "life experiences" that I guess is supposed to reflect his having some point of reference regarding people who are struggling, courtesy of The Daily Caller. It noted that in Barry’s best-selling memoir, “Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance,” Barry recalls being fed dog meat as a young boy in Indonesia with his stepfather, Lolo Soetoro. “With Lolo, I learned how to eat small green chill peppers raw with dinner (plenty of rice), and, away from the dinner table, I was introduced to dog meat (tough), snake meat (tougher), and roasted grasshopper (crunchy),” Barry wrote. So I guess I'm just not sure how it is that I'm supposed to relate to this, or maybe I'm not. Maybe this drivel is directed more toward those who view Barry as being some sort of Messianic figure.

And our beloved First Lady just loves to go on and on about how she and Barry have struggled at times during their own lives. And how, every day, she hears about people's challenges and struggles, what they're doing to try to keep it together, the bills they’re trying to pay, the businesses they’re trying to keep afloat, the home they love but are struggling to afford. And as these two narcissists always do, she makes the claim that, because of what she describes as her own story, she is able to relate to the everyday trials and tribulations of struggling Americans. She talks of her father, who had MS, and was a blue-collar "city worker" all his life. And how here family lived in a little-bitty apartment on the South Side of Chicago. My mother still lives in that house. My room still looks the same -- same sheets, same pictures. How neither of her parents got the chance to attend college. Boohoo, cry me a freakin river.

Mrs. B. claims that Barry knows what it means when a family struggles. This is not a hypothetical. He knows what it means when someone doesn’t have a chance to fulfill their potential, how painful that is. Because those are the experiences that have made him the man, and more importantly, Barry as he is today. And, she says, we are blessed to have him. Oh yes, we are so blessed. BUNK! She says it's what she hears in her husband’s voice when he comes home after a long day traveling the country, and he tells her about the people that he meets. And that’s what she sees in those quiet moments late at night, after the girls have gone to bed, and he’s up late at night going over the letters people have sent him. The letter from the woman dying of cancer whose insurance company won’t cover her care. The letter from the father struggling to pay his family’s bills. Are we really expected to believe this pabulum?

Look, this is just my opinion and I could be wrong, but I really don't think there has been another president, at least in recent times, who has been more obvious in how little he actually cares how his policies end up effecting the lives of everyday Americans. He consistently demonstrates that it is all of very little consequence to him because of his bigger goal here which is to get as many Americans as possible totally dependent upon the government. Why else would he seem to be going out of his way to wreak so much havoc as he does absolutely nothing about getting people back to work, the price of gas or food and what it now costs us to heat and cool our homes? He has now got us so far into debt that future generations for a far as the eye can see will be working to pay it off having nothing left to spend in an effort to enjoy the fruits of their labor. The fact is, Barry is about as far removed from understanding the struggles of the middle class as is humanly possibly.

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