

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


In what has become pretty much standard election-year fare for Barry "Almighty", you know, where he expresses just how concerned he is about us struggling middle-class voters, Barry "Almighty" has set about denouncing a House Republican budget plan describing it as being nothing more than, what he calls, a "Trojan horse." He warns us all that it represents "an attempt to impose a radical vision on our country" that would hurt the pocketbooks of working families. And believe me, if there's anyone that knows a thing or two about foisting on us a radical vision, it's our "Dear Beloved Leader", Barry. It was in a speech to newspaper executives, that Barry sharply criticized the $3.5 trillion budget proposal pushed by Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., and which passed by near-party-line vote last week and has now been embraced by all of the GOP presidential hopefuls. Naturally the plan has faced fierce resistance from spend-crazy Democrats, who make their usual claims about how it would gut Medicare, slash taxes for the wealthy and lead to deep cuts to crucial programs such as aid to college students and highway and rail projects. Which is a little ironic since the Democrats have already pretty much gutted Medicare in their effort to pay for Obamacare, so that's pretty much an empty claim.

"It's a Trojan horse. Disguised as deficit reduction plan, it's really an attempt to impose a radical vision on our country," Barry loudly proclaimed. Adding, "It's nothing but thinly veiled social Darwinism." Social Darwinism? If it is anyone who should be accused of practicing such a thing, it’s Barry himself. Barry's message comes as Republican Mitt Romney looked to solidify his grip on his party's presidential nomination in primary contests in Wisconsin, Maryland and Washington, D.C. The White House has now appeared to be increasing its focus on Gov. Romney, with Barry's campaign now actually criticizing the former Massachusetts governor by name in an energy ad as the president's team seeks to frame the election as a referendum on the economic security of middle-class voters. As a middle class voter I don't see Barry offering anything that would suggest that I'm to be on the receiving end of any "economic security." Anyway, White House advisers billed this latest speech as being an important marker for Barry as he seeks re-election. Senior administration officials said the address would build upon themes the president delivered in Kansas last fall, in which he called the nation's economic challenges a "make-or-break moment" for the middle class.

Rep. Ryan's proposal aims to slash the deficit and the size of government while offering sharply lower tax rates in return for eliminating many popular tax breaks. GOP front-runner Mitt Romney and his Republican rivals have said they would support Ryan's budget plan, which has little chance of passing the Democrat controlled Senate, where "Dingy" Harry refuses to even bring it up for a vote, but lays out the GOP's fiscal priorities. Barry "Almighty" has been busy trying to make the case that whoever wins the White House will face an economy still recovering from the "worst economic calamity since the Great Depression" and many Americans will still be looking for jobs and lacking financial security. Well yeah, thanks to Barry and his socialist policies. He actually claims that by next year, "a debt that has grown over the last decade, primarily as a result of two wars, two massive tax cuts and an unprecedented financial crisis, will have to be paid down." That’s pure unmitigated BULLSH!T and he knows!! He argues that Ryan's budget plan would stall the economic recovery. What economic recovery? "By gutting the very things we need to grow an economy that's built to last, education and training, research and development, it's a prescription for decline," he says.

And as is his usual stand on taxes, Barry continues to rant about what he so fondly refers to as economic fairness encapsulated by his so-called "Buffett Rule," arguing that the wealthy shouldn't pay a smaller share of their income in federal taxes than middle-class taxpayers. Many wealthy taxpayers earn investment income, which is taxed at 15 percent, and Barry has proposed that people earning at least $1 million annually, whether in salary or investments, should pay at least 30 percent of their income in taxes. This is nothing more of the same old Democrat tactic of class warfare. I am not a believer of having anyone pay nearly half of everything they make to the government. It's just wrong. And Barry's plan ignores completely the fact that the money that these people have invested has already had taxes paid on it and now they're being told that they need to pay even more taxes. So where's the incentive to invest? All that will be accomplished by this cockamamie redistribution of wealth scenario, dreamed up by Barry, will be to essentially create the equivalent of a financial domino effect. Because when folks stop investing, money needed to start up new business or to modernize existing ones very quickly dries up with the net result being even more people unemployed.

It's kinda funny, funny strange, not funny ha ha, that the one thing that is never mentioned by our state-controlled media complex is the fact that for the past three years, congressional Democrats have failed to produce a budget of their own. As House Speaker John Boehner said last week, the Republican budget “is a serious effort to deal with the fiscal crisis that we’re facing. We make the real tough decisions that need to be made. And I find it interesting that the people who are criticizing our budget are people who have not done a budget. We’ve been waiting now for over 1,000 days for the United States Senate to act on a budget.” In February, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid told reporters, "We do not need to bring a budget to the floor this year." Such is the mentality of the Democrats. Without any form of a budget there’s even less restraint on spending and we all know how these sleazy Democrat love to spend the money that we, the middle class work so hard for. Between what I pay in taxes, to fill up my car once a week, on my weekly grocery bill, and after watching my utilities go up by roughly 300 percent over the course of the last few years, I’ve got nothing left. Barry is the one I hold responsible for my essentially now having pretty much zero disposable income. None!!!

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