

Sunday, April 15, 2012


What would you say if I were to tell you that our vice president, “Slow Joe” Biden actually “earned” $21,000 last year from…the Secret Service? An no, he’s not moonlighting as an agent. Apparent our esteemed vice president earned that $20,900 as rental income from the Secret Service, which is actually paying him to host agents on his property so they can, in turn, protect him. Now I know most high-profile people in need of protection, pay people to keep them safe. However, as we all know government officials are allowed to pass that cost on to us lucky taxpayers. “Slow Joe” is unique, in yet another sense, in that he actually gets paid by his bodyguards for the right to protect him. Is this not nutty?

“Slow Joe’s” tax records list rental income of $20,900 from a “cottage” on is property, which is reportedly being leased by the Secret Service, of recent hooker fame, and paid for at a rate that could earn him even more money next year.  “Slow Joe” took deductions for mortgage interest and taxes that allowed him to report only $12,653 of the amount on his federal tax return. Now of course, I gues we’re meant to assume the Bidens must badly need the money. After all, they only had an adjusted gross income of $379,035 last year. This probably also explains why they gave less than 1.5 percent of their income to charity. That’s the way it always is with liberals, they’re only willing to spend somebody else’s money.

Regarding the previously mentioned whopping 1.5 percent that “Slow Jow” and the wife gave to charity, among the $5,540 in charitable donations were $1,000 to the UN World Food Program. They also donated $1,080 to the Northern Virginia Community College Alumni Scholarship Fund; $1,000 to the Diocese of Wilmington; Delaware; $360 to a breast health initiative launched by Dr. Jill Biden; and, hold on to your hats everybody, the Bidens gave the astronomical amount of $50, yes $50, to the Wounded Warrior Project. What generosity, what selflessness, what, what a pathetic jerk. The hypocrisy is so obvious. When he talks of the hardships being experienced by those of us in the middle class he should be literally laughed off the stage.

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