

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


I'm sure most everybody remembers a while back when we had Nancy "Stretch" Pelosi trying so enthusiastically to advance the liberal claim that food stamps and unemployment insurance somehow provide much more of an economic stimulus than do those silly old tax cuts. It was then that she said, “food stamps and unemployment insurance, which affect the people in the states, are necessary at this time when funds are short and the economy is down, (and) actually have the most stimulative effect on the economy." She went on to say that, “Food stamps first, unemployment insurance next, infrastructure after that, and it goes on from there.” Then, not really being able to help herself, she added, “Actually, those investments bring a bigger return than the tax cuts, but tax cuts where we have them – to the middle class – we think will give us our biggest return.” So, such is the direction from which today's liberal Democrats choose to approach from as they work to continue their faux attempts at actually stimulating the economy, all of which, to their glee, have failed miserably. So you have to ask yourself, are they really even trying? They must think we're a pretty stupid bunch if they seriously think that we'll fall for such an idiotic idea. They insist upon throwing things like this up against the wall to see if any of it might stick. And of course, they have the state controlled media doing their part in trying to convince us all that yes, of course, this is actually a very good idea.

To show just how stubbornly these Democrats will hold on to such nutty ideas, we need do nothing more than to simply fast forward to just this month. Because now we have yet another liberal moron out there making pretty much the same nutty argument, this time around, however, it comes to us in the person of Barry's imbecilic Agriculture Secretary, Tom Vilsack. This fella Vilsack, has now come out advocating the same idiotic claim that, yes, food stamps and other forms of government welfare are actually stimulus programs in disguise, and basing that claim on the premise that when government gives out money, it is actually creating jobs. Now I may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer here, but if that is in fact the case, then it would seem to me that if this is truly a viable way to stimulate our floundering economy, then with all of the additional millions more who now find themselves on the receiving end of this "benefit" since Barry first waltzed into the Oval office, this economy should be humming along on all 12 cylinders. But it's not! Nowhere near! Since Barry first assumed office there have been 2.4 million jobs lost, and countless millions more who are now recipients of food stamps and unemployment "benefits." And try as they might to convince us, this claim obscures the fact that both saving and investment are also economically productive activities contributing to credit availability and business growth respectively. It also ignores the fact that taxpayers whose money is used to fund food stamp programs may have spent their money on other things.

In stating what can only be described as a truly nutty excuse for the allowing of so many millions of people to now be on food stamps, here's how this goof summed it all up, “But I should point out that when you talk about the SNAP program or the food stamp program, you have to recognize that it’s also an economic stimulus,” Vilsack said Tuesday, where else but on MSNBC’s Morning Joe program. (SNAP is the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program.) In an attempt to validate this rather cockamamie idea, Mr. Vilsack continued, saying that, “Every dollar of SNAP benefits generates $1.84 in the economy in terms of economic activity. If people are able to buy a little more in the grocery store, then someone has to stock it, shelve it, process it, package it, ship it.” Adding that, “All of those are jobs. It’s the most direct stimulus you can get in the economy during these tough times.” Look, I've heard some pretty stupid things come out of the mouths of these liberals over the years, but this is most definitely one for the books. So I guess if we can only manage to get just a couple more million folks onto food stamps, then by golly we'll be "In Like Flint," right? Do they really think we're gonna buy this nonsense? Or, am I wrong? Are there enough people out there who actually gullible enough to believe that this is anywhere near being a very sound way to get our economy going again? I mean, if there are, then, my friends, we are nowhere but dead in the water.

So I guess this clown, Vilsack, made his silly remarks in response to a question from MSNBC commentator, Wes Moore who asked about a recent Agriculture Department report that states approximately 46 million people, or about 1 in 7 Americans, now receive food stamps. I don't know about anyone else, but it's very difficult for me to fathom the fact that there are currently 46 million Americans on food stamps. Further evidence of more "Hope and Change?" Vilsack again stuck by his claim that by redistributing money from taxpayers to those on food stamps, the government is indirectly creating jobs because welfare beneficiaries will spend their food stamp monies immediately, rather than save it or invest it. Let's be real here for just a second if we can, none of these people from Barry on down have even the slightest interest in working toward actually strengthening what is obviously a very anemic economy. They simply do not see it as being politically advantageous to them. And if there is one thing that we know for sure about Democrats, it's that everything is always directly tied to what will best benefit them politically. Their goal here is to get as many people as they can completely dependent upon the government. They know human nature being what it is, that those folks who "need" the government are much less likely to vote for those candidates who actively encourage personal responsibility by encouraging less, not more, dependence on the government.

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