

Thursday, August 4, 2011


Far too many Republicans in Congress, as well as many of us out here beyond "the beltway," seem to be operating under the rather misguided notion that Barry "Almighty" is, as recently described by House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA), “in over his head” when it comes to effectively tackling the country’s economic troubles. But to permit oneself to actually fall prey to such a perception, and to believe it as actually being a fact, is to either be living in denial or guilty of some bizarre form of terminal wishful thinking. In either case to continue to operate under such a notion does nothing more than to place this country in very grave danger, because Barry is neither naïve nor is he in over his head. I would argue that those who have such an opinion are the ones who are being truly naïve. Look, no one ever really wants to believe that their president would be out to purposely destroy our free market economy, but that is exactly what is underway here. The evidence speaks for itself. Ask yourself, what has Barry done at any time since first assuming office, to improve our economy? Nothing! He has done exactly what he intended to do. No one should be surprised or shocked. After all, we only had to listen to what he has always advocated and to listen now as he begins work on his re-election. He's only doing what he always said he would do if provided with an opportunity. And he has no qualms whatsoever about saying that he's not finished yet. Heaven help us if he is successful in his re-election bid, for it that happens then our fate will be pretty much sealed.

Everyone is very well aware of the fact that Barry has never run any kind of a business and has never created a single private sector job. And it's based on that premise that most would say that therefore he has proven himself ill-suited and ill-prepared to be able to put the economy back on track. And that, apparently, is the opinion of Mr. Cantor, the Virginia Republican, after having made that quite clear in a midday interview on The Wall Street Journal’s website with opinion columnist Peggy Noonan and editor James Freeman. “I think, frankly, he’s in over his head as to what to do about this economy,” Cantor said. But for anyone to make the assumption that Barry is actually trying to put the economy back on track is a very risky proposition and is missing the point entirely. I would argue that what is taking place here is completely the opposite. What we have here is Barry "Almighty" very deliberately, and methodically, working to dismantle, brick by brick the very foundation of our economy. He strives to increase the severity of our economic weakness for no other reason than because it better suits the political aspirations of him and his party. He is nothing more than an economic saboteur. Look back over the course of the last 31 months, put aside the fact that all he has done is to blame Bush, and ask yourself what self-respecting economist, would argue that anything that Barry has done thus far was designed around Barry's desire to strengthen our economy. On the contrary, he's been doing his best to drive it even further into the ditch.

At one point during recent negotiations on a deal to raise the debt ceiling, Cantor said the president chose, instead, to play politics rather than working on the substance of any deal. Barry seemed “agitated” by Republicans’ opposition to any measures that might be perceived as tax increases, something the president wanted in any deal, and, at one point went so far as to say, “Eric, don’t call my bluff,” Cantor recalled. And this should come as a surprise to Rep. Cantor why, exactly? With Barry it's always about politics, he has no interest whatsoever in getting this country back on any semblance of sound fiscal footing. NONE, he's out to make conditions as bad as is humanly possible! Remember now, he stated on any number of occasions during the 2008 campaign that he wanted to "fundamentally transform" America. And he is well on his way to doing just that. And even though Republicans were reluctant to support a bill to raise the debt ceiling that didn’t also include plans to vote on a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution, the “prevailing sentiment” among members of the GOP was that “we didn’t want to go past Aug. 2 because of the unknown” without raising the debt ceiling. Personally, I think all of those concerns regarding a possible default were severely overstated and were later used by Republicans as nothing more than an excuse to cave yet again to Barry.

Our illustrious Speaker, John Boehner (R-Ohio), will be the one responsible for choosing the three House Republicans to join the committee that will propose ways to reduce the deficit, and Cantor said he is getting “a lot of calls and emails from members who want to serve” on the panel, including some who voted against the deal. The committee’s “focus needs to stay on spending,” Cantor said, and not on ways to raise revenues. “Frankly, in the Biden talks, we identified between $2 [trillion] and $2.3 trillion in cuts that we can pick up right off the table and put to work” in the committee. Sorry, but I'm just not really all that optimistic regarding who it is that Boehner may select for this supposed "super committee." I doubt very much whether there will be any members selected who are supported by the Tea Party, an act that would only serve to further erode the credibility of the Speaker regarding the matter of actually cutting spending now and not at some ambiguous point in the future. What I have continued to see here is a rather nasty little trend developing that continues to show pretty clearly that politics and not the fiscal wellbeing of our country is what is actually paramount to many of those in Congress. In order to do what Mr. Cantor describes, would require Democrats agreeing not to push tax hikes or other ways to raise revenues and “against this economic news … we ought not be raising taxes.” But now there's rub, isn’t it?

So I guess the bottom line here is, that I think the ones who may be proving to be the naïve ones in the room are those on our side who continue to think that it's only because of Barry's being naïve or inexperienced that we continue to watch our economy spiral downward at an ever-increasing rate of speed. For whatever reason they cannot bring themselves to recognize the fact that Barry has what can only be described as a vendetta against this country. I'd say his country, but I'm still not so sure that that is in fact the case. He seeks to be known as the president who not only presided over the demise of America as a force for good, but as the individual who was actually able to bring such a tragic thing about. Tragic at least for those who call ourselves Americans. His status on the leftist lecture circuit will forever be virtually guaranteed. His destroying of American will make him an icon of the left well into the future. Those who hate this country will be flocking to hear their hero speak and will most likely be happy to fork over whatever the going price maybe in order for them to hear how it was that he, and only he, was able to bring America to her knees. That's quite the legacy.

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