

Sunday, August 21, 2011


Demonstrating himself to be, essentially, nothing more than a much younger version of Jon McCain, minus the military heroics, presidential candidate Jon Huntsman has begun pounding away at rival Gov. Rick Perry. Using Perry’s skepticism of manmade global warming and criticism of the nation’s central banker, Mr. Huntsman said those stands hurt the GOP and make the Texas governor come off as a not so serious national figure. I would beg to differ with Mr. Huntsman, in that it’s been shown that the whole premise that any global warming, which may be taking place, being manmade has been shown that it is something completely concocted by those on the left. So I’d say it is his “believing” in this cockamamie charade that has him coming off as a not so serious candidate. And what, exactly would you call an individual, or individuals, who are so obviously on a mission to wreck this nation’s economy and to so devalue the dollar so that it causes other world leaders to say the time has come for the dollar to be replaced as the world’s currency? I’d say my positions are much closer to those of Gov. Perry that to this reject from the Barry “Almighty” administration.

You see, while Mr. Huntsman is a former Republican governor of Utah, he was also Barry “Almighty’s” first ambassador to China, and he has trailed rather significantly in all of early polls nationally and in early voting states since day one of his announcing his candidacy. So with such evidence showing a rather anemic amount of support, that fact has apparently led his campaign to pledge more aggressive attacks on the top tier candidates. On the other hand, Gov. Perry, who entered the race last weekend and has surged to a very prominent role, has provided Mr. Huntsman with, what some would argue, I suppose, an ample opening to take some shots that will hopefully, at least for Mr. Huntsman, help bring more attention to him. What Mr. Huntsman has now been reduced to doing is to take shots at what Gov. Perry said in New Hampshire this past week when he said that he didn’t believe in manmade global warming, going so far as to brand it an unproven scientific theory. He also defended the teaching of creationism in schools because evolution, to use his words, “has some gaps to it.” Both are arguments put forth by Gov. Perry are ones that I wholeheartedly agree with.

“When we take a position that isn’t willing to embrace evolution, when we take a position that basically runs counter to what 98 of 100 climate scientists have said, what the National Academy of Science has said about what is causing climate change and man’s contribution to it, I think we find ourselves on the wrong side of science, and, therefore, in a losing position,” is what Huntsman told ABC’s “This Week.” What a bunch of progressive, and idiotic drivel! Is this really how this guy plans on winning the nomination. I would like to ask Mr. Huntsman, what he thinks about the fact that literally thousands of scientists counter that theory, saying that the whole theory that man is somehow causing the Earth to be getting warmer is based on nothing more that pure junk science? And if I remember correctly, not all that long ago, through various communications that were essentially leaked to the public, it was proven that the whole manmade global warming theory was nothing more than a plot, of sorts, to essentially attack the economies of a select few industrialized countries, the U.S. being one. It was through various emails, and the like, which took place between the perpetrators that very clearly revealed that the entire manmade global warming nonsense, as being just that, nonsense.

Huntsman continued on with his pathetic attempt to give his candidacy a little exposure saying he couldn’t remember a time when “we actually were willing to shun science and become a party that was antithetical to science. I‘m not sure that’s good for our future and it’s not a winning formula,” according to interview excerpts released Saturday ABC. The full interview is set to air Sunday. Many conservatives, myself being one, question the evidence that shows climate change is happening or that it is somehow manmade. And they definitely have some very serious reservations regarding the government’s solutions to stem it. Personally, I think it has pretty clearly been show to be the scam that it is. And with Gov. Perry also taking aim on the Federal Reserve and its chairman, Ben Bernanke, he said the central bank’s leader would be committing a “treasonous” act if he decided to “print more money to boost the economy.” Such action, the governor told a crowd in Iowa, would amount to a political maneuver aimed at helping Barry “Almighty” win re-election. To me that’s a perfect assessment of the situation. Huntsman said he wasn’t sure that “the average voter out there is going to hear that treasonous remark and say that sounds like a presidential candidate, that sounds like someone who is serious on the issues.”

Trying to put Perry’s broadside in context, Huntsman said “people are crying out for us to get back to some level of sensibility and this just kind of perpetuates the name-calling and the finger-pointing and the blame game where we want solutions.” “These sideshows,” Huntsman said, take “us that much farther off the ball” from the focus of fixing the economy and creating jobs. Let’s be honest here, if there anyone currently in the race who more closely resembles what one could expect to see in your average sideshow, that would be Mr. Huntsman. The motto for we Republicans this time around should be, “RINOs need not apply.” And we need to very emphatic in how we choose to make any candidate aware of that sentiment. We can no longer afford, the country can no longer afford, to elect a person of such a mentality to the highest office in the land. We need a man of character and whose values are based on solid conservative principles. What we do not need is another wishy-washy progressive Republican at this point in our history. As a nation we are in a very precarious position, balancing as it were, on the very edge of a very steep precipice. What all we Republicans need to say to Mr. Huntsman is, “Thanks, but no thanks! We’ve recently been down this road.”


  1. Jon who?

    BTW, McCain didn't have any military heroics. He just managed to get shot down while his father was Commander-in-Chief, Pacific Ocean Area (top military commander of that 1/3 of the world)

  2. True enough. But if I can believe what I've heard, he was provided with opportunities to get released before others who had been held longer and turned them down.
