

Saturday, August 13, 2011


In what is sure to be the opening salvo in what will most assuredly be a long campaign consisting of scorched-earth style tactics to be waged by Barry “Almighty” and his team of malcontents and miscreants, Axelrod has fired the first shot at Governor Rick Perry. And in what was yet another pathetic example of running away from their own record as fast as they possibly can, apparently the choice has been made to now simply resort to what is nothing more than a search and destroy mission. A mission executed against any potential opponent as was previously done against Mitt Romney, an announced candidate, and even again Chris Christie, a man not even running for president. So it is in that vein that Barry “Almighty’s” top reelection goon has now charged the Republican White House hopeful, and Texas Governor, Rick Perry as having had “very little to do” with his states economic success. I can’t help but wonder if the same level of economic activity, that has been taking place in Texas, was in fact, taking place all across this country, Mr. Axelrod would not be shouting from the rooftops that it was all because of the brilliant policies of one Barack Hussein Obama. So Mr. Axelrod is once again proving himself to be more than a bit disingenuous, even hypocritical, here.

According to this Chicago-style political thug, David Axelrod, "There's a specific reason that Texas has done so well, and that's because the oil industry has done so well in the last few years, and the military has grown because of the challenges that we have had oversea.” What this hack didn’t mention is the fact that it is both the oil industry and the military that his boss, Barry “Almighty” is out to decimate. And if Governor Perry has been fortunate enough to have been able to take advantage of such events, so what. Wouldn’t Barry have done the same thing, wouldn’t anyone have done the same thing? “And so he’s been the beneficiary of things that he had very little do with,” Axelrod told ABC television. Look, what Perry has done is to create a very positive economic environment in Texas that actually encourages growth, something that Mr. Axelrod’s boss seems quite determined to avoid. Not only avoid, but to do just the opposite of because the outcome he desires differs so greatly from the outcome sought by Governor Perry. Governor Perry wishes for a stronger America, Barry, on the other hand, desires a much, much weaker America.

So it was then that what amounted to essentially nothing more than a preemptive strike, and easily seen as such, that came just one day before Perry, who succeeded George W. Bush as Texas governor, was to launch his bid for the Republican nomination to take on Barry “Almighty” in 2012. Having said that, it has been obvious that Governor Perry has been out campaigning for months in all but name. He has been out touting his home state’s growth and job creation over the course of the past decade at a time when our national economy has been placed ever deeper into the ditch courtesy of the man he hopes to be able to defeat in 2012. With national unemployment now resting firmly at over 9 percent, after having been as high as 10.2, even after promises were made it would never go about 8 percent, it would seem to me that Mr. Axelrod might better serve his boss if he redirected some of his energy currently focused on the slandering of Governor Perry. It shows a certain level of desperation on the part of him and his candidate. Why not, instead, focus on what you see as your list of accomplishments over the course of your first term in office. What might Mr. Axelrod be so scared of here? Might there be a difference of opinion with the American people regarding those “accomplishments?”

“I am a pro-business governor. I will be a pro-business president,” is what Governor Perry told Time magazine in an interview released on Thursday, an interview that highlighted his opposition to both taxes and excessive regulation. And that’s what I think the evidence shows, despite the accusations made by the esteemed Mr. Axelrod, who is very obviously out to do nothing more than to cover his bosses ass by lying to the American people yet again. Axelrod has also charged that Governor Perry had a “record of decimation, not of progress” on healthcare and education, two areas where the governor’s more progressive or liberal foes say he has done more harm that good. But when you have folks of such a caliber out there making such claims, I’d say that just might be a big plus for the governor. Doctors are flooding into Texas, as are jobs. Texas has become the Mecca for people in search of a good job. People are fleeing in droves many of the blue states because of Barry-like policies and tax levels. We are witnessing right before our eyes what works and what doesn’t work, the people are showing us by where they choose to live.

Then while over on the Communist Broadcasting System (CBS), Axelrod previewed yet another line of attack on Governor Perry, painting him as a social conservative who has been on Republican frontrunner Mitt Romney’s heels in poll after poll, noting that he has suggested Texas become independent. And in getting a little silly as well as revealing the level of distress brought about by Governor Perry’s getting into the race, “He’s also called for secession from the United States of America,” said Axelrod, an apparent reference to Governor Perry remarks to an anti-tax Tea Party rally in 2009. “When we became a nation in 1845, we were a republic, we were a stand alone nation,” Governor Perry said at the time. “And one of the deals was, we can leave anytime we want. So we’re kind of thinking about that again.” And if I remember my history right, I believe there is something unique about the agreement made by Texas made at the time it agreed to join the union of states. I think most us recognize the fact the fact the among the 50 states, Texas prides itself as being somewhat unique, as do most Texans I ever met. But there is one thing for certain, never question their patriotism or their love of this country. Something that I think when we come to Barry, is something that I think a great many Americans question.

All that these recent interviews by Mr. Axelrod show is the level to which these people will stoop to get their pathetic candidate reelected. They have no record on which to run. Lets face it, they have literally decimated our economy, they’re on the brink of destroying the finest healthcare system in the world, they have succeeded in bringing us to near total financial collapse and they have placed this country in a very precarious position in the world by emboldening our enemies and by essentially spitting on our allies and friends. But what is truly frightening here is that this was their agenda when they came into office. This was the mission, to “fundamentally transform” this country. What has been made to come about is exactly what was intended to happen. So with no record to honestly run on they have very few options left to them. The politics of personal destruction has become their method of choice in this endeavor to achieve reelection for a very seriously flawed individual. We must pray that they are not successful. While nearly any Republican candidate would be far better for the country than would be another four years of Barry, I am choosing to support Governor Rick Perry.

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