

Monday, August 22, 2011


Remember not that long ago when, after some supposed "rabid right-winger" went on a shooting spree in Arizona, and how shortly thereafter we heard Barry "Almighty" decry the need to tone down all of the political rhetoric? So as we now fast forward to today, don't you just love this new age of civility that we now have? So much for scumbag Democrats dialing back their inflammatory rhetoric, right? I'm guessing here that the only ones who were supposed to actually "dial it back" were those hate-filled conservatives, because it has only continued to get even more intense from those on the left, with idiots like Maxine Waters spewing all manner of incendiary gibberish. The double standard here should be painfully obvious to anyone willing to look. But of course, pathetic losers like Waters will deny it is they who are the source of the most vitriolic garbage being put forth out on to the airways. With their "Who me?" attitude, they claim that all they are doing is nothing more than simply responding to all of the hate filled speech directed at them from the right.

And so it was that once again, that as recently as this past Saturday, while out on her home turf in California, the home of the fruits and nuts, that Democratic Rep. Maxine "Dim Bulb" Waters had some additional harsh words for those folks who identify themselves with the Tea Party. “I’m not afraid of anybody,” the California congresswoman told constituents in footage that appeared on ABC affiliate KABC in Los Angeles, not backing down from comments made about President Obama earlier in the week. “This is a tough game. You can’t be intimidated. You can’t be frightened. And as far as I’m concerned — the tea party can go straight to hell.” And I'm sure it can go without saying that her little proclamation was met with very enthusiastic cheers from the audience, including attendees sporting the standard purple SEIU T-shirts. This was yet another very typical liberal gathering where the mentality of both the main speaker and the crowd in attendance, when added all together amounts to less than the shoe size of, in this case, Ms. Waters.

I think it quite apparent why it is that Maxine Waters can say, and with some level of confidence, even arrogance, that she isn't afraid of anyone is because, like every other black in any position of power, including our stellar president, she is quite adept, and quite eagerly I might add, at playing the race card. She, along with the likes of that other imbecilic member of the House, Sheila Jackson Lee, cry racism whenever someone has the audacity, to use Barry's word, to actually call into question their antics or whenever they're accused of saying something stupid. Also should the occasion that their ethics ever be called into question, any accusations made are done so for no other reason that because they're black. Ms. Waters, based on some of her many statements, can rightly be called a card carrying member of the socialist party. That's the way it is with these political lowlifes. They continue to view the rules of civility and of common decency as simply not applying to them. They're special. They are rude, crude and socially unacceptable. They view themselves as being the enlightened among us, even though the majority of them are dumb as a freakin brick.

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