

Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Since essentially purchasing the US presidency, the Marxist-Leninist Barry "Almighty" thugocracy has gone on to commit one act after another that can, I think, safely be said to border on treason. Treason both upon the USA as well as upon its people. And now we have this group of bigots, in the form of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC), going from city to city using all manner of incendiary and violent rhetoric which has now, quite literally, declared ‘War’ on what they call the racist Tea Party. This groups of imbecilic malcontents has even gone so far as to make the claim that the Tea Party wants to lynch blacks. Members of the CBC have called for bank runs and civil unrest in their neighborhoods. This is nothing if not pure insanity. As the Tea Party has continued to attempt to reign in Congressional spending, the CBC has become even more vicious and inflammatory in the level and tone of its rhetoric. Members of the radical, as well as very racist, Congressional Black Caucus are now spewing such vile hatred against Tea Party members as to compare Tea Party efforts to attempt nothing more than to stabilize the US economy to ‘enacting Jim Crow laws’ and ’seeing us [blacks] hanging on a tree’. This is not only unconscionable but, it is the equivalent of Islamists calling for and implementing the overthrow of the US government by force. Apparently the Marxist CBC, speaking for all of “black America,” has now declared war on the “white” Tea Party. By the way, Jim Crow laws as well as Ku Klux Clan lynchings were both tools of choice favored by Democrats. And, as Barry’s poll numbers continue to drop his methods to retain power become more and more malevolent. Going back to the campaign of 2008 I'm sure we all remember Barry doing a little inciting of his own as he told his supporters to go out and get in people's faces, and to bring a gun if the opposition were to bring a knife.

I find myself asking the question, "Is there a black member left anywhere in Congress who hasn’t been completely corrupted by bribes and power? Is there a black member left in that once-noble body who actually cares about the survival of this country? Rep. Allen West has now come out and lambasted Rep. Carson’s, his fellow CBC member, outrageous comments that the Tea Party is racist and implying lynching as “reprehensible." Mr. West, a Republican from here in Florida, is the only GOP member of the Congressional Black Caucus, but stated just today to “Fox and Friends” host Steve Doocy today that, “I think I’m reconsidering my membership in the Congressional Black Caucus.” West, who listened to an audio of Carson’s attack of the tea party, derided such comments as “reprehensible.” In addition, he said, the black caucus is ignoring black issues and using the Tea Party as a scapegoat. Members of the CBC are responsible for what can only be described as a diatribe of racially invective language designed for the specific purpose of inflamming and exacerbating racial hatred in this country. Folks, this is only the latest on a long list of assaults on We-the-People. Assaults, the intensity of which has now increased dramatically since the "election" of Barack Hussein Obama. And now, every attempt that is made to successfully unravel the damage that he insists upon doing to this country, is being tied to his race. It's not his race that I have a particular problem with, it's his socialist polices and his desire to "fundamentally transfrom" this country. It's he and many of his supporters who continue to make race the driving issue here. Either we stop these goons calling for race riots, or we die by their hands. As I have warned, and most of us already knew in our guts, we must fight or submit to the oppressors, and submission means both physical and spiritual death. The Barry Thugocracy, via its CBC mouthpieces, have now gone on record and declared war on the people of the United States of America. This consists of “high crimes” and is the purest form of treason. If you’re not willing to fight for Liberty, you doom yourself to die under Tyranny.

And now we have yet another leading member of the Congressional Black Caucus, Rep. Andre Carson (D-Ind.) who is actually the Caucus whip, who is firmly standing by incendiary language he used at a recent town hall when he charged that Tea Party aligned members of Congress view African Americans as “second-class citizens” and would like to see them “hanging on a tree.” These racist Democrats insist upon taking us back to a time that has not existed for a very long time and for no other reason than to attempt to hold onto to their political power. They should be viewed as traitors to their community, but of course we know that that is not going to happen. Rep. Carson’s office did confirm that this pathetic scumbag made the remarks at an August 22 CBC Job Tour event in Miami and said that the comments were “prompted in response to frustration voiced by many in Miami and in his home district in Indianapolis regarding Congress’ inability to bolster the economy.” Frustration? This is how a supposed responsible elected official responds to frustration? “The tea party is protecting its millionaire and oil company friends while gutting critical services that they know protect the livelihood of African-Americans, as well as Latinos and other disadvantaged minorities,” Carson spokesman Jason Tomcsi said. “We are talking about child nutrition, job creation, job training, housing assistance, and Head Start, and that is just the beginning. A child without basic nutrition, secure housing, and quality education has no real chance at a meaningful and productive life.” Mr. Tomcsi added, “So, yes, the congressman used strong language because the Tea Party agenda jeopardizes our most vulnerable and leaves them without the ability to improve their economic standing."

Apparently there was a video of the esteemed Mr. Carson making his rather hate-filled remarks circulating online Tuesday night. The clip is a compilation of footage from several CBC town halls during the August recess. “I’m saying right now, under (CBC) Chairman Emanuel Cleaver’s leadership, we have seen change in Congress ... but the tea party is stopping that change,” Carson said at the event, according to the video. “And this is beyond symbolic change. This is the effort that we’re seeing, of Jim Crow.” “Some of these folks in Congress right now would love to see us as second-class citizens,” Carson continued. “Some of them in Congress right now with this tea party movement would love to see you and me — I’m sorry, Tamron — hanging on a tree.” “Tamron” appears to be a reference to MSNBC’s Tamron Hall, who was moderating the town hall meeting. Carson’s remarks are the latest sign of growing tension between the CBC and the Tea Party movement. It just two weeks ago that Rep. Maxine "Dumb as a doorknob" Waters (D-Calif.), and a member of the CBC, said at a California town hall that the Tea Party “can go straight to hell.” As this nasty little trend continues and these racial hypocrites continue to ramp up the intensity of their baseless accusations, I think while it may play well with the less intelligent among their supporters, it may also serve to turn off a great deal of people who would otherwise be supportive of this cadre of lunatics commonly referred to as the Congressional Black Caucus. And as much as these characters would like create the image that there is no difference between today and that dark time between the 1880s up to the 1930s, when such atrocities were in fact happening, such is not the case. Strangely, listening to these individuals you would think that they almost wish that it was so.

For these slimy characters to use such destructive language, and for no other purpose than to incite, is despicable. These are supposed to be our elected leaders and instead they behave like common hoodlums in some third world dictatorship. But the truly sad thing here is that a majority of those in the black community will buy into this drivel while these clowns laugh all the way back to big fancy homes and prestigious offices proud of the fact that they have yet again gotten away with throwing a bit more gasoline onto the fire. These pompous bigots care very little for those who look up to them for leadership, those whose only purpose it is, is to be used by these corrupt politicians as a way of allowing them to attain the highest level of political power possible. These hate-mongers who so energetically profess that they are out to protect the less fortunate among us are actually out for no one but themselves. And the sooner the loyal followers of these clowns finally realize that, the sooner they will most likely see their lives take a drastic turn for the better. That is, of course, if they really want their lives to be better. What's sort of ironic here is the fact that it is this very same Democrat Party, to which these individuals have sworn their allegiance, that in no way favored either the Civil Rights Act or the Voting Rights Act and that neither piece of historic legislation would have ever been passed without the overwhelming support of many who share the same ideals as today's Tea Party. And yet these morons are now out there screaming at the tops of their lungs that the Tea Party supports lynching. Actually what the Tea Party is all about is the limiting of the size, scope and power of the federal government which, if achieved, would have a very positive impact on the lives of every single American, no matter what their color. If ever there was a cause behind which blacks and white could unite, this is it. Perhaps that's what has the Congressional Black Caucus so scared.

1 comment:

  1. Black, white, green, purple or polka-dotted. Who cares? Some of the people keeping "racism" alive and well seem to have been elected. Hmmmmm Ain't there a law against that - tic
