

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Libertarians and conservatives alike have blasted Barry "Almighty’s" so-called "populist" attack on Congress and wealthy Americans Monday, calling it nothing more than yet one more pathetic, and very blatant, attempt by our "Hope and Change" president to launch the standard Democrat tactic of class warfare, and one that is very poorly grounded in anything that would resemble sound economic theory. Facing the lowest approval ratings of his presidency, numbers that depending on who it is that's doing the polling, are most likely lower than what the polls reflect, Barry on Monday used his taxpayer funded bus tour, which GOP critics have dubbed the “Debt-End Bus Tour,” to blame everyone but himself for the nation’s ongoing economic woes: GOP candidates who don’t want to raise taxes, House Speaker John Boehner for not accepting his ill-defined “grand bargain” on entitlements, wealthy Americans he says don’t pay enough taxes, and members of Congress who engaged in the prolonged debate over raising the debt ceiling. According to guys like Barry, these so-called "wealthy" Americans can never pay enough in taxes. And then you've got morons like Warren Buffett out there saying , sure, tax us rich folks. I feel like telling Mr. Buffett that there is nothing whatsoever preventing him, or any of his liberal friends, from writing a nice big fat check to the U.S. government as often as he would like. But he needs to leave the rest of us alone.

Referring to the recent wrangling over the debt-ceiling, our buddy Barry made the comment that, “We ended up creating more uncertainty and more damage to an economy that was already weak. Now, we can’t have patience with that kind of behavior anymore.” He added: “I know you’re frustrated, and I’m frustrated too.” Somehow I doubt very much if the source of our frustration is in any way similar to that of Barry. He's the one who insists upon creating all of the massive uncertainty. I'm frustrated with his determination to take more money from me while at the same time providing 50 percent of the households in this country with a free ride in exchange for they're continuing to vote for Democrats like himself. Plus I'm frustrated with a president who seems to hold the country that he leads, a country that has been nothing but a force for good all across the globe, in such low regard. He is the most anti-American president ever in our history, most certainly in my lifetime. His desire to radically, whoops I mean to fundamentally, transform this country is what has directly resulted in our current fiscal and economic mess. And his continued attempts to portray it as having resulted from anything else than his policies is a lie. But then I think most of us realize that this president has always had somewhat of a problem when it comes to being able to tell the truth. Besides his being incapable of accepting any level of responsibility for anything that has occurred essentially on his watch, he is what I think they call, a congenital liar. He's been lying for so long now, it's become impossible for him to do anything else. These days all he has to do is to open his mouth and shit just falls out.

Speaking in Cannon Falls., Minn., as part his little bus tour across flyover country, at a time when it is easy to recognize an economy that is barely limping along, Barry continued his attempt to convince people of just the opposite as he voiced optimism that America has the fortitude to overcome all of its economic problems. But, of course, only if the small-business people who actually do generate most U.S. jobs, pay more taxes. Duh? Barry said the nation needs about $4 trillion in spending cuts over the next decade. “That sounds like a big number,” he told his friendly Minnesota audience. And in what was nothing more than campaign rhetoric from a rabid ideologue, he said that, “It is a big number. But you know, if we were able to, as I proposed, cut about $2 trillion in spending; if folks who could best afford it, millionaires and billionaires, were willing to eliminate some of the loopholes that they take advantage of in the tax code, and do a little bit more, and if we were willing to take on some of the long-term costs that we have on healthcare — if we do those things, we could solve this problem tomorrow.” Blah, blah, blah. Again with the pure fiction that Obamacare will cut costs. And if I remember correctly, Barry didn't propose anything during the most recent debt ceiling discussion. And as has been discussed any number of times by people allot smarter than me, and has recently be made clear yet again by a member of the Hudson Institute, Barry could "acquire" the total wealth of all of these evil millionaires and billionaires and still fall far short of being able to "solve this problem tomorrow."

So naturally conservatives came out and blasted that rhetoric as being nothing more than very typical class warfare bullshit spewed by yet another Democrat in an attempt to divide and conquer "We the People." Which, I suppose, most people would consider as being more than a little strange coming from the man who repeatedly referred to himself, both during the 2008 campaign and since assuming office, as being a true uniter and not simply the president of those who voted for him. They also warned that raising taxes on wealthy Americans, especially during an economic lull like the one we are currently experiencing, is more than a little likely to further hurt chances of any job creation actually coming about. “I think he’s desperate,” CATO budget analyst Tad DeHaven tells Newsmax. “I think he’s playing the class-warfare card. His approval ratings are in the drink, deservedly so. Three years of spending and debt and deficits, and promises that all that would lead to economic growth and job creation, have been an absolute failure. So you have 2012 coming up, you’ve got a little over a year to get those approval ratings up, and he’s resorting to the lowest form of political rhetoric. And that’s trying to pit people against each other on the basis of class and income.” What we have here is a president falling back on his prior years of "community agitator" experiences in his attempt to convince anyone who will listen, that he none of what's going on is his fault and only the only viable solutions to are present dilemma are those being put forward by him and his fellow Democrat comrades.

Now what should be very plain to see here is the blatant dishonesty in all of the statements made by Barry, especially when you take the time to compare Barry's statements with the actual facts as they are presented by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO). What those facts pretty clearly show is that the wealthiest one-fifth of all Americans, those who generate most new U.S. jobs, pay 86 percent of the federal income taxes. It also notes that the bottom two-fifths of all Americans pay absolutely zero income taxes, according to the Heritage Foundation. Diana Furchtgott-Roth, the Hudson Institute senior fellow who served as chief of staff for President George W. Bush’s Council of Economic Advisers, tells Newsmax makes the point mentioned here earlier that even if 100 percent of the income of American millionaires and billionaires were funneled into the U.S. Treasury, it still wouldn’t be enough to offset projected U.S. deficits. “We need a different solution,” she says. “We need more economic growth. We need to be changing entitlements out into the future.” So what becomes apparent very quickly is the fact that with all of his accusations, Barry is essentially doing nothing more than blowing smoke. Because the policies that have thus far been advocated by Barry as being the only solutions, have done nothing other than to make an already bad situation much, much worse. To the point where you have to start asking yourself, is he really interested in improving things or in accelerating our downward spiral.

Ms. Furchtgott-Roth also expressed a certain level of concern that Barry’s continual references to raising taxes during a downturn may be exacerbating the uncertainty business leaders blame for the anemic level of U.S. job creation. “I don’t know if the president intends class warfare or not. It certainly does come across that way. But I think the more important point to make is that these taxes are on people who create jobs here in the United States." Adding that, “They would be hurting lower income people who need jobs… small businesses are the engine of growth for America.” The fact that this president has decided to take this tack cannot be construed as being anything other than a very purposeful attempt to further divide the American people as he hopes set one group against another in order to increase his odds of achieving electoral success. Of course this is what he intends, every political ploy put into action by this guy is very well thought out, nothing is ever to be considered as being an accident, or as not being very well thought out. And that includes policies that have resulted thus far on nothing other than an unemployment stuck at over 9 percent, mind-numbing amount of debt and an economy that is going nowhere but down. The sheer volume of lies that have continued to spring forth from Barry, his economic "team," as well as from any congressional Democrat, should make the point better than I ever could, that what is underway here, both fiscally and economically speaking, is exactly what these people want to have happening.

During his Minnesota speech, Barry indicated his greatest frustration, which should come as a big surprise to absolutely no one, stems from the behavior of nasty old Republicans in Congress. “I put a deal before Speaker of the House John Boehner that would have solved this problem,” Barry said. “And he walked away, because his belief was we can’t ask anything of millionaires and billionaires and big corporations in order to close this deficit.” Barry also gave his audience a preview of his agenda to grow jobs, calling on Congress to take several actions he said would stimulate employment. He said Congress should; 1) Extend the payroll tax cut in December that added $1,000 to a typical family’s income this year. Economists caution temporary tax cuts have at best a modest stimulus effect on the economy, while making it more difficult to balance the economy, 2) Establish an “infrastructure bank” to fund building projects to employ U.S. construction workers and contractors, 3) Give tax breaks to companies that employ out-of-work military veterans, to help veterans returning from the Middle East get back to work, and 4) Pass free trade agreements with South Korea, Colombia, and Panama. Back to his claiming to have put some mythical deal before Speaker Boehner. The only deals or plans that were put forth during the debt ceiling discussions came from Republicans only to then be repeatedly shot down by Barry and his congressional cohorts. Republican efforts were summarily dismissed as being to "extreme." So Barry can tell the story of his attempt at compromise to somebody else. Somebody who might still be stupid enough to believe his endless lies.

So with his approval rating sagging of late, Barry has decided to reach into the same old Democrat bag of tricks in his attempt to revive his being perceived as "The Messiah," "The One," the purveyor of "Hope and Change." But the question remains, will it work for him as well in 2012 as it did in 2008? We can only hope that people will have sufficiently wised up by this time and be a little less susceptible to all of the flowery yet very empty, rhetoric no matter how eloquently read from the ever-present teleprompter. Now obviously, the record that Barry as to run on is not one that's going to garner him a whole of votes, except maybe from the black community who remain his staunchest defenders. The reest of are going to need to come to our sense and be willing to call the Barry presidency as we see it. That would be a dismal failure. We simply will not be able to survive four more years of Barry "Almighty."

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