

Monday, August 29, 2011


The headline reads, "Pollsters: Modern History Shows Obama Can't Win in 2012." A headline like this can cause one of two perceptions to come to mind. It can be viewed as a reality in the sense that, yes in fact, the chances of Barry being successful in his attempt to gain re-election have now been significantly diminished, or it can be seen as being nothing more than some sort of ploy designed to lull those of us wishing to rid ourselves of him, into some sense of false sense of optimism, believing that Barry can now be very easily beaten. These days there are very few polls, or pollsters, that I feel are all that trustworthy. I feel you can pretty much make a poll say anything that you want it to say and also because, nearly everyone taking polls these days has a some sort of motive or an agenda that they are working very hard to advance. And what better way to convince people that what you're proposing is a great idea, than to create the impression that it is supported by a majority of Americans. And many of today's polling outfits are very capable, as well as very highly skilled, at manipulating the data that they present to us. Data that is portrayed being the most accurate and that is meant to sway public opinion when in fact quite often it is just the opposite. The best method of our being able to determine which candidate deserves your support is to ignore the vast majority of these polls and simply do the research yourself. With the internet at your disposal you have countless sources that can be accessed to verify fact from fiction regarding the record of any candidate. We simply cannot afford to rely on others to tell us what they claim is the truth, or to be objective when telling us about any of the candidates.

Now it comes to us via any number of supposed wily political strategists, whose motives for doing to I simply cannot determine with any degree of certainty, that with the economy being so dismal, Barry "Almighty" will have to essentially re-write the political history books if he hopes to win re-election. We're told that the latest bad news for Team Barry is the fact that economic growth for the second quarter was revised downward from 1.3 to a mere 1 percent on Friday, far below the level of activity required to put even the slightest of dents in the nation’s chronic, high joblessness. Those slumping GDP numbers followed an economic-outlook report by the Congressional Budget Office that we're told supposedly touched off alarm bells in Barry’s campaign. Despite optimistic assumptions about GDP growth, inflation, and deficit-spending, the CBO projected U.S. unemployment to be at or above 8.5 percent through the fourth quarter of 2012. Again we're told that that means Barry will have to earn a return engagement to the White House under virtually unprecedented circumstances. And he’ll likely have to alter his campaign strategy in order to do it. “It becomes a game changer,” claims Matt Towery, CEO of the nonpartisan InsiderAdvantage polling company, “in the sense that he and the White House had every expectation two and a half years ago that unemployment would be well under 8 percent, that the stimulus package would work, and that [high unemployment] would not be an issue for him.” I still find it "extremely" hard to believe that Barry actually thought that his "stimulus" plan would actually result in "stimulating" anything in the way of actual economic growth.

The latest indication that Barry "Almighty" may be forced to jettison the post-partisan, hope-and-change mantra that propelled him into the White House in 2008 is a Pew Research Center poll showing only 49 percent of U.S. voters now consider him to be a strong leader. That’s down sharply from 58 percent in May and personally still sounds a little high. Also, Pew reports only 44 percent describe him as a person who can get things done, down from 55 percent. “I think Barack Obama is in deep trouble,” says Democratic pollster and Fox News contributor Doug Schoen. Much has been made of the fact that Ronald Reagan won re-election in 1984 with an unemployment rate of 7.2 percent. But that precedent now offers little encouragement for Barry "Almighty," and for two reasons. The obvious consideration is that the economy is expected to be in significantly worse shape in November 2012 than when Reagan won re-election. But equally significant is that unemployment dropped while Reagan was in office and was heading down on Election Day. When Barry "Almighty" took office, unemployment was 7.8 percent. The CBO report predicts it will still be well above that level when voters pass judgment on Barry. But let's not start planning our victory celebrations just yet. If there is one certainty in American politics it is the fact that Democrats are not above cheating in their attempt to hold onto power. And they have a very willing army of supporters in today's state-controlled media conglomerate standing at the ready to assist whenever needed. A media that has essentially been reduced to being nothing more than the propaganda arm of the DNC.

To better understand why the CBO projections are supposed to be some potential game-changer, consider this: The last time voters sent a president back to the White House when unemployment was north of 8 percent was 1940. That year, liberal icon, FDR was re-elected despite a Depression-era unemployment rate of 14.6 percent. But that example doesn’t provide much comfort to Democrats either. After all FDR, like Reagan, earned the voters’ patience by substantially lowering the unemployment rate from what it was when he took office. So is Barry "Almighty" toast before his campaign even begins? Unfortunately, no. “His campaign will have to shift the issue,” say Towery in an interview with Newsmax. “They’re going to have to find a way to make unemployment and the economy not the major issue. Now that’s almost going to be impossible -- but it is really their only way.” Towery envisions the following options for Team Barry: 1) He can move hard to the left and really push the class-warfare issue. By talking about taxes on millionaires and corporate-jet loopholes, Barry will energize and solidify his loony-left base. But it also risks unnerving the independents that Barry desperately needs to bring back into the fold to win re-election, 2) He can encourage the GOP to make an “unforced error.” Towery predicts Barry will prod Republicans in the hope that it leads them to make some sort of self-inflicted wound. He says refusing to extend the payroll-tax cut in an election year is one obvious example. Too much talk of slashing Medicare and Social Security is another, or 3) Barry can sufficiently rough up the GOP nominee and Republicans in Congress by painting them as extremists who would be too risky to trust with the presidency. “President Obama is weak,” Schoen says, “and I think what he is counting on is that Republicans will be weaker and less well regarded than he is.” Again, the risk is that Barry's choosing to smear his GOP rival is a dangerous alternative which could result in turning off independents. One of these strategies, or more likely a combination of all three, could help Barry achieve what no politician since FDR has accomplished: Getting re-elected after unemployment goes from bad to worse.

Mr. Towery, who served as a political strategist for former House Speaker Newt Gingrich in the 1980s and 90s, expects Barry to go sharply negative in an effort to redirect attention away from a badly slumping economy and toward whether the GOP alternative can be trusted to fix what ails it. I don’t think you need to be some slick political strategist to know that Barry will most definitely be going negative, in fact he already has. When looking at the sleazy cast of characters on his reelection team it's impossible to imagine them doing anything but to go "extremely" negative. “There’s only one thing in politics you do when you’re that low,” Towery says. “You try to bloody the other guy up just as much as you can." “I mean, it’s the only answer. I don’t care what anybody says: He can’t put enough commercials on about how hard he works or whatever. It isn’t even working in the African-American community. When Maxine Waters is out there giving you trouble, you know you’ve got problems.” With unemployment so high, Towery says, the bottom line for Barry and the Democrats is brutally simple, “They’ve got to just bloody up whoever gets the nomination, or the party as a whole,” he says. But even then, Towery says Barry may need help from Republicans in order to win re-election in 2012. “If you ask me what the Obama administration is looking for,” Towery says, “they’re looking for a fumble on behalf of Republicans, a totally unforced error." However, in order for the negative stuff to have the level of impact that the situation demands, Barry is going to have to rely pretty heavily on the stupidity of the American people as well as their willingness to continue to buy into all the negative crap.

My main concern here, or a fear really, is that as we get closer to the election there may be an increase in voter complacency or over confidence. That people will just automatically assume that there ain't no chance in Hell that this guy can get reelected so their vote really isn't needed and it's safe for them to just sit this one out. Or, that the level of general discontent with the current Republican field will sufficiently manifest itself and therefore effectively splinter support for whomever gets the Republican nomination with folks deciding instead to support a third party candidate. Look, we simply cannot afford to put our trust into any of these political soothsayers, they're simply doing a job for which they are quite handsomely paid. Their job is to manipulate public opinion to the best of their ability. In other words, it's their job to try to fool us into believing one thing while the actual fact of the matter is something entirely different. Our motto for the upcoming election should be, "Trust but verify." The truth is out there and it is going to take a certain amount of effort on the part of we the voters to get to it. There should be no doubt that Barry and his team are going to pull out all the stops in their effort to distract us away from all that is presently going on here. That's just standard operating procedures for these scumbags. And no matter how hard they try to paint the opposition as being "extreme," when looking back over the course of the last three years, can it be said that anyone could have possibly been any more "extreme" than Barry and the Democrats have been? They had what can safely be described as absolute power for 2 full years, and what did they choose to do with that power? If those actions taken by Congress and our "community agitator" of a president do not fit the definition of "extreme," then nothing does. 

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