

Friday, August 19, 2011


And where oh where is our illustrious "community agitator president? Oh, silly me, that's right, he's...ON VACATION! Hey, I'm just curious, when was the last time any of you could afford to take a nice long two week vacation? At someplace like Martha's Vineyard? During the Barry "Almighty" created stagnant economy? Now I know we've heard any number of White House stooges attempting to describe this little trip to Martha’s Vineyard as a working vacation. Still, we can only imagine the volume of the outcry if it were Bush who was now trying to float such an excuse for his absence from Washington at a time when the nation is entwined in what is being described as a fiscal disaster. Honestly folks, between the numerous golf outings and other vacations, can it be said that this guy has worked day one since assuming office. No, I think not! However, he is pretty enamored with all of the perks that come with the office. But I think most of us have now come to realize that this little fiscal disaster isn't going to have much of an impact on his leisure time, you know, especially with the pressures of the job and all. But I digress. The bottom line here is why shouldn't he go on vacation? After all, his little plan to radically, whoops, I mean to "fundamentally transform" American is pretty much well under way. And as soon as he is able to being about his much sought after economic collapse, he'll have it made in the shade!

Sarah Palin was on Fox News’ Greta Van Susteren Thursday night, and while listening to the exchange between the two, at first I kinda agreed with what Gov. Palin was saying, that Barry's trip shows that he is doing nothing more than “burying his head in the proverbial sand.” Adding, “It does matter where he is tonight, Greta, and I don’t know why our president bothers even making promises at this point or spewing those platitudes. One in particular: He said he promised to not rest until every American who wanted a job got that job.” Palin said, “And yet there he goes — jetting off to tickle his toes in the sand of Martha’s Vineyard and probably burying his head in the proverbial sand, ignoring the fact that 14 million Americans cannot find a job, that 40-plus million Americans are relying on food stamps to make ends meet." And, I suppose, all would be very valid points under normal circumstances in normal times. But what we have here is something that is pretty far removed from anything that could even remotely be considered as being normal times. Because what we have here is a rabid socialist zealot in the White House and someone who is very determined, so say the least, to bring about the demise of America as it has been known since it first came into being. He will do so by any means available to him.

The governor did go on to explain how it is that she see things, “You know, economies are crashing — markets are crashing — there’s a lot of turmoil right now. And he just seems so extremely absent from the reality that the rest of us are facing in this country today,” she said. “And that’s illustrated by his desire and now his action to go on vacation again, this time for 10 days . . . where the rest of us are kind of shaking our heads saying: Really? At this time? Perception being reality in politics, why in the world would he do this?” But even that notion is to assume that what's now going on isn't exactly what Barry wants to be going on. Look, put yourself in Barry's shoes for a second. I mean if everything was going along according to your plan, which is what I think is happening here, then why wouldn't you go ahead and go on a nice long, relaxing vacation. Because as much as people, apparently including Gov. Palin, can't bring themselves to say it, what's happening here is exactly what Barry has intended, even hoped, would be happening. In fact, he probably sees things as going better than he could have ever possibly hoped for. Gov. Palin's opinion not withstanding, what other explanation can there possibly be? The evidence is absolutely everywhere!

Now I usually find myself agreeing with Gov. Palin just about 90 percent of the time, but having said that, on this one issue I simply don't agree with her assessment of things. Because, to me, it seems very difficult, of not impossible, to interpret the economic and budgetary events that are now occurring as being anything other than something that's going on as a direct result of some grand design. But I do agree with Gov. Palin on her point that Barry’s ideology prohibits him from allowing “empowerment of individuals in our small businesses and our families to make decisions on our own and to invest according to our own priorities, so that the private sector can grow and thrive and jobs can be created.” She said, “No, his ideology is one of big, centralized government that can plan an economy and make decisions for our businesses and for us as individuals." She goes on to say, “So I think that he is not the one to provide that inspiration and that empowerment that is so desperately needed today to get us out of this really chaotic situation that we’re in. And we saw markets today react to that tumultuous chaos, as they’re forward-looking — these investors — who are really taking money out of the market right now because of the uncertainty,” she continued. “And it’s caused by President Obama’s ideology that will not allow the private sector to do what it does best and stimulate the economy itself."

Palin said Barry’s claim that he will now supposedly be presenting some great and wondrous plan in September that will somehow create more jobs will, most likely, amount to nothing more than being more of the same old grandiose big-government rhetoric for which Barry is so well-known. “What his jobs plan will be — I guarantee you, it will be based on this foundation: Spend more money, incur more debt, spend money that we do not have so we’ll have to borrow money from foreign countries like China or print more money so that we can spend more money,” Palin said. “And it all has to do with government — his ideal that government is the answer — when it’s proven in these last two-and-a-half years that government is not the answer." But I still think that she, any some others, may missing the point here, in that it is the answer for what Barry is trying so desperately to do here. And that is to dig this country so far into a hole, financially speaking, that it will then make it all the easier for him and his fellow Democrats to bring about a very thorough, if not a total, economic collapse of the American economy. That is one of the all important steps he sees as being necessary in his drive to "fundamentally transform" this country.

Palin adds, “Too often, it is the problem — and truly, he needs to allow the private sector to start stimulating the economy the way that America used to,” she said. “And you know what that was based on? That stimulation of the economy was based on development of our natural resources and reward for work ethic. And we’ve gotten so far away from that in our political — the policies coming out of Washington — that, you know, it’s going to take a while to get this train back on the right track.” Again, Barry, as well as the Democrat Party as a whole, has absolutely no interest whatsoever in getting this train back onto its tracks. On the contrary, these people are very firmly committed to ensuring that it is instead, driven over a cliff. This whole grand scheme here is one that revolves around the efforts of the Democrats to maneuver themselves into a position where they can entrap as many Americans as is possible in becoming totally dependent upon government. Look, these people are very familiar with human nature. And what better way to improve your odds of winning elections than by providing people with every array of taxpayer funded "benefit" and then telling them that unless they vote for you, all those nice "benefits" may just go away? This is the mess that the Democrats, and some Republicans, have now gotten us into. And it must stop.

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