

Thursday, August 25, 2011


Apparently in the hope of greasing the skids, so to speak, for Barry come 2012, a couple of supposed top Democratic pollsters, by the names of Doug Schoen and Patrick Caddell have come out and predicted that a third-party candidate will enter the presidential race as voters continue to show their dissatisfaction with both major parties. Americans are “searching beyond the two parties for bold and effective leadership,” Schoen and Caddell say in an article which they wrote for The Wall Street Journal. But I have no doubt that these two fellas most certainly have an ulterior motive here for they're bringing this whole idea up. And if Americans allow themselves to be maneuvered into doing such a thing as this, then they will have accomplished nothing more then to virtually guarantee victory to Barry, effectively allowing him to complete his plan for the destruction of this country. And they will have no one to blame but themselves for allowing such a travesty to take place. While the whole notion may look on paper as a way for people to demonstrate their dissatisfaction for how things are presently being done in Washington, the reality of it is that this may be the only way that Barry wins in 2012. And wouldn't old Barry be laughing all the way back into the Oval Office if we fall prey to this whole idiotic idea.

As the basis for their little thesis, these two clowns point to a poll that Schoen conducted showing that 57 percent of voters now say there is a need for a third party. “The American people are desperate for a leader who stands outside of the political establishment currently running Washington. A leader who can speak for the American majority — offering not just rhetoric, but a new direction and a proven record of getting things done,” they say. Both of these guys have worked as pollsters for Democratic presidents, Caddell with Jimmy "The Moron" Carter and Schoen with "BJ" Clinton. They point to the challenges from third-party candidates John Anderson, who carried 7 percent of the vote, in 1980 and Ross Perot, who got nearly 19 percent 12 years later. “We have seen in the past where economic distress and political alienation can lead,” the pollsters write. “And the conditions in those years were nowhere near as severe as they are today.” While this may sound like a good idea, this is not the time to be putting such a notion to the test. Now I realize that there is not going to be that one candidate that everybody is going to be able to enthusiastically get behind, but we are going to have to settle on the one candidate who we think has the best chance of defeating Barry in 2012. that should be what is seen as being paramount, the getting rid of Barry "Almighty."

The premise regarding the whole notion of a drive for a third-party candidate coming about has been in the wind for some time now, primarily by those who see such an event as being increasingly beneficial to Barry "Almighty." These wishful thinkers sight disillusion with both Barry "Almighty" and the current crop of GOP candidates has being the basis for such a scenario coming to fruition. Just this month, former Clinton aide, and well known lunatic, James Carville also came out and predicted that a third party candidate would emerge, and former New York City Mayor Ed Koch yet another Democrat, has said he would like to see columnist George Will or current New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg run. It's imperative that the American people recognize this for what it is. What it is, is nothing more than a subliminal attempt to plant the seed in the minds of just enough people that, yes by golly, we'll show them, we'll just vote for a third party candidate. Such an action would be the ultimate equivalent to the biting of your nose to spite your face. It makes no sense, because it would do absolutely nothing to correct the current goings on in Washington, and realistically, only serve to make matters much, much worse.

The Wall Street Journal article points to several places where the third-party candidate could crop up, a mercurial run from someone such as Donald Trump, from the center with a candidate from the bipartisan Americans Elect, or with a tea party candidate from the right. “The tea party movement is functioning as a quasi-third party already, having already demonstrated an unprecedented level of activism, enthusiasm and influence over the primary and general-election outcomes during the 2010 midterms — and, most recently, driving the debate over the debt ceiling,” Schoen and Caddell say. “The political order as we know it is deteriorating and disintegrating, and politics abhors a vacuum. So there is very good reason to believe that a credible third party, or even fourth political party, may be on the ballot in 2012. The American people clearly are looking for alternatives. Now.” The only ones who would be made to suffer, were some third party candidate to become a reality, would be those of us on the right. The base of support for the Republican candidate would be splintered with the net result being a cakewalk for Barry and quite possibly a sufficient number Democrat congressional candidates winning on Barry's coattails to again give the Democrats control of both houses of Congress.

Having already experienced the consequences of what was essentially one party rule during the first two years of Barry's reign, are we sure it's that that we want to go back to. The American people must think very long and hard about this and ask themselves is this really something they want to do. Because to do so would effectively destroy any possibility whatsoever for our children and grand children of having a future that the can enjoy. We must put things into their proper perspective and not allow ourselves to be convinced by others to buy into what they see as being a bang up idea. They are only suggesting such a thing for no other reason than because they see it as being beneficial to their candidate. These people are looking to take advantage of any dissatisfaction that may exist regarding the Republicans candidates in an attempt to peel off enough support for whatever candidate it is that eventually garners the nomination, and for no other reason that to increase the odds for a Barry victory. That would be the worst possible scenario, and we cannot allow it to become are reality. We are going to put any petty differences aside and remain very much united as we march toward the 2012 election. This unmitigated disaster of a presidency cannot be allowed to go beyond that date. It must be brought to and end!

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