

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


And so it was my friends, that our current boy genius, Treasury Secretary Little Timmy "The Tax Cheat" Geithner, the only man seen as being capable of "fixing" our supposed financial "crisis," has now reduced himself to taking pathetic, and very juvenile, pot shots at people whose only faults is that they are simply fed up with how those in charge of our out of control federal bureaucracy are savaging this nation. This most recent swipe at the Tea Party took place, quite naturally, in a Washington Post "opinion piece" posted after the debt-ceiling law was signed by our illustrious "Fearless Leader," Barack Hussein Obama. Those in the Tea Party have now been called just about every name in the book, from racists to terrorists to "Teabaggers", and for what reason exactly. It's for no other reason than because they believe in the Constitution and they feel powerless as they watch our "community agitator" of a president doing his best to completely ignore it! And now the Democrats, the state controlled media and even some our Republican "leaders" in Congress are trying to convince them that this supposed great compromise that recently took place is to be chalked up as some sort of great victory. I'm just not seeing it.

Says Little Timmy, "The agreement removes the threat of default and lowers the prospect of using the debt limit as an instrument of coercion. It should not be possible for a small minority to threaten catastrophe if the rest of the government decides not to embrace an extreme agenda of austerity and the dismantling of programs for the elderly and the less fortunate." A small minority? Timmy went on to say that, "Beneath all the bluster, the prospects for compromise on broader and deeper reforms are better than they have been in years." Coercion? If anyone is guilty of what this little twerp describes as coercion, it's that flaming ass that he works for and sits there in the Oval Office. This guy, Geithner, has been talking out of his ass for so long that I think even he's beginning to believe all of the utter nonsense that comes out of his mouth/ass. The prospects for what Timmy so enthusiastically describes as "compromise on broader and deeper reforms" is no better now that it was before this deal was struck. It's all nothing more than some twisted charade, smoke and mirrors, or any other analogy that would properly describe this blatant attempt to deceive the American people into thinking that those in Washington do finally get it. But nothing could be further from the truth.

Sounding ever like the eternal optimist, as these imbecilic liberals have a rather nasty tendency to do, Geithner went so far as to offer up some heartfelt praise for the current legislation saying the cuts that it offers now, plus the measures expected to come by the end of November, will put the country on a more balanced track to reduce its debt. He also was optimistic that leaders of both parties can come to compromise: "Leading Republicans have begun talking about tax reforms that will raise revenue and help reduce the deficit. Democrats recognize that we have to find savings to preserve programs for the elderly, the middle class and the poor, and to create room to help rebuild the economy, " Geithner wrote. What an outrageous load of crap! Look, this whole attempt to try to convince "We the people," that this whole cockamamie debt ceiling/spending cut compromise is a positive step is in reality nothing more than a bodacious load of pure, unadulterated, bullshit. We're now supposed to all breath a collective sigh of relief just because guys like Timmy are telling us all that our politicians have finally now gotten the message. And because they've finally gotten it, we are now firmly on the road to getting our fiscal house in order. Ain't happenin! Nothing substantial has been accomplished here. And to use the Tea Party as some sort of scapegoat is pretty disgusting.

"Governing requires the recognition that we do not have unlimited resources. We cannot ask the American people to pay more in taxes without being able to demonstrate that we have found ways to use their taxes more wisely. Nor can we ask Americans to accept changes in Medicare and Medicaid if those savings will be used to pay for tax preferences for the most fortunate few." Is anyone besides me about ready to lose their freakin lunch here? Does this moron really think we're so stupid as to believe a single word of what he has said here? REALLY? He talks about how "governing requires the recognition that we do not have unlimited resources." Well DUH. I'm thinking that somebody really needs to inform Barry of that little fact, because that certainly isn't the perception that he seems to be operating under. Maybe those whom make up the biggest share the Democrat's core constituencies' might be willing to buy all of this drivel, but those who possess some semblance of intelligence most certainly are not. We're sick of being lied to. A fact that apparent many on the Republican side of the aisle seem to not quite understand. And they continue to do at their own peril.

1 comment:

  1. We don't have unlimited resources. Americans must take PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY for their futures and not rely on the taxpaying class to support them.

    Enforce the Constitution, and we don't have to worry about this tripe.
