

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Am I the only one who recognizes the fact that we now have some of the most racist and dishonest individuals on the planet now very enthusiastically throwing around accusations of racism and directing them at group of people who are, without a doubt, the least racist folks you will ever meet? The Tea Party did not come about because of anything that is even remotely connected to race. The fact of the matter is that these people finally got to the point where they were fed up with being taken for granted by elected officials and getting bled dry in the form ever increasing taxes that are then used for nothing more than the subsidizing of massive entitlement programs handed out primarily to Democrat constituents. Every act of actual racism comes from those pathetic individuals hurling the latest batch of accusations, people like Maxine Waters, Sheila Jackson Lee, and now this other racist imbecile, Frederica Wilson, another scumbag Democrat from down here in Florida. So just days after Rep. Maxine “Dumb as a doorknob” Waters told her supporters that those who make up the Tea Party movement could go “straight to hell,” her fellow black House Democrat has added to the incendiary rhetoric by her saying that the Tea Party movement is "the real enemy." There seems to be a rather nasty little trend developing here. There seems to be a concerted effort here coming from black members of Congress to disparage in anyway possible members of the Tea Party. And I can't help but wonder if this is all part of some overall strategy and that they may be doing so at the behest of the Democrat leadership in Congress or perhaps even of the DNC. Or, quite possible, both.

"Let us all remember who the real enemy is. The real enemy is the Tea Party," Rep. Frederica Wilson, D-Fla., said at a Miami town hall, according to The Hill. "The Tea Party holds the Congress hostage. They have one goal in mind, and that's to make President Obama a one-term president." Ms. Wilson's comments suggest that members of the Congressional Black Caucus may now have struck upon a rather sinister plan that has as its primary tactic that of attempting to portray anyone who has the audacity to disagree with these pathetic Liberals as being motivated solely by race. And these sleazy black politicians seem to be very energetically employing a uniform strategy of using race in their continuing assault on the Tea Party. All this in spite of the frequent calls by some of these very same Democrats for a move toward a much more civil tone in political discourse. However, it seems to be very obvious that these simpletons see any rules of civility as simply not applying to them. They are to be allowed to say whatever they want about whomever they want and to immune from being called on it. What these Democrat bigots fail to recognize is that what they are now witnessing is a growing sentiment that people are finally getting tired of footing the bill for liberal entitlement programs and costly bailouts. So in response what these mental midgets have now decided to do is to respond with in very juvenile manner of calling the Tea Party people disgusting names. And these are our supposed leaders. But I’m not sure of they’re winning many converts. Now granted I’m sure that those who comprise the core constituencies of these unscrupulous characters will eat this stuff up, if for no other reason than because of their failure to identify the true cause of all of their self-inflicted problems.

“This is a tough game. You can't be intimidated. You can't be frightened. And as far as I'm concerned — the Tea Party can go straight to hell,” so said the esteemed Ms. Waters, Democrat, at a recent town-hall-style meeting out in la-la land (California). And then of course as always we have that racist shakedown artist Jesse Jackson, who enjoys being referred to as a reverend, also participating in the town hall with Ms. Wilson, comparing the modern Tea Party movement to opposition to the civil-rights movement. "The Tea Party is a new name on an old game," he said. "Dr. King fought a 'tea party' in Alabama." I find it more than a little ironic here that this imbecile would make such a claim in the first place, because most likely were it not for folks like those in today's Tea Party, neither the Civil Rights Act of 1964 nor the Voting Rights Act of 1965 would never have been passed. It was racist Democrat who were the biggest opponents of those very pieces of legislation. But, apparently, Mr. Jackson doesn't remember that little fact. I think moist of us realize that this is how slimy characters like Jackson and his fellow pot stirrer Al "Bull Horn" Sharpton, make their money as well as to maintain their value to the Democrat Party. These two buffoons have been throwing their own people under the bus for years in order to maintain their seat at the table of the Democrat Party. And I’m quite sure that Dr. King, if he were alive today, would be oh so proud of the level to which Jackson and Sharpton have now stooped, and very often in his name, and that have they accomplished nothing other than to increase the racial tensions in this country. They are two of the most divisive people in America today, and have done nothing to serve those who they claim to represent.

Personally, I’m really getting tired of being called a racist by individuals who have demonstrated the fact that they are actually the racist ones, and to the extreme, as they continue to behave in way that can only be descibed as being pathologial in nature. What these pathetic lowlifes have now effectively done here, is to reduce themselves to roughly the equivalent of pond scum, they have shown themselve to be people willing use all manner of accusations, but especially of racism, against those whose only fault it is, that they disagree with these Democrats regarding what government should do and what it should not do as well as how much government should cost. And if we had a president with even the slightest amount of character he would, for no other reason than in the name of civility, be coming to the defense of those now being accused. But instead, what does he do? He chooses to join in the chorus of bigots busily hurling the inflammatory rhetoric and referring to those who align themselves with the Tea Party as, “Tea Baggers.” How utterly presidential, don’t you think? The pure insidious nature of the tactics now being employed by these unscrupulous individuals, including our "community agitator" of a president, and for no other reason than that they hope to achieve some level of political gain, is sickening. The Democrat Party has now managed to sink to yet another all new low.

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