

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Apparently Barry "Almighty," our stellar "community agitator" of a president, and ever the political opportunist, now sees a bit of political opportunity there in our present debt situation as he attempts to capitalize on it at two fundraisers he attended after the market took a rather significant plunge. Barry says there's some good news that came from the bitterly partisan debt debate in that it made people so frustrated with Washington that Democrats will now find it much easier to draw a clear divide with Republicans heading into the 2012 election. Democrats aren't the only ones who are going to be able to better point out the stark differences between the two political parties. Under the stewardship of the Democrats, who at the time had complete control of the government, we spent ourselves into bankruptcy, to the point where now our credit rating has become effected. And what exactly to we have to show for outrageous amount of our money that they've spent? That would be, absolutely nothing. At the same time Democrats literally seized control of our healthcare system all under the guise of lowering costs and covering more Americans without insurance. Neither of these fallacies have any hope of ever becoming a reality. The last 31 months, in their entirety, have been nothing more than smoke and mirrors. And yet he remains convinced that more Americans will choose to vote for Democrats than those who will, instead, vote for preserving the future for their children. And he may very well be right about that. And if so, then I hate to think about what the future of this country is going to look like should this "community agitator" succeed in getting himself re-elected.

Barry "Almighty" said Monday that the public thought divided government might make some sense -- but not dysfunctional government. And he said he thinks they're not persuaded by what he described as the Republican strategy of slashing spending on social programs. "They're not buying that bill of goods," Barry said at a campaign event. "The good news is that I think there has been enough frustration at Washington, sort of reached a fevered pitch last week, that we're now looking at 16 months in which there's going to be a clear contrast and a clear choice," he said. He described the upcoming election as even more consequential than the 2008 contest that catapulted him into the White House, saying that more is at stake, and "The alternative visions being presented are even starker now than I think they were before." On that point I must say that I agree with Barry. This election will prove to be much more consequential than the election of 2008. Also, there will be a very clear choice presented to the American people. Barry spoke at two Democratic National Committee events Monday night in Washington. He made reference at both to tough days in the stock market plunge that took a dive Monday, saying that markets go up and down, and even before the turmoil it was clear the recovery wasn't happening fast enough. Fast enough? Someone needs to tell this moron that a bona fide "recovery" is nowhere near to happening. But then, knowing Barry as we all should by now, might that all be by design? Democrats, led by Barry, absolutely thrive on crises. And where one does not exist they work to create one, or at least the impression that one exists.

"We've had a couple of very difficult days in the stock market, but the truth of the matter is, is that the challenges go beyond the stock market," Barry said. A very difficult couple of days? They don't appear to have been too difficult for him. And is that really how he wishes to describe what's taken place here? Barry also expressed some pessimism about whether Congress would be able to get anything done to create jobs or improve the economy. "Whether we're going to see any progress out of this Congress right now -- because so far we haven't seen much when it comes to innovative ideas to actually put people to work and grow the economy -- remains to be seen," Barry said. Contrary to our "Fearless Leader," there have been plenty of ideas that have been put out there only to be completely and unceremoniously shot down by Barry and "Dingy" Harry without ever coming up with any ideas of their own. The only acceptable solutions to our continuing debt problems are Democrat solutions. And up to this point their only solutions to this mess involve the slashing of defense spending and the raising of taxes on the very ones who are truly capable of actually creating the jobs that Barry claims we so desperately need. But all he doing is pulling the rug out from under those who create the jobs. While Barry has expanded the federal workforce by over 200,000, 2.4 million private sector jobs have simply gone up in smoke. And yet we've spent nearly $1 Trillion dollars to, theoretically, create, or "save," jobs. What's wrong with this picture?

At his first event Monday, Barry addressed about 140 guests at the home of some developer by the name of R. Donahue "Don" Peebles and his wife Katrina where tickets priced at $15,000 per family were sold to benefit the Barry "Almighty" Victory Fund. Later the same evening Barry spoke at a small donor outreach event at the ritzy St. Regis hotel. Barry's concern for our ongoing debt problem is pretty much nonexistent as he returns to a regular schedule of frequent fundraisers after taking weeks off to supposedly deal with the debt crisis. Last week he appeared at fundraisers in Chicago to mark his 50th birthday, but apart from those, Monday's events marked only his second fundraising outing since June. And I suppose it can go without saying that much more fundraising is on tap when Barry will travel to New York City on Thursday. Barry raised a record $750 million in his 2008 presidential bid and could likely exceed that this time around. However, the question that will not be answered until November 6,2012 is, will any amount of money be enough to persuade the American people that "Hope and Change" has been nothing more that "Hoax and Chains?" Will the people allow themselves to be so easily hoodwinked this time around? There's that old saying, "Fool me once shame on you, fool be twice shame on me." Will we be saying shame on us after the next election?

A little side note here, as well as being something that further aids in painting the rather stark differences between the two parties, is the fact that in just four short days last week, Barry’s administration increased the national debt by more, in inflation-adjusted dollars, than the administrations of Presidents Harry Truman and Dwight D. Eisenhower increased the national debt over the entire decade of the 1950s. Now think about that. If that doesn't wake you up to the reality of what this political thug is doing, then nothing will. At the start of business on Tuesday, August 2, the national debt subject to the legal limit was $14.293975 trillion. Barry signed legislation that day lifting the limit by as much as $2.4 trillion—with an initial and immediate increase in the limit of $400 billion. By the close of business on Friday, August 5, the national debt subject to the limit had grown to $14.536130 trillion. Over just four days, the debt had jumped $242.155 billion. By contrast, over the ten-year period from the end of fiscal 1950 to the end of fiscal 1960, the national debt grew from approximately $257.36 billion to approximately $286.33 billion—an increase of approximately $28.97 billion. Using the Bureau of Labor Statistics inflation calculator, $28.97 billion in 1960 dollars equals $220.92 billion in 2011 dollars. Thus, the $242.155 billion in 2011 dollars that the Barry administration increased the debt between last Tuesday and last Friday is more than the combined debt increases of the Truman and Eisenhower administrations from the end of fiscal 1950 to the end of fiscal 1960.

I have to wholeheartedly agree with Rush Limbaugh’s assessment of what Barry and the Democrats are attempting to do here. He makes the point that “we have a president that’s overseeing — engineering — the decline of the American republic.” And that is exactly what's going on here, it's hard to see it any other way. Rush also charged that Democrats are trying to play the blame game against Republicans over the financial crisis. And naturally they are getting lots of help from the state controlled media in that little endeavor of theirs. Look, Barry campaigned for the job he now has, and to now run around doing nothing more than complaining or trying to blame everything on the other side, or on his predecessor, isn't only unpresidential, it's a little unseemly and more than a little bizarre. “Obama is always running around complaining and whining and moaning about all that he inherited from George W. Bush,” Rush said. “Well, he inherited a AAA credit rating, an unemployment rate of 5.7 percent." To those of us who love this country and recognize it as being that "Shining city on the Hill," Barry has been nothing short of an unmitigated disaster. But to those who seek to destroy America and are assisting Barry in completeing his mission of "fundamentally transforming" it into something totally foreign, then I guess he is no doubt considered as being an overwhelming success. Such is the chasm that currently exists in this country. And that's what going to determine the outcome of the 2012 election. Disaster, or success, that, my friends, may very well prove to be the $14 Trillion question.

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