

Monday, August 8, 2011


The strategy that we are very likely to see allot more of in the coming days and months has now been revealed and set in motion. It would now appear that the latest Democrat issued talking point regarding Friday’s S&P downgrade of the U.S. credit rating is to blame it all on those ignorant and stubborn Tea Party folks. From here on out it is to be referred to as the “tea party downgrade.” That phrase began to surface this past on the Sunday morning talk shows, first with that moron from Massachusetts, Sen. John Kerry-Heinz, who I believe spent a short yet very personally rewarding time in Vietnam, and was then followed up by Barry "Almighty's" presidential campaign adviser David "Sleazy Scumbag" Axelrod. Now you know if these two simpletons are out there spewing this drivel we're sure to be hearing the same line over and over ad nauseam for the foreseeable future. Quite possibly right up to the November, 2012, election. Before long it will the phrase that we will most assuredly hear, repeatedly, from those who comprise the state-controlled media complex, which is always more than willing to fill in as the propaganda arm of the Democrat Party. They will paint the Tea Party as being the villain in all of this in their pathetic attempt to distract the American people away from the true culprits in this mess, which is of course, the Democrats. And sadly, either out of stupidity or their desire to keep their taxpayer subsidized checks coming, there will be many who fall for this nonsense.

Sen. John Kerry-Heinz continued his imbecilic attacks on the Tea Party on Sunday, calling Standard & Poor’s Friday downgrade of the U.S. credit rating “the Tea Party downgrade.” Speaking on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” the former "loser" presidential candidate said that it was the Tea Party who was at fault here after its members held up the negotiation process and refused to get on board with plans on the table. “I believe this is without question the Tea Party downgrade,” Kerry said. “This is the Tea Party downgrade because a minority of people in the House of Representatives countered even the will of many Republicans in the United States Senate who were prepared to do a bigger deal, to do $4.7 trillion or $4 trillion, have a mix of reductions and reforms in social security, Medicare, Medicaid, but also recognize that we needed to do some revenue.” Ok, so I guess Mr. Kerry-Heinz is of the opinion that the will of the Republicans in the Senate trumps the will of the American people. Because a majority of the American people were pretty much against raising the debt ceiling altogether. This moron just makes no sense, and he proves to everyone just how stupid he is every time he opens his big mouth. Look, it's become very obvious that the people of Massachusetts reside at or very near the shallow end of the gene pool or this guy would have been sent packing a long time ago. What he doesn't seem to understand here is that most Americans are more than a little brighter than those who reside in his home state.

It wasn't that long ago that old bonehead Kerry-Heinz, the ever-present pompous gas bag, took it upon himself to blast the Tea Party saying its members don’t "deserve" equal time or balance in the media because their ideas are not “legitimate.” I believe he called their ideas "whacky." Even RINO John McCain took exception to Kerry’s comments, and responded by defending the Tea Party’s refusal to sign on and blamed instead, Barry "Almighty" for his rather obvious “failure to lead” during the debt crisis, choosing to once again do nothing more than to vote "present." “The fact is the president never came forward with a plan,“ McCain said ”There was never a specific plan, there was as always the so-called leading from behind.” Still, the former Republican presidential candidate said “we could have reached an agreement a lot earlier,” but Tea Party members elected last fall had an obligation to follow through on their campaign promises. “Members of the House of Representatives had a mandate last November, it was jobs and the economy and it was spending,” he said. “For them to agree to tax and spending increases was obviously a repudiation of the mandate they felt they have from last November.” Look, promises made need to translate into promises kept. And this latest deal does not have as its basis promises kept, but in business as usual. So as much as John Kerry-Heinz would like it to be so, our recent downgrade is not something that can be traced back to the Tea Party.

Then on the CBS caricature of a news/information program, “Face the Nation,” Axelrod took his turn in the box to explain his brilliant interpretation of the downgrade. He argued it had more to do with the country’s politics and less to do with its finances. “Well, first of all, let’s see how the markets react because I think there’s a broad consensus that this is still the safest place to put your money,” he said. “You know, we can debate the strength of the analysis that they did, the history of S&P and so on. They made an egregious analytical error here but theirs was largely a political analysis. That’s what we should focus on because what they were saying is they want to see the political system work. They want to see a sense of compromise. They want to see the kind of solution that the president has been fighting for, a large solution that will team with the problem, that will be balance, that will include revenues, that will deal with some of our long-term issues. We still made some progress in the compromise that was struck on the debt. What they’re saying is we have to make more progress. In fact we do. That’s what the next few months is going to be all about.” So Mr. Axelrod would have us believe that S&P will only be satisfied with the kind of solution that the "president has been fighting for." First of all Barry never came up with a plan, just silly rhetoric. All he wants to do is to raise taxes, to take even more money out of the hands of the American people and into the government coffers where it can then be wasted on out of control entitlement programs primarily populated by Democrat constituencies. What a deal!

During his appearance on “Face the Nation,” Axelrod also argued that in crafting a solution to America’s debt problem, lawmakers must address the problem “in a way that is fair to everyone” — by which he meant that he believed the wealthy had to put more skin in the game. “First of all, there’s no doubt that the brinksmanship that we saw was atrocious and that contributed their analysis,” Axelrod said. Never one to give up, Axelrod continued, “But let’s review exactly what happened. For months the president was saying let’s get together. Let’s compromise. Let’s do a $4 trillion package that will really stabilize the debt and get us on the right path. Let’s do it in a way that is fair to everyone so that the wealthiest Americans are kicking in as well as the middle class and everyone else in the country. We close these egregious loopholes. We deal with long-term structural issues, everybody giving up some of their sacred cows in order to achieve that result. And we thought we had such an arrangement with the Speaker of the House, who showed interest in it, Mr. Boehner. Then he went back to his caucus. He had to yield to the most strident voices in his party. They played brinkmanship with the full faith and credit of the United States. This was the result of that. You know, there is a lesson in that. Compromise cannot be a dirty word. We have to work together to solve this problem. We have to do it in a way that’s fair and balanced and meaningful.” I just love it when scumbag Democrats like Axelrod talk about compromise. I think it's pretty obvious who was during this last go around who it was that was unwilling to compromise. What the Democrats were pushing for was complete capitulation by the Republicans. That's not exactly how I would define compromise.

So I'm still not sure how it is that this idiot can blame the only people who came with a plan. Actually three plans. His side did absolutely nothing more than to complain about the bills that were passed never presenting a plan of their own. And it's the Tea Party's fault? No, Mr. Axelrod, I think not! All this class warfare crap is just that, crap. Barry and the Democrats could confiscate every single dime that's made by the so-called wealthy in this country and it would be nothing more than a drop in the bucket in solving our debt problem. In fact if Barry were to take it a step further and confiscate all of the personal wealth of those perceived as being rich, he'd still fall far short of what is needed to solve the problem that he has created through his out of control spending binge. So let's just drop the whole pretense that if only the rich would cough up just a little more all of our spending problems would be resolved. That's nonsense, but it's the prevailing, and rather warped, mentality that we currently have on display there in the White House. Here's an idea, how about those people who have no skin in the game, those 50 percent of us who pay zero income tax, how about asking them to pony up a little bit? What entitles these parasites to a free ride? Heaven forbid, that must never be allowed to happen. How dare we even consider asking that these poor unfortunate souls, these victims of our unjust society, to put up something in exchange for the generous benefits that they receive at no cost to themselves? Shame on us!

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