Ok, so for now those on the left very clearly think they’ve finally accomplished that which they have trying to accomplish for nearly 10 years. They’re all now running around patting themselves on the back, and all quite proud of themselves. But I’m here to tell them that all of the gloating now taking place is very likely more than a little premature. But let them think they’ve won, because while they may have won this battle, it’s in their rush to do so that I would like to think they might have just made it a bit more difficult to win the war they seem so intent on bringing about. The ultimate victory will come about this November, so we wait and see.
"A place where honest, serious and frank discussions on politics, current events, and social issues take place."

Friday, May 31, 2024
Ok, so for now those on the left very clearly think they’ve finally accomplished that which they have trying to accomplish for nearly 10 years. They’re all now running around patting themselves on the back, and all quite proud of themselves. But I’m here to tell them that all of the gloating now taking place is very likely more than a little premature. But let them think they’ve won, because while they may have won this battle, it’s in their rush to do so that I would like to think they might have just made it a bit more difficult to win the war they seem so intent on bringing about. The ultimate victory will come about this November, so we wait and see.
When it comes to Democrats, have you ever seen a bigger bunch of whiners? It would seem that there is nothing that makes them happy, other than, of course, doing all that they can to destroy our country. That, my friends, makes them absolutely ecstatic. A more disgusting, and more pathetic bunch of scumbags you would not find anywhere on the entire planet. Which makes you wonder just why it is that we came to be cursed with such people. Just what was it that we ever did to deserve the likes of them? And it seems that with each passing day they seem more intent on making our lives more difficult. Which brings me to Democrat Senator, Sheldon Whitehouse.
Thursday, May 30, 2024
Let’s face it, over the last few decades you must admit that we have had some ‘First Ladies’ that were some real dregs. And oddly enough the one thing that all these dregs have had in common is the fact that they’ve all been Democrats. First of all, I really thought we had hit the bottom of the barrel with Hitlery. But then it wasn’t long after that that Moochelle Obummer came along which had us hitting another all new low, with things getting a little weird with some folks claiming that she’s really a dude. And then who should come along next but Jill Biden who we’re all supposed to be awe of because she got her doctorate from a box of ‘Cracker Jacks.'
Tuesday, May 28, 2024
And so it was that another scum sucking Democrat, and one I’ve never even heard of, was recently dragged out from under her rock by the imbeciles at MSDNC in what was clearly another attempt on the part of this joke of a cable ‘news,’ and their Democrat masters, to convince Republican voters that President Trump simply is not the man that we have somehow convinced ourselves that he is. Neither these Democrat stooges nor these ‘fake news’ pukes seem able to get it through their cement heads that there is nothing that they can say, or imply, that will dissuade anyone who genuinely loves this country from voting for President Trump, absolutely nothing!!!
Monday, May 27, 2024
So what is it, do you suppose, that cannot be blamed on ‘climate change?’ I mean, if you listen to Democrats there is, quite literally, nothing that cannot have its root cause traced directly back to that which they continue to describe as an existential threat. The next great crisis mankind will face, and that only they can prevent. And it’s every time we turn around that Democrats have concocted some new imagined consequence of something that doesn’t even exist. They’ve been busy concocting this climate bullshit for 50 years and none of their cockamamie predictions have come true, not one. But they keep trying with each new claim crazier than the last.
Well, I have said it before, and I will likely say it again, that it must be nice to be a Democrat, possessing a mentality that there is absolutely nothing that can ever be said to be your fault. Because no matter how badly it might be that you have so thoroughly fucked up, it’s always the fault of the other guys. And to tell you the truth, were not for the fact that a frontal lobotomy would be required for doing so, I’d say that it’s in my next life I would like to come back as a Democrat. If for no other reason than because it’s as a Democrat that one is even able to get away with murder, free of any consequence. I’m sure you all remember Teddy Kennedy.
MARGARET BRENNAN: You’re talking about
the bill you helped author, and- and it was put up for a vote, which, they knew
it was going to fail, it- this was about messaging. But, like, Senator Gary
Peters, who’s trying to help Democrats defend the majority in the Senate, was
on this program last week, and he said absolutely, the president should be
talking about the border more. Why isn’t he?
MURPHY: I agree that the American people
want to talk about border security. And right now, the president has the
opportunity to go out there and talk about a Democratic Party proposal
negotiated with Republicans that would get the border under control. And a
opponent President–
BRENNAN: Or he could’ve spent months and
weeks whipping support for it.
MURPHY: Or- and- President Trump’s
desire to keep the border a mess because he thinks that it helps him
politically. This is as clear a contrast as has ever been available to the
Democratic Party on the issue of the border. Democrats support bipartisan border
security, Republicans want the border to be a mess, because it’s good politics
for them. And the President and every Democrat running for office should be
talking about that.
BRENNAN: But- but you know, and we
really dug in deep on this bill that you helped author on this program, but for
Americans who just want something done, you know, the ifs and buts really don’t
matter much. The president could take executive action and has been talking
about it since back in February, when the Homeland Security Secretary mentioned
it was being considered. Should he just get caught trying? Pull the trigger, do
something on executive action?
MURPHY: The president has such limited
ability to issue executive orders that would have an impact on the border. He
can’t conjure resources out of thin air. If he were to try to shut down
portions of the border, the courts would throw that out, I think, within a
matter of weeks. The only thing that will bring–
BRENNAN: 212(f) authority that’s being
mulled here.
MURPHY: Yeah, I- I think the only thing that will bring order to the southwest border is bipartisan legislation. We have a bipartisan border bill. If Republicans decided to support it, it would pass. We could get it to the president’s desk. It is up to Donald Trump and Republicans as to whether they want to solve the problem at the border, or whether they want to keep the border a mess because it helps them politically in this upcoming election.
This is nothing but yet another example of our leftist media colluding with the Democrat Party to advance the lie that it was the Republicans who refused to pass the disastrous Senate border bill “because Trump told them to” and spin it as if President Trump is to blame for the mess Joey has made. The bill would not secure the border, it only ensured the more rapid processing of a record high level of illegal invaders. And the Republicans in Congress were right to oppose it because their constituents told them to vote against it. HR-2, the Secure the Border Act of 2023 actually WOULD secure the border. But Chuckie Schumer refuses to bring that before the Senate.
Democrats need to learn a new song. Everything out of their collective mouths is a lie, and more and more Americans are tuning them out. Murphy is a liar! Trump did not back the Senate version of the border bill, hardly a bi-partisan bill. And now Democrats, like Murphy, are accusing President Trump of not wanting to solve the border problem so he can use it as a campaign issue. In other words, accusing him of behaving as a Democrat would. Those like Murphy seem to forget that Joey did everything he could to ‘undo’ everything President Trump did to secure the border. Joey threw the gates wide open, because Democrats are need of some new voters.
So, if I have this right, the Democrats author a bill that does nothing alleviate the illegal immigrant problem and is solely designed to pretend to do address it. Then Murphy rails against those who actually want to do something to address the issue. Does he really think we’re that stupid? The bill was dreamt up three years after Joey created the problem. The problem, simply put, is that tens of thousands of people are illegally crossing our border. The bill spent millions on dealing with the border crossers after they’ve crossed the border illegally and permitted tens of thousands more illegal entry. Trump did not cause the problem by not supporting the bill.
The bottom line here, despite all of the bitching by those like Murphy, is that a bad border bill is worse than no border bill at all. The majority of the American people want our southern border secured, closed to illegal immigration. We do not want a bill that does nothing more than to facilitate the foreign invasion into our country that is now taking place. We do not want a parole pipeline, or work permits issued, or temporary protections for illegals, or any other gimmicks to avoid doing what should be done by law. That’s all the Democrat Party has offered, and that’s not securing our border by anyone’s definition. Enough is enough, close the goddamn border.
I think we call safely agree that ‘Face the Nation’ is nothing more than just one more show in the ‘fake news’ in a propaganda lineup that’s nothing but a wholly owned subsidiary of the Democrat Party. We are supposed to have a free and unbiased ‘news’ media but since it is not, and refuses to be anything but biased, it simply needs to be ignored since there is nothing to be gained from watching. They should be required to deliver the ‘news’ without their idiotic bias, one way or the other, and without their own personal commentary. And the 24-hour news networks like CNN, MSDNC and Fox should be forced out of business if they refuse to comply. Just say, NO!
Look, I know memory is the first thing to go as you get older, but I for one remember President Trump trying to do all that he could to secure our border. And something else I remember is how those like Murphy, and more than a few RINOs, did everything they could to prevent him from doing so. He even had much of the money needed and much of the materials were delivered to the site. Now the wall materials sit rusting away while we pay millions of dollars to the contractor who was contracted to build it. And why the Hell might that be? Well, the answer to that is really pretty simple, it would be because of Joey’s Executive Order that halted the building of the wall.
And if Ms. Brennan was half the ‘journalist’ that she professes herself to be, she would have pointed out to Murphy that the border was not a mess when President Trump left office. And that it became a mess immediately after Joey took office and ensured that it became a mess. And she would have pointed out how it was that President Trump had the border under control and it was Joey who threw open the floodgates. But that would be expecting too much from Ms. Brennan. The bill was garbage, and everyone knows it. Most importantly, it wasn’t needed. The President has the power to deny entrance to any person or group of people that he wants.
Does Murphy and the Democrats actually think people can’t remember border security was MUCH BETTER when President Trump was in the White House? One of the most serious problems we have regarding our ‘two party system’ is that members of one political party, the Democrats, can go on a so-called ‘news’ programs or speak with so-called ‘journalists’ and say things that are so blatantly and obviously untrue that it really does boggle the mind, and without contradiction or any serious challenge to those falsehoods. This does real harm to our society. People have lost faith in those ‘journalists’ who refuse to hold politicians accountable for their policy disasters.
The entire exchange between these two left my head absolutely spinning. I mean just how is it that the mess that Joey has created by essentially throwing the border wide open somehow became a Republican mess? We have over 11 million illegal immigrants who we haven’t got a clue about who they are or where they are. And it’s insulting how these Democrat politicians believes that we, the voters, are that stupid! Joey came into office and undid all the border controls that Trump had put into place. Joey is solely responsible for the border mess and Democrat politicians are to blame as they stood in the way of more border control while Trump was President!
It's so easy for these Democrats to project your own incompetence onto others. Murphy is a typical inept politician who will do, and/or say, absolutely anything to stay in office. Murphy is a liar in every way someone can be a liar. The Democrats are making a massive, unnecessary problem out of what to do about the border and very much on purpose. They never mention, nor are they asked about, why the border has been wide open for three and a half years. President Trump didn’t do that. Why do we have 11 million new illegals here when we already have border/immigration laws on the books. They simply make up stories and lies about why Joey “can't do anything.”
Sunday, May 26, 2024
Ok, so it’s 2024 and the 2016 presidential election was almost eight years ago. And while you would think that Hitlery would have finally come to grips with her rather humiliating defeat, as most intelligent people would long ago have been able to do, that appears not to be the case. And while she has composed a rather impressive list of reasons for having lost, she always returns to the same old excuse. You see, she lost the 2016 election for the very simple reason that she’s a woman. She remains unable to accept that there were a number of reasons why she lost, not one was because she is a woman. Most likely it was because people just didn’t like her.
Saturday, May 25, 2024
There are any number viable candidates today who could easily serve as being the perfect example, or poster child if you will, for all that is wrong with politics in America today. And dare I say, in going all the way back to the beginning, it has been with very few exceptions that those who have chosen to enter the world of politics did so not out their love of country or because they sought to improve the lives of their countrymen. Most then, and even more today, chose to enter politics on a quest, a quest for power, unlimited cosmic power. And along the way they convinced themselves that the end justified means, and so they could do no wrong.
Gee, wouldn’t be just oh so great to be a Democrat? I mean, after all, they’re all so smart, so sophisticated, so clever, so cosmopolitan, so enlightened, so, so, so FUCKING STUPID!!! I swear, if I was a Democrat I’d blow my fucking brains out. It’s all of these morons who upon entering any room immediately see themselves as being the smartest person within eyeshot. Actually, it’s just the opposite that’s true. Let’s face it, these people will believe absolutely anything they’re told. They believe that they are somehow responsible for ‘climate change,’ they believe that men can be women and vice versa, and believe that abortion is somehow ‘women’s health.'
Friday, May 24, 2024
Once again the NeverTrumpers appear to have their panties in a bunch. And the funny thing, I mean the really funny thing, is that this time around it was one of their own who was responsible for causing said bunch in said panties. And you know, there’s something deserving about that, call it ‘poetic justice.’ And all because one of their own has said she will be voting for President Trump. But what did they expect, that she would cast her political fortunes to the wind? Or, stranger still, that those struggling to make ends meet under the current regime would also join them on the crazy train and vote against the one guy they see as being their only hope.