

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


I've spend a great deal of time here chronicling the antics of one the craziest morons that you'll find anywhere on the planet, none other than Ms. Debbie Wizzerman Schultz. And I thank this perpetual airhead for being so consistent in her ability to provide me with something to write about. And by golly, she's helped me out yet again. Because it seems that our favorite Democrat nutjob, has recently been out and about, busying herself by, of all things, warning Mitt Romney. Warning him about what, you ask? Why, that his “anti-women” stance could cost him votes in his campaign for the White House, saying as recently as last Friday that he needs to end the Republican “war on women.” War on women? Is that really how this loon sees this, or it just more of her weird political theater? And I can only guess that her little warning must have Gov. Romney shaking in his loafers. I know it would me. So anyway, this latest rant by Ms. Wizzerman Schultz came during a recent conference call/briefing where she accused Mr. Romney of “pandering to the extreme right-wing of his party on the issues that matter to Washington women.” Ms. Wizzerman Schultz and representatives from both Planned Parenthood and NARAL Pro-Choice America, both big abortion supporters, have now singled out the former Massachusetts governor as a politician who would, to use their phrase, “allow big corporations to deny health care options to their female employees." Yup, I'm sure that's exactly what he has in mind. Are these morons serious?!

And as to be expected, Ms. Wizzerman Schultz and her fellow abortion fanatics held ever so firmly onto the party line, as rabid Democrats are known to do, that this entire issue is all about nothing more than women's “health issues,” and only about women’s “health issues,” Ms. Wizzerman Schultz, who had sponsored the call to targeted Washington state voters ahead of their caucuses went on to say that, “Playtime is over when it comes to women’s health decisions and no one needs to hear this message more than Mitt Romney.” Romney, as we all now know, won in Washington state on Saturday, further cementing his status as frontrunner. Wizzerman Schultz went on to say Romney’s reversal on the Blunt Amendment, which sought to insert conscience rights into ObamaCare, was not his first “flip-flop when it comes to women.” Romney initially said he opposed the measure, before clarifying and declaring his support, saying that he had misunderstood the question as referring to a state law limiting access to contraception. The amendment failed a vote in the Senate Thursday, 51 to 48. No surprise there, with the "Party of Death" coming out on top. Now to be honest with you, I didn't hear what Romney said, and whether or not it was a "flip-flop" as described by this bimbo I don't know and frankly don't care. What I do know is that Ms Wizzerman-Schultz and her comrades are expending a great deal of energy to call this fight something other than what it actually is. I can only assume that they figure if they say it enough, loud enough, folks will think it true.

Spewing, what has by now become recognized as her own rather unique style of drivel, she made the claim that, “No-one should have been surprised that Mitt Romney wants to give our bosses control over our health care decisions.” Adding, “Romney’s extreme positions on contraception and a woman’s right to choose are only the start at how little he cares about letting women make decisions about our own health.” Extreme? As usual this moron has a tendency to overplay her hand. In attempting to make her case, she pointed to Romney’s varying stances on providing emergency contraception to rape victims, and derided his support for a “personhood” amendment in Massachusetts, which would define life as beginning at conception. Look, science has already proven that point. “A personhood amendment would ban all abortions, even if a woman is a victim of rape or incest, or if she would die otherwise,” Wizzerman Schultz said. Adding, “This is an extreme and radical step, even for Mitt Romney.” She went onto rant that, “It’s time Romney and the rest of the Republican Party end the war on women they started.” Concluding, “Whether it’s the Blunt-Rubio amendment, personhood or attempts to repeal Roe v. Wade, we aren’t going to let extremist politicians dictate to women what we can or cannot do with our bodies.” What this imbecile very obvious leaves out of the entire equation is the fact that once a woman becomes pregnant what is actually taking place here is that there is now one body “within” her body, it's not something considered as being “part” of her body. That is the actual fact of the matter, like it or not.

I'm sure we all know by now that what's driving this bus is the fact that the Barry “Almighty” administration has mandated that all health insurance plans cover the cost of sterilizations and FDA-approved contraceptives, including those that cause abortions. So it should come as expected that also appearing on this same call would be someone like Megan Iturralade, who, supposedly is a nurse at, you guess it, a Catholic hospital in Tacoma, Washington. She also droned on in her own little attempt to portray this entire issue as being all about “women’s health.” She said that she’s been “watching the assault on our health care by politicians like Mitt Romney.” An assault on our healthcare? The only one assaulting our healthcare is Barry. She went on to say, “I currently work as a nurse at a Catholic hospital in Tacoma, Washington that doesn’t offer health insurance that covers birth control.” Adding, “As a result of this, I remain on my parents’ health insurance because it’s difficult to afford the costs of paying for birth control out of pocket.” What a damn crybaby! “Thank goodness for the president’s health care reform law, which will allow me to remain on my parents’ insurance plan until I’m 26,” she added. “Now, because of the leadership of President Obama women like me will have access to free preventative care, including contraception no matter where we work, because our insurance companies and not our employers will cover contraceptive costs.” Oh yes, thank "goodness" for Barry's healthcare reform and his stellar leadership on the issue.

And Ms. Iturralade, who seems to think it perfectly acceptable for me to pay for her birth control and thus her, apparently, frequent bouts of recreational sexual activity, essentially did nothing more than to regurgitate the Democrat talking point as she proceeded to claim, “I know I and other women in Washington have been watching the assault on our health care by politicians like Mitt Romney, and I know the majority of us don’t appreciate having our medical choices dictated to us.” Adding, “And there are going to be consequences for those who insist on pressing forward with these archaic actions and mindsets, and at least for Mitt Romney that consequence is clearly going to be that he’s going to lose the presidential election.” Ok, so this bitch doesn’t like having so-called medical choices dictated to her. But she seems to be perfectly agreeable with that fact that Barry “Almighty” is essentially dictating exactly that in saying what the Catholic Church 'must' provide even though it may go against church teachings. Iturralade’s complaint about the cost of birth control echoed that of recent testimony by part time Georgetown law student/full time slut, Sandra Fluke, who told a Democratic Steering Committee hearing, “Without insurance coverage contraception, as you know, can cost a woman over $3,000 during law school,” and gave examples of the difficulties students face without subsidized birth control. My goodness, these poor, poor girls, that they should have to cover the cost of their own birth control, well, it just brings a tear to my one good eye!

And lastly, also taking part in this same little feminist gaggle was yet another abortion enthusiast, Dana Laurent, whose claim to fame, or so I'm told, is that she is the “political director” for Planned Parenthood Votes! Washington, an advocacy and political arm of the nation’s largest abortion factory. And of course, she was only too happy to climb aboard the Wizzerman Schultz "women's health" crazy train and echo the prevailing sentiment that Romney is straight out of the stone age. “Women in Washington state are very familiar with the games that Mitt Romney and other anti-choice, anti-family planning Republicans are playing with women’s health,” she spewed. “Americans want a president who is going to make sure that women have access to the health care they need,” Laurent said. These abortion fanatics continue to portray this an issue about “women’s health” and healthcare supposedly being denied to women. And it’s all nothing more than a pack of lies. And then, to cap things off, this moron, Laurent, put on demonstration of what can only be described as a little soothsaying, making the claim that, “Mitt Romney would allow big corporations to deny health care options to their female employees. It’s just that simple.” I just don't understand the overwhelming need of these people whose only desire it seems to be, to allow the murdering of one human being so that another can pursue endless liaisons culminating in varying intensities of sexual gratification. Has life become so meaningless to them as they go in search of the perfect f**k?

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