

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Touting the fact that she is so very concerned about the world we will leave behind for our children, Mrs. "B" was recently out urging support for her husband’s re-election. Mrs. Barry "Almighty" told those gathered at a campaign event Monday* evening that the “kind of world we’ll be leaving for our children” was at stake. “[W]hether it’s health care or the economy, whether it’s education or foreign policy, the choice we make will determine nothing less than what kind of world we’ll be leaving for our children,” she told an Obama for America bowling fundraiser at New York’s Chelsea Piers complex. “In the end, it really boils down to one simple question: Will we continue all the change we’ve begun and the progress we’ve made? Or will we allow everything we’ve fought for to just slip away? But that is the choice we face.” She paints a pretty dire picture here, but unfortunately for her, just the opposite is true. The future for our children becomes considerably more bleak if Barry is re-elected.

And ya know, I thought it more than a just little funny when I read how it was that Mrs. "B" actually went so far as to describe Barry as sitting up late at night reading letters from struggling Americans. Come on, does she really think we're that stupid? Because I'll tell ya what, try as I might, that's certainly not the image I have of Barry. She described as a typical scenario one that has him reading “the letter from the woman dying of cancer whose insurance company won’t cover her care. Or the letter from the father struggling to pay his family’s bills. The letters from far too many young people with so much promise, but so few opportunities. And I hear the passion and determination in his voice. He says, ‘Michelle, it’s not right. We have got to fix this. We have so much more work to do.’ I couldn't help but to chuckle at this cockamamie little portrayal of Barry. Can't you all just picture him sitting there, all slumped over his desk, tears streaming down his face, as he reads all of these letters?

But she was far from being done as she continued with some of the most idiotic drivel in her pathetic attempt to portray Barry as being something that he most definitely is not. She said “Well, that’s what he carries with him every single day – it is our collection of struggles and hopes and dreams.” Adding, “and that’s why, even in the hardest moments, when it seems like all is lost, Barack Obama never loses sight of the end goal. He never gets caught up in the chatter and the noise. He just keeps moving forward. He just keeps fighting for our children and for our future.” Man, don't that just bring a tear to your one good eye? What this guy is committed to achieving is the complete obliteration of the future. He's working to ensure that our children will essentially be made wards of an all powerful, all knowing, and all seeing federal bureaucracy. That's been his goal from the start. He is determined in his efforts to get as many of us as possible firmly ensnared in the tentacles of his rapidly expanding government.

Mrs. "B" talks of the need to "continue all the change we’ve begun and the progress we’ve made." Look around you, folks, anybody seeing any of that progress that she's talking about? And where's any evidence that those "changes" to which she so fondly refers, that have all taken place over the course of the last three years, have produced results for the economy or our continuing financial mess, that can, in any way, be considered as positive? There is none. Zero, zip, zilch, nadda! Who among us can rightfully say that we are better off today than we were before this socialist zealot came into office? And how much worse are things going to be for our kids and grand kids if this train wreck of a presidency is allowed to continue for four more years? Now maybe, since she was playing to what was most certainly a friendly crowd, she felt comfortable in blathering on with what was nothing more than utter nonsense, but it ain't flying with us out here in the real world.

In Mrs. Barry “Almighty’s” stating that the 2012 election will determine “the kind of world we’ll be leaving for our children” she was, in fact, making a very true and accurate assessment regarding the crucial nature of our next election. That is, in fact, exactly what this next election is all about. It's about whether or not we will have the courage to protect future generations from what it is that Barry wishes to inflict upon them. This election may very well prove to be our last opportunity to begin what will most assuredly be the long, slow, and very painful process of turning back this socialistic nightmare that Barry now has underway. Mrs. "B" talks of all those struggling Americans, but it's because of her husband's policies that so many Americans today now find themselves in their current situation. If Barry does get reelected our children and even our grandchildren will be buried under what is a mountain of debt that has been created by Barry. They will have less freedom, have more of their daily lives “controlled” by the government and they will be forced to live under a level of tyranny never before experienced by those living in this country. So I ask you, what will the world that we leave behind, look like? Who's vision is it, that will become a reality?

* Monday’s big event, was of course another fundraiser for the Obama Victory Fund 2012, offered guests VIP status, including bowling and a photo with the first lady for $5,000. Guests wanting to bowl were charged $250 and tickets for watching were priced at $150.

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