

Sunday, March 18, 2012


Before Glenn Beck starting talking about this leftwing nut, I have to be honest here, I had never heard of her or her wacky ideas. So wanting to satisfy my curiosity, I thought I’d go looking to see just what I could find out about this person who so very obviously hates this country and seeks to do everything she can to undermine the institutions which we all hold dear. The first place I went to, was Wikipedia. Now I know it’s seen as being a source considered by many as being less than accurate, but I thought it would at least provide me the basic information that I was looking for. What I found, and is something that should comes as no surprise, was that Piven was born in that great haven for liberal thought, Canada. Alberta to be exact. Her parents were Russian Jewish immigrant parents, Rachel and Albert Fox, who are listed as being storekeepers. Piven immigrated to the United States when she was one and was naturalized as a United States Citizen in 1953. Her leftist tendencies were nurtured throughout her life as she was raised in Jackson Heights, Queens, New York, attending P.S. 148 and New town High School. She received a B.A. in City Planning in 1953, an M.A. in 1956, and a Ph.D. in 1962, all from the University of Chicago.

Piven was married to her political soul mate, Richard Cloward until his death in 2001. Together with Cloward, they authored an article in the May 1966 issue of “The Nation” which was entitled "The Weight of the Poor: A Strategy to End Poverty". The basis of the article, and the premise the authors attempted to establish, was the advocating of increased enrollment in social welfare programs in order to collapse the entire system and force reforms, leading to a guaranteed annual income. Gee now there’s a worthwhile goal, right? Anyway, this political strategy actually went on to be referred to as the “Cloward-Piven strategy”. While at Boston University, she and her political science department colleagues Murry Levin, a member of the Communist Party USA, and Howard Zinn, a self professed “social” activist, refused to go back to work after the settlement of the 1979 American Association of University Professors strike. Clerical and support staff had also gone out on strike at the time of the AAUP, and Piven, Levin, Zinn and others refused to cross their picket line. The "B.U. Five" were threatened with dismissal by B.U. President John Silber. Silber would late backed down, and Piven and the others eventually returned to the classroom. Piven would later leave B.U. for, where else, C.U.N.Y.

Throughout what is termed as being her “career”, Piven has been described by her fellow useful idiots as having a history of combining her “academic” work with what’s referred to as being her advocating for “social equality” all under the guise of political action. Throughout her life she has continued to move from one outrageously leftist cause to the next. In 1968, she signed the “Writers and Editors War Tax Protest” pledge, in which those who signed on vowed to refuse tax payments in protest against the Vietnam War. Then in 1983 she co-founded Human SERVE (Service Employees Registration and Voter Education), an organization with the goal of increasing voter registration by linking voter registration offerings with the use of social services or state Department of Motor Vehicles. Human SERVE's initiative was incorporated into one of “BJ” Clinton’s little pet projects, the National Voter Registration Act of 1993, fondly referred to by Democrats everywhere as the "Motor Voter Bill". And something that should really come as no surprise to absolutely no one is the fact that she is a member of the Democratic Socialists of America, currently serving as one of the eight honorary chairs of that organization.

As the Occupy Wall Street “movement” was said to be supposedly gaining traction, it was able to so with energetic assistance coming from many outside sources. There were many comparisons made to the Tea Party Movement with many on the left insistent in their attempts to describe this collaboration of unions, the Democrat Party and even George Soros, as being a completely spontaneous and as a grass roots movement. After predicting earlier this month that “we’ll see action” from the Occupy Wall Street movement in the spring, one of our favorite leftist professors and political activists, Ms. Piven, said it’s “time for another surge from the bottom.” Piven, making her comments in a video, again, for the left-leaning magazine The Nation, said soaring inequality has always been the “default position” in America. “In the absence of movements from below, of real trouble from below, in the absence of protests, American politics, electoral politics — despite the fact that so many people go out to vote — reverts to a position where big money is the dominating force, and when big money is the dominating force, regulations of business become impossible, or they are ignored, and that of course is what happened in the current period.” She continued, “It’s been time for another surge from the bottom for quite a while, and some of us have been waiting.”

Ms. Piven and her many comrades in arms are the personification of the malignancy that is slowly, or not so slowing, eating away at the very foundation of this country. And collectively, they are determined to do whatever it takes to assist Barry “Almighty” in his effort to “fundamentally transform” our country. This Occupy Wall Street charade is but the latest on a long list of supposed “movements” that these people have attempted to manipulate in order to move forward their rather skewed political agenda. These Wall Street malcontents are nothing more than pawns to be used by the likes of Ms. Piven and her ilk, and these morons are too stupid to realize it. Not that they’d care even if they could figure it out. The parasites involved here simply aren’t bright enough to understand the bigger picture here and Ms. Piven and her crowd are only too happy to take full advantage of their monumental ignorance. This entire evolution is a very clear indicator of how just it is that we have allowed ourselves to have been brought to such a dangerous time in our history. We need to be able, as well as willing, to recognize the threat to our freedom being posed by these people and to be smart enough to realize the dangers of taking them at their word.

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