

Saturday, March 3, 2012


Recently our “Dear Beloved Leader” put on quite the display of just how grand of an opinion he has of himself, going so far as to actually compare himself to Gandhi and Mandela. Now while I feel fairly confident that many of us could some up with a few other choice individuals that we could very easily compare him to, nonetheless, it seems that he continues to see himself as being quite the inspirational and even as being a rather uniquely “gifted” individual. He’s a legend in his own mind, so to speak. And if he was half as good as he thinks he is, this country would be a far better place.

"The civil rights movement was hard. Winning the vote for women was hard. Making sure that workers had some basic protections was hard," Barry “Almighty”, said at a fundraiser while talking about how difficult it is to bring about "change" in politics. He went on to say,  "Around the world, Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, what they did was hard. It takes time. It takes more than a single term. It takes more than a single president. It takes more than a single individual." This guy is really something else, he gives narcissism a whole new definition. And I can only guess that he assumes that we will all be totally in awe of him. WRONG!

"What it takes is ordinary citizens who keep believe, who are committed to fighting and pushing and inching this country closer and closer to our highest ideals. And I said in 2008, 'that I am not a perfect man and I will not be a perfect president.' But I promised you, but I promised you, I promised you back then that I would always tell you what I believe. I would always tell you where I stood," he also said at a fundraiser in NYC. Yup, he did. He told us back then exactly what he wanted to do. He said that he wanted to “fundamentally transform” this country and we elected him anyway.

Just goes to show you, be careful what you wish for. Because if we have learned anything from the electing of this guy, it’s that change for the sake of change is never good. And this November we will be presented with an opportunity, perhaps our last, to correct the horrendous error that was committed in 2008. There is nothing that can be pointed to, that has occurred within the last three years, which can be considered as being, in any way, positive. NOTHING! So while our stellar leader may be suffering from delusions of grandeur, we the people must strive to see him for what he is. A man on a mission to destroy this country!

1 comment:

  1. He is escalating his position such that those who think twice about voting for him will pause and perhaps vote for him given his self-proclaimed position in the world of 'fighting for others.' And you know what, there are just enough schmucks in this country that it could work.

    He is a racist, IMO, and that's at the core of his being and actions.
