

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Like the proverbial bad penny, he’s back! The ‘he’ I’m talking about is Barry “Almighty’s” former “green czar” and that devout communist, Van Jones. Jones recently spoke at what was described as being a rally in Hawaii, the purpose of which, if it had a purpose, was to promote “economic fairness” and “economic justice.” This “rally” was organized by groups whose goal it is, is to have the state create a “State Partnership Bank,” according to the Hawaii Reporter’s Malia Zimmerman. Why, you may ask yourself, would these groups invite Jones to speak at a rally in support of something like a state bank?

Well it’s quite simple really, because a “State Partnership Bank”, would be a “green” bank, and would therefore fund “green” energy projects, as well as “highlight other legislation that would make the local economy more just and sustainable,” Zimmerman writes. Fox News reported that, “Among the legislative proposals is one to have the bank be led by the governor, union leaders and board members appointed by the Democrat-dominated legislature.” Now it should surprise no one that Hawaiian Republicans, who, by the way, are outnumbered 76 to 9 in the legislature, oppose the proposal.

Republicans say that a state bank controlled by Democrats and union leaders would be nothing more than a taxpayer-funded organization “led by political insiders” in the business of loaning money to projects “that no private bank would authorize.” And I think most of us would agree with that. However, as usual when dealing with people of his ilk, Jones never exactly addressed the state bank issue. Instead he chose to focus more on themes including “income inequality” and “dream killers in America.” “Not the American dream they talk about on TV,” Jones said. “There are two American dreams.”

As always, he takes great pleasure in talking down this great and wondrous country and the opportunities it provides to all. In talking about his premise of there being two American dreams he said, “one of them I call the ‘American fantasy.’ You know that one? Everyone is going to be rich. Everybody. And we’re all going to be able to ride out to the great white suburbs, get a McMansion, get flat-screened TV to cover up the holes in our lives.” Now remember, this is a man who Barry thought enough of to have as a member of his administration.

Jones went on to talk what he described as being the “dream killers,” saying that there are some “right here in Hawaii”: “There are people who have taken the American dream and turned it upside down, inside out. The dream is supposed to be that you can work hard, play by the rules and get somewhere. But you and I both know right here in Hawaii, and across America, the people who are working the hardest and following the rules are the ones who are being left behind, the ones who are suffering the most, the ones who are hurting the most.”

He droned on, “And yet some people who are not working that hard at all, their investments work for them. And sometimes they break a lot of rules, especially on Wall Street. But they are the ones doing well. That is taking the American dream upside down, inside out. That’s killing the dream.” Jones concluded by asking the audience: “What does the American dream mean to you…and what are we going to do now and in the future to pass on a life that’s good for our young people?” I see this type of behavior as being one more reason, one more very clear argument for making sure Barry gets defeated.

I think that what we’re again hearing from this guy Jones says just as much about Barry as it does Jones himself. I can’t help but wonder how often similar language as this takes place in the Oval Office. Let’s face it, we all know the type of associations that Barry has had pretty much throughout his life. Every major player in his life has had a very definite leftist tilt. And I’m sure what was heard from Jones is not far from Barry’s own feelings on the matter. And I’m sure if he thought could get away with it, we’d hear him saying pretty much the same thing. That’s why he needs to go!

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