

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Well, it would seem that we now have yet another active participant eager to take part in continuing the Democrat propaganda campaign that has many of those on the left accusing those of us on the right of pursuing what they describe as "a war against women." And that new player is of course none other than our pathetically inept Secretary of State, Hitlery Clinton. In a silly little speech that she gave on Monday at gathering referred to as the Women of the World Summit in New York City. Ms. Clinton stopped just short of actually naming and pointing to the Catholic Church and others opposed to the Barry "Almighty" administration’s contraceptive mandate. That being said, she did have plenty to say about so-called “extremists” and their battle against women both in America and beyond. While speaking about the U.S.’s responsibility to be a role model for women and girls across the world, it didn't take her long to shift gears transitioning from sharing a story about a Tunisian woman to launching into a tirade as she railed on about issues “here at home” that women are facing. Additionally, she seemed to equate those embroiled in this manufactured scenario with extremism, although, in typical fashion, she stopped just short of saying it explicitly. I do wonder though, if women in other countries really do look at this country and see it as a role model for women. I just don't think so. How can they? Our society in this country, thanks to Liberals, seems to have a rather unhealthy preoccupation with sex and, as such, puts an inordinate amount of pressure on girls to have sex at younger and younger age. So how, exactly, is that being a responsible role model?

And as usual Ms. Clinton’s comments began with her speaking in pretty general terms, as she spoke about some encounter, fictional or real we'll never know, that she supposedly claims to have had at a recent town hall meeting in Tunis, Tunisia. She stated that an Islamic woman stood up and shared her personal experience from working with the U.S. and the surprise that many in attendance had had at her willingness to collaborate with the West. Then, Clinton went on to tell this Women of the World audience, ”I told her that, in America, in Tunisia, anywhere in the world, women should have the right to make their own choices about what they wear…how they worship…the causes that they support.” Then as only a liberal Democrat can, Ms. Clinton proceeded to make what have become typical statements about extremists who are trying now to strip away women’s rights all across the world. “Why extremists always focus on women remains a mystery to me. But they all seem to. It doesn't matter what country they’re in or what religion they claim. They all want to control women,” Clinton proclaimed. “They want to control how we dress. They want to control how we act. They even want to control the decisions we make about our own health and our own bodies.” The last comment was Clinton's obvious attempt to keep in the forefront the "reproductive rights" controversy involving a Georgetown University law student and which has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with women's health. But the line was till met with applause. Which I suppose, is a pretty clear indicator of the mentality of those in the crowd to which Hitlery was speaking.

But old reliable Hitlery didn't stop there, far from it. “Yes, it is hard to believe but even here at home we have to stand up for women’s rights and we have to reject efforts to marginalize any one of us, because America has to set an example for the entire world,” she said. While the secretary of state was clearly choosing her words carefully and speaking in generalities, as usual whenever you're listening to any Clinton, it seemed as though she was referring to the ongoing debate over religious freedom and Barry "Almighty's" contraceptive mandate here in America. However, certain writers for "Politico" seemed to be more than just a little hesitant regarding a willingness on their part to attribute Hitlery's comments to the current contraceptive debate. Writing: "Without specifying which policy issues, exactly, she was referring to, Clinton said the United States has to be a “model” for how governments treat women. [...] It’s not an explicitly 2012-related comment. But it comes at a moment when Democrats are trying hard to brand the GOP as an anti-woman party, and when the president’s campaign works to cement a huge gender gap in place for the fall campaign. And the gentle politicking by both Clintons underscores what powerful assets the could be in the fall, if they end up coming off the bench in a more aggressive way for Obama and their party." OK, does that make sense to anybody? I've always been kinda curious about why is it that whenever talking about the Clintons, those in the state controlled media always find it necessary to be so cryptic. It's like they could just tell us flat out what they really mean, but then they'd have to kill us.

Personally I'm of the opinion that this level of deception perpetrated by the Democrats just doesn't play all that well any more. And I think that's because women are so much smarter these days than they were even 10 years ago. Let me correct myself here before I get into trouble, maybe smarter isn't the right word. Maybe it's that they have become more politically attuned, over time, to where they are now beginning to realize just how it is that the Democrats have lied, and continue to lie, to them. These days Democrats are a little less able to bullshit them like they once were able to do. It's something that blacks in this country haven't quite managed to figure out yet. Many more women today are getting wise to the typical liberal tactics, and the constant gibberish and doublespeak that has been used in the past to convince women to act against their own self interest. Granted, there does remain a significant portion of our female population, mostly minority and under-educated women, who continue to buy into the typical Democrat pabulum. But many have become a little more willing to listen to the other side and to finally recognize Democrat efforts to make political issues where none really exist. The public has gotten along just fine before Democrats successfully politicized the entire birth control issue, it's one of political expedience and on I might say that it may be backfiring on them. Most of the electorate is not as stupid as the would like them to be or needs them to be. In order for the Democrats to win they need a dumbed down electorate. And I would like to think that maybe, just maybe, that is slowly beginning to change.

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