

Thursday, March 1, 2012


Ya know, this guy, Barry "Almighty", our "Dear Beloved Leader", must think most of us are pretty damn stupid. Now granted, I suppose it's a pretty safe bet that there is a substantial number of people in this country who are more than a little mentally challenged, after all this guy did manage to get himself elected. So it only stands to reason that there must be a significant moron segment to our general population. And the truly scary thing about that is that it may very well out number those of us in the non-moron segment. Which, as you can imagine, doesn't really bode too well regarding the next election having anything that would be anywhere near a positive outcome. Now the reason why I bring this up in the first place is because Barry “Almighty” was recently heard making a pretty idiotic claim that even he has to know is pure bullshit. What he said was that unions such as the United Auto Workers (UAW) aren't really something that should be considered as being a “special interest”, going on to say that being in a union was not a “bad thing.” Now I'll tell ya what, if you’re stupid enough to believe that, well then, you're gonna be stupid enough to vote for Barry come this November. Because the truth of the matter is, that, yes Virginia, unions are one of the largest “special interests” in the country. Also they are among some of the most, if not 'the' most, corrupt ‘special interests’ as well.

It was in a recent campaign speech that really wasn’t campaign speech that had him spewing his typical brand of rhetoric while standing in front of a gathering of union hacks attending the UAW’s National Community Action Program Legislative Conference in Washington, D.C. So anyway, in attempting to make his case for this little premise of his, that unions are not a "special interest", Barry set about telling the assembled crowd exactly what it was that they were there to hear. Barry attempted to portray these workin folks as being misunderstood and purposely maligned by those evil Republicans who are so blatantly anti-worker and pro-business. “They’re out there. They’re out there talking about you like your some special interest that needs to be beaten down,” Barry said. Well as much as Barry and the many corrupt union leaders may otherwise claim, that’s what they are, and nothing that Barry, or they, say, is gonna alter that fact! And for him to actually think that he can convince a majority of Americans that they are not, to me, seems to border on being delusionary at best and at worst, patently dishonest. “Since when are hard-working men and women who are putting in a hard day’s work every day, since when are they special interests?” Yep, all these "hard workin folks looking for an honest day's pay for and honest day's pay" are just pure as the wind driven snow. Until their contract expires or there is any mention of altering benefits and then these hard workin folks turn loose their inner demon and proceed to cause all manner of chaos.

There are plenty of us out there who do know better and are able to see all of this hypocrisy for what it is. It is nothing more than Barry showering these groups with what can only be described as favoritism of the highest order in exchange for both money and votes. And since we're not all mind-numbed little robots incapable of thinking for ourselves many of us see this for what it is and are therefore much less unsusceptible for falling for the nonsense that he insists upon continuing to peddle. We also have the means at our disposal to go about the proving of Barry's claim as being nothing more than one more lie, on a very long, and growing, list of many. You see, if you’re so inclined, by spending only a short amount of time on line, you can very quickly discover the fallacy of Barry's idiotic claim. And it’s according to one of my favorite sources of information, the Center for Responsive Politics’ Open Secrets website, which tracks lobbying and campaign spending data, that organized labor is one of the all-time largest lobbying groups, spending $492 Million in union member dues on lobbying from 1998 to 2011. In fact, labor unions spent more on lobbying in 2011 than they ever had before, spending $50 Million according to Open Secrets. And unions spread their influence through more than just lobbying, however, ranking among some of the largest independent campaign spenders in the country. The UAW itself is listed among the Open Secrets ‘Heavy Hitters’ – a group of the largest political donation spenders since 1989.

It really takes very little time to identify the fact that, contrary what our "Dear Beloved Leader" would love to have us all believe, unions in this country account for roughly 12 of the top 20 Heavy Hitters listed. The UAW is ranked number 18 on the list. The fact is that the AFL-CIO, that little union umbrella under which the UAW fall as a member, is the third largest independent election spender since 1989, at least according to Federal Election Commission data compiled by Open Secrets. And that has it beating out other major leftist interest groups such as the pro-choice group EMILY’s List, gay-rights group the Human Rights Campaign, and dozens of industry groups such as the American Medical Association. Since 1989, the AFL-CIO has spent $40.3 Million in independent campaign spending, with the overwhelming majority of it, $36.7 Million, going towards political advertisements and direct mailers. And I might add, all of it, or nearly all of it, going in support of Democrat candidates. The only three interest groups who have spent more money than the AFL-CIO since 1989 are the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) – the government workers’ union – with $54.4 Million, the National Rifle Association with $58.6 million, and the number one all-time interest group is none other than the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) with $70.6 Million.

Let's be honest here, I think we can all pretty much agree here that for Barry to, in any way, attempt to portray these obviously very corrupt union organizations as being anything other than what they are is more than just a little disingenuous. I think most of us recognize the fact that these unions hold a considerable amount of sway over this president and because of that are in a position to do far more damage to this country than they do in providing anything even remotely beneficial. And it’s because of the pure insidious nature of these unions that has them as being responsible, to a large degree, for the percentage of lost jobs as well as in why it is that our unemployment rate remains so high. With only 6.9 percent of private sector workers belong to a union, which is noteworthy because in the middle of the 20th century that number stood at 35 percent, unions today are constantly looking for ways to boost their numbers. And Democrats, Barry included, are only to happy to assist in that endeavor in any way they can and in exchange for campaign cash and other certain, how shall I say, election “assistance.” To my way of thinking that the perfect definition of a “special interest.” Democrats also work to increase the number of government workers of which today over 37 percent belong to a union. So for anyone, even our “Dear Beloved Leader” to say, and with a straight face no less, that these unions do not rate being called a “special interest” is nothing more than dishonest. And at that, he excels.

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