

Monday, March 5, 2012



So now we apparently have some high ranking, and a obvious flaming douche bag I might add, official from the United Nations, that most useless of organizations to be found anywhere on the planet, who is now doing his best in an attempt to try to stir up even more shit over there in Afghanistan because of an incident that we are supposed to believe was some heinous crime against that most peaceful religions, Islam. Leave to someone in the U.N. to go out and throw a little gasoline on situation that is already burning well out of control. Anyway, it seems that this U.N. doofus has raised some eyebrows, of late, with his making some rather incendiary comments in which he has urged disciplinary action be taken against those found to be responsible for damaging copies of the Qur’an at the U.S. military base in Bagram. And, I suppose, knowing our "Dear Beloved Leader", Barry "Almighty" as I think most of us do by now, I'm pretty sure that he'll be more that happy, thrilled even, to take such a well thought out recommendation under serious consideration. Because, as you should also know by now, Barry has a rather low opinion of those who decide to fight for their country.

Anyway, so I guess this clown, some imbecile by the name of Jan Kubis, who I'm told is the supposed head of the U.N. Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) and Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s special representative in Afghanistan, seems to be under the impression that the multiple U.S. apologies, including one coming from our "Dear Beloved Leader" himself, and an order from International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) commander Gen. John Allen that all 130,000 coalition troops in the country complete some, obviously much needed, additional sensitivity training regarding the proper handling of religious materials” have, to put is quite bluntly, simply not been sufficient. “I agree with those who say that after this apology and after the investigation disciplinary actions should follow, those who were behind this grave mistake should be held accountable for it,” this jerk off told a press conference in Kabul on Thursday. Apparently, at least in this jerk's opinion, it will only be when such disciplinary steps have actually been taken that would then allow the ISAF forces “be able to say: ‘Yes, we are sincere.’” Screw this guy! And the horse he rode in on!! What a pompous ass!

So what is that nearly immediately after the Pentagon released information that several copies of the Qur’an were unintentionally burned in a garbage pit at Bagram last month, people feel the need to go completely berserk? Even though, EVEN THOUGH, military sources have said that these texts had been used to carry extremist messages between militants detained at the base. And strikes me as odd that upon hearing of this supposed travesty, the first thing that these peace loving people can think of to do is to incite public protests and violent rioting which ended up resulting in the deaths of more than 30 people. Also, let's not forget, six U.S. soldiers have also been shot dead. And all this took place, even though, according to what Western officials told the Associated Press on Saturday, a joint U.S.-Afghan investigation had found that while mistakes were made, they were not intentional, and that at least five U.S. troops may still face a disciplinary review. This is absolutely ludicrous! During the press conference during which he made his comments, this U.N. goon, Kubis, actually referred to “the holy Qur’an” seven times. That kind of gives you an idea of where it is that he's coming from.

Rumor has it that Mr. Kubis expressed an understanding for the strong reactions provoked by news of the burning. “We deeply, deeply and profoundly respect Islam and we deeply respect the religious feelings, culture of our host country, Afghanistan,” he said. “That is why we were very hurt, as the United Nations, to see that other part of the international community, the international military, by mistake allowed this kind of desecration of the holy Qur’an.” Going on to say, “It was natural that after such a grave mistake we saw expressions on the side of the people of Afghanistan, how they reject this desecration of holy Qur’an.” He went further, saying, “We were very glad to notice that the majority of the demonstrations – and they are legitimate and expressions of rejection of this desecration – were peaceful.” Have you ever heard anything more outrageous, except, of course, maybe from Barry "Almighty." And while he also criticized the deadly violence, in pretty much of an off handed way, saying it had been provoked by “irresponsible elements,” he made no effort, whatsoever, to call for the perpetrators to actually be brought to trial or punished in any way. No, that's something uniquely reserved for those infidal Americans.

When asked about this idiot Kubis’ comments, and the type of disciplinary action he had in mind for those found to be "responsible" for burning the Qur’ans, a spokesman for Secretary General Ban, Martin Nesirky said in New York that the UNAMA head was not suggesting the U.N. would act against the culprits. “He is simply expressing the view that in essence, an apology is not enough; you need to follow through from an apology to an investigation, and if warranted or merited on the outcome of that investigation, there should be disciplinary proceedings – but not within the framework of the United Nations.” That's not exactly how, what this idiot Kubis said, sounded to me. Oh, and something else which should also not come as a big surprise to anyone, This Kubis guy is a Soviet-educated Slovak diplomat who served as his country’s foreign minister from 2006 to 2009, and only was appointed his Afghan position just last November and assumed his post in January. And here's something that should really piss you off. Under the U.N.’s “assessed” funding mechanism, it's the American taxpayers who account for 22 percent of UNAMA’s budget, a contribution amounting to $59 million in 2011. Doesn't that just jerk your jaw?

But I suppose the real clincher can to be said to have come during a House Foreign Committee hearing on Afghanistan just last October, when our stellar Secretary of State, Hitlery Clinton, actually went so far as to call UNAMA’s activities “essential to the safety and security of our troops, our civilian employees and the success of the transition.” Is that not one of stupidest things you've yet heard this tired old hag say. She went on to express "concern" about a resolution, introduced in the House by the committee’s chairman, Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-Fla.) and approved by the committee two weeks earlier, that would withhold 50 percent of the U.S. contribution to the U.N. until the U.N. starts moving from “assessed” to “voluntary” funding. “[UNAMA is] an absolutely critical partner in building Afghan civilian capacity, monitoring human rights, supporting Afghan elections,” Hitlery said. Adding, “Everything we talked about today we partner closely on a literally hour-by-hour basis with UNAMA. And if we can’t depend on UNAMA, we will have to pay for and invent some other entity because we don’t have another partner that has the credibility or the reach that UNAMA has." This very clearly demonstrates the severity of the need for us to extricate ourselves from this disastrous organization that is so near and dear to the heart of every liberal.

As I have attempted to make crystal clear, on any number of occasions, I am not now, nor have I ever been a fan of the United Nations. And to those who list themselves as being members, this country is seen as being nothing more than a big fat piggy bank. We're to be informed but never consulted. This bizarre collection of sideshow freaks has now gotten to the point where it is now completely worthless on just about every level. That is, of course, assuming that it was ever worth anything in the first place. And I think it now very safe to say that it no longer really serves any particular purpose, and I'm not really convinced that it ever did. So I really don't see any reason why it should not now be asked to vacate its current digs and made to relocate to another country, and the sooner the better. Perhaps one that is more accepting of its rather socialistic approach to dealing with nearly any issue. Oh, and have you ever noticed how it is that Democrats are so drawn to the U.N.?  Like moths to a flame.  They just love this odd assortment of misfits that consists of all manner of slimy character? Whenever I see video footage taken at the U.N. it's like I'm watching the bar scene from "Star Wars." And still Democrats continue to fall all over themselves in an effort to somehow endear themselves to their many leftist compatriots who call home, every Third World dictatorship and banana republic all across the globe. They are brothers-in-arms, after all, in the ongoing battle against the United States.


  1. “I agree with those who say that after this apology and after the investigation disciplinary actions should follow, those who were behind this grave mistake should be held accountable for it,”

    Who runs the U.S. military? Who's in charge? It would seem that incrementally the U.N. has taken over some control of our military via our politicians. Wonder if this means that those politicians who submit to this U.N. type of drivel are "at war" with their own country. Hmmm ...

    And I promise I will try and only say this one more time -- given our issues with islamic countries, etc, no woman should be installed as Secretary of State. Period.

    1. Mrs. AL, you hit the proverbial nail firmly on the head.
