

Saturday, March 24, 2012


Eager to take advantage of anything that he sees as providing any potential political advantage, Barry “Almighty” has apparently decided to weigh in on the controversial killing of a black teenager in Florida, and in very personal terms, on Friday. I guess he thinks that it needs a little special presidential attention, since he went so far as to compare the boy to a son he doesn't have and calling for American "soul searching" over how the incident occurred. So once again, instead of waiting for the facts of the case to be fully investigated, and with race evidently playing a part in it, our very un-presidential president has decided that it is now appropriate for him to enter the fray. Sound familiar to anyone. Might we expect another “beer summit” in the not too distant future? This guy is always so eager to portray America as being steeped in racism. It’s like he’s stuck back in another time.

I’m sure that by now we are all quite familiar with the case where seventeen-year-old Trayvon Martin, dressed in a "hoodie" sweatshirt, was shot dead a month ago in Sanford, Florida by a 28-year-old white Hispanic neighborhood watch volunteer who said he was acting in self-defense. Sounding more than a little disingenuous and like the proverbial opportunist, Barry, in making his very first comments involving this tragedy, said, "If I had a son, he'd look like Trayvon." "Obviously, this is a tragedy," Barry told reporters. "I can only imagine what these parents are going through. And when I think about this boy, I think about my own kids." Give me a break! The only thing about this entire event that Barry gives a squat about is how he can best use it to stir the black community to the polls this November to vote for him. Yes, he is that shallow.

This case has now rippled across the entire nation and prompted all manner of rallies, sponsored by a manner of supposed black “leaders”, protesting the failure of the police to arrest the shooter, George Zimmerman. More broadly, they attempt to make the idiotic claim that there is now some pattern of racial discrimination be perpetrated against blacks all across the country. They cite as their most recent example, Sanford, Florida as being their proof. Barry, as always, is once again attempting to make the most of the fact that he is our first black U.S. president, having repeatedly given the issue of race a very prominent place in his approach to nearly every single issue. He made these remarks at a scheduled White House event for him to announce his pick to lead the World Bank, but things seemed more than a bit scripted as he waiting briefly after the announcement in order to take a reporter's question about this specific incident.

Now while Martin's parents thanked the president for his words, personally, if I were them, I would have resented the fact that this political opportunist was seeking to do nothing more than to use the death of my son as a way to turn the incident into being some sort of political advantage. "The president's personal comments touched us deeply and made us wonder: If his son looked like Trayvon and wore a hoodie, would he be suspicious too?," they said in a statement. I just can’t imagine them actually being that naïve. Do they really not see that Barry is simply using them and their personal tragedy as an attempt to enhance his appeal to the black community? He needs these people to come out in the next election as they did in the last, and he is not above using the death of this black 17 year old as a way to score some much needed political points with this specific segment of our population.

At the center of things appears to be the Florida's "Stand Your Ground" law allows people to use deadly force in self-defense. Similar laws are in effect in at least 24 states including Florida, according to the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence. Calls are mounting to repeal them. Earlier this week, a Florida state senator said he was drafting new legislation to drastically change the law in Florida. A South Carolina state representative said on Friday he had introduced a bill to repeal his state's law. Bakari Sellers, a black Democrat and gun owner, said he wanted to prevent an incident like the Trayvon Martin shooting happening in his state. This guy, too, is working to do nothing more than to perpetrate a deception here by his making the stupid statement, "I'm six-five and a black guy," he said. "I just know that it could have been me." What a MORON!! But hey, he’s a Democrat.

So it goes without saying that Barry “Almighty” would say that, in his opinion, the "Stand Your Ground" laws should be “studied”. "I think all of us have to do some soul-searching to figure out how does something like this happen. And that means that examine the laws and the context for what happened, as well as the specifics of the incident," he said. "Every parent in America should be able to understand why it is absolutely imperative that we investigate every aspect of this, and that everybody pulls together -- federal, state and local -- to figure out exactly how this tragedy happened." Also, I would think it imperative, to use Barry’s own word, that the president remain very firmly out of things, at least, until the dust has settled and the events that lead up to this horrible incident can be properly sorted out. It simply is not his role to get involved here, but, again, because he sees it an opportunity, he inserts himself into it.

Barry, as we know, or think we know, is supposed to be the son of a white mother from Kansas and black father from Kenya, is often hesitant to reflect on race, a sensitive topic in the United States, which, it is said, still grapples with a legacy of slavery, segregation and discrimination. And as already mentioned, it was early in his White House tenure that Barry inflamed another racially tinged incident after declaring, again before knowing any of the actually facts regarding what had occurred, that police had "acted stupidly" when arresting a well-known “black” documentary filmmaker, Henry Louis Gates, after an altercation at his home. He later invited both Gates and the white police officer, Sergeant James Crowley, to the White House, where the men shared a drink in what has since become known as Barry's "beer summit." So might we be seeing a trend here?

In Sanford itself, Norton Bonaparte Jr., the city's manager, acknowledged that tensions between the black community and police "go back many, many years." "The trust that existed is gone, so we have to start from ground zero," he said. Sanford's police chief and a Florida state prosecutor overseeing the case stepped aside on Thursday as criticism grew over the concerns, as well as accusations, surrounding the police handling of the investigation. Since we have a perceived injustice perpetrated against a black individual, Barry’s Justice Department has now seen fit to ride to the rescue, choosing to take an active role in the investigation. Senior officials from the department met with the Martin family in Florida on Thursday, along with their lawyer. A Justice Department spokeswoman said early in the week that they must collect evidence to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that there was intent to violate civil rights laws. Right!

Let’s be realistic here, if anyone can be said to be responsible here, I think it very safe to say that at least some of the fault rests squarely on the black community itself. Granted, it was Mr. Zimmerman who was the one to pull the trigger, but why might he have perceived that there was a danger. And don’t tell me it was because he simply hates black folks. I believe I once heard old Jesse “The Extortionist” Jackson say once, that when walking down a dark street and hearing footsteps behind him, he was always more than a little relieved to see that it was a white person who was walking behind him. Many blacks try to be intimidating in their dealings with whites, they see it as somehow being funny. Unfortunately, this twisted mentality can also spawn events such as this most recent tragedy. As they say, perception is reality, and while I feel sorry for this family, I’m not yet ready to throw Mr. Zimmerman under the proverbial bus.

The playing of the race card has always been a very integral, and frequently used, tool of Democrat Party electioneering. And while you would think that there would be less of a tendency to use such tactics, unfortunately, just the opposite is true. Barry seems to be more than willing to go well out of his way to exploit any situation that possesses even a hint of racism, real or imagined, if sees some political benefit in it. I seem to recall him saying that it was not his desire to be the president of just those who voted for him, but for those who didn’t as well. On that count, he has been nothing short of an abysmal failure. He has sought to be only the president of those who make up the core Democrat Party constituencies and has used the rest of us in his attempt to cover the cost of ensuring those people continue to enjoy their free rides. He works feverishly to create a racial divide in this country so that he can then take political advantage from it to the fullest extent possible. It’s disgusting and quite un-presidential.

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