

Thursday, June 30, 2011


If Barry's news conference the other day accomplished anything, it underscored, once again and in very striking tones, what he sees as now being his strategy for winning the debt ceiling fight with Republicans. The reverting to that old Liberal Democrat tried and true tactic of making it a clash of the classes. It’s about to become all about victimization, about, Rich versus Poor, about Us versus Them and about those who support children, food safety, medical research and, presumably, puppies and apple pie versus those rich, and let's not forget evil, fat cats who don't. It's all just so twisted. Look, are we really going to fall for this same worn out rhetoric that has been around since, I can't remember when? Are we that easy to manipulate by this sleazy, corrupt politician and his even more corrupt party? Are we? Really? So I guess in the alternate universe where Barry currently resides, it's only the Democrats who are for kids while its those evil old Republicans, who are out only for corporate jets, and would just as soon throw all them kids under the bus. That is a sharp distinction that Barry hopes could help put the GOP on defensive, but it still may not be enough to persuade Republicans to change their posture on the debt-ceiling talks. Excuse me, but it’s the Republicans who are trying their best to preserve some semblance of a future for those very same kids, trying to prevent them from being essentially forced into servitude to an incredibly massive federal bureaucracy. The GOP has no reason to go on the defensive, all they need to do is to properly communicate the fallacy, as well as the blatant falsehood, of Barry's endlessly idiotic rhetoric. They need to find an articulate member of their group and to then present the facts as they truly exist, and their solutions for our present problem, circumventing the state-controlled media to the greatest extent possible, and going directly to the American people. They simply cannot afford to have their plan filtered through the very obvious liberal bias that permeates today's "mainstream" media. They should never turn down opportunities to make their case via those organizations that form the state-controlled media, but that should not be their primary avenue of choice in getting their ideas out to the American people.

Republicans have cast Barry "Almighty" as being nothing more than your traditional Liberal tax-raiser and a Big-Government spender and rightly so. I means let's be honest here, there has been more than enough proof made available over the course of his presidency, and before, to make that accusation stick. A presidency that, by the way, has already proven to be the most disastrous for this country since that of Jimmy "The Terrorist Lover" Carter. This latest lame attempt of his is, I guess, what he now sees as being the one weapon that may work to turn the Republicans' arguments against them. With more than his usual air of condescension and disdain, Barry even went so far as to dredge up the death of Osama bin Laden in his attempt to score some political points. Give me a break. "I've been doing Afghanistan, bin Laden and the Greek crisis," Barry said, jabbing Congress for being out of session so much. "You stay here. Let's get it done." Let's face it, Barry ain't been doing shit unless you count his very frequent little golf outings, the many fundraisers he has attended and any number of faux official trips which were essentially nothing more than extravagant family vacations. For him to stand up there and to say that he has been engaged throughout this entire process and has actually been leading on the issue is a joke and more than just a little disingenuous. In fact one might go so far as to call it a…lie. But as we have seen so many times throughout our history, the telling of lies doesn't hold the same stigma for Democrats as it does for the rest of us. It's nothing more than a means to an end. To them if the reaching of there desired goals requires a few lies to be told, so bet it. No harm, no foul. I'm sure we all remember quite well the steady stream of lies that we were told regarding Barry's supposed healthcare "reform." In fact we're still being told lies about it, only now the lies are coming from those individuals wearing the black robes of the judiciary. Judges, usually those appointed by liberals, can no longer be counted on to simply interpret the Constitution, now they read things into it that quite simply just aren't there.

In his news conference of a couple days ago, his first since March I might add, Barry insisted that the Democrats had made significant compromises in private talks by agreeing to billions of dollars in budget cuts that would hurt their voters. Not that would hurt Americans, only Democrat voters. You know the ones, the one who continue to pump out kids that they can't support, those who are here illegally and essentially anyone else that they’ve managed to get firmly attached to the government teat that they rest of us foot the bill for. Look, it is a solid gold political fact that Democrats do not compromise, never, they just don't, they only lie about doing so. They present the façade of compromise in order to concoct an image that then allows them to paint the opposition as not being unwilling to compromise. So let's not try to fool anyone here. And once again this is all nothing but a very transparent attempt by Barry to portray the Republicans as being nothing more than obstructionist. But, he whined, it's those stubborn Republicans who are refusing to bend by not agreeing to eliminate tax breaks to owners of those big fancy corporate jets and those evil, profit-rich oil companies. If Republicans get their way, Barry complained, the end result would be unbalanced deal that lifts the debt limit but forces the government to make deeper-than-necessary cuts. Don't you hate when your president is such a sniveling whiner? Then he did it, he went straight for the kids, saying that "If we do not have revenues, that means there are a bunch of kids out there who do not have college scholarships." "[It] might compromise the National Weather Services. It means we might not be funding critical medical research. It means food inspection might be compromised. I've said to Republican leaders, 'You go talk to your constituents and ask them, "Are you willing to compromise your kids' safety so some corporate-jet owner can get a tax break?" ' Sadly, there are probably enough Americans stupid enough to believe all of this tripe. Of course we know that roughly 99 percent of the black population in this country, completely unable to think for themselves, will lap it up, because, well because, that's what they do.

But just in case any viewers happened to miss his class-warfare message, Barry made sure to refer to those evil rich, corporate-jet owners, at least three more times before he finally taking his second question. Remember the game here folks, repeat the lie often enough, while getting plenty help from the state-controlled media complex, and soon enough the lie becomes something that is actually thought of as being true. But this was not the first time where Barry has spoken in what are the grimmest of terms about the consequences of cutting too deeply in order to strike a bargain that will win enough votes to raise the debt ceiling. But his rhetoric was sharper, and a bit more harsh, than it has been in the past, which may be an indicator of a certain level of desperation on his part. And it may well pose a bit of a risk this time around as it has the potential to anger Republican leaders just as he's supposedly trying convince all those watching that he's actually reaching out to them in compromise. Barry apparently has decided to throw caution to the wind and gamble that he will be able to muster up enough public pressure via his baseless accusations and will therefore end up in a better position to be able to force Republicans to bow to his demand. And as we all know, Barry is an expert when it comes to bowing. But Republicans are facing some pretty stiff pressure of their own; the influential Tea Party movement won't accept any tax increases and wants to see responsible budget cuts as being the option of choice when it comes to the debt limit. Barry's rhetoric may prove to do nothing more than to back them into a corner. Normally, the constitutionally challenged Barry seeks some kind of a middle of the road tone in his rhetoric, keeping his options open and burnishing his image as somebody always willing to find a bipartisan solution. An example of that was how he managed to tap dance around the issue of a New York law allowing for gay marriages during the same news conference. With liberal activists demanding that he support the measure and make gay marriage a cause of his presidency, Barry demurred. It's a states-rights issue, he said. "Each community is going to be different," Barry said. "Each state is going to be different." And said like he really believed it. NOT!

The bottom line here is that Barry and GOP leaders in Washington must soon come to grips with the fact that the nation's sluggish economy will almost certainly take a hit if Congress doesn't choose to increase the amount of money that the U.S. can borrow. Having said that, there has to be some rational spending cut made, because we simply cannot continue with our present level of insane spending. We simply cannot do it. Raising the debt limit was once a routine affair, but that now seems so long ago when the sums of money being discussed were nowhere near what we're taking about today. Republicans are demanding steep budget cuts and no tax increases as the price for votes in favor of raising the limit. All Barry and the Democrats want to do is to raise taxes, hence the stalemate. Barry hopes to save face, and as many Democrats favored government programs as he can. "The question now is, are we going to step up and get this done?" Barry said. He knows the answer is yes, and the only question is how. I guess by doing nothing more that acting like some political thug and calling the other side juvenile, school yard names, he thinks he can get the Republicans to acquiesce. Accusing them of just about everything possible so that they will eventually capitulate on their demands and come around to Barry's and the Democrats' way of thinking. I guess that's how Barry intends on getting this done. "Call me naive," Barry said, "but my expectation is leaders are going to lead." Barry is naive only if he thinks a single news conference is going to change the political paradigm. He's not naïve, what he is, is devious and insidious. And he should be very careful in that before he critiques the ability of others to lead, he should try doing a little of that himself. Because a leader he is not, nowhere close. He's just a fella who likes to vote present on the really tough issues while leaving the actual leadership, the heavy lifting so to speak, on important issues to someone else. It's just easier that way. And besides, it leaves him an out, where he has someone to blame if things go south. Not really a positive leadership trait.

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