

Monday, June 13, 2011


Man, don't you just love the arrogance of this guy. But then after all, he is BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA, the all knowing, all seeing God-like figure who we should all consider ourselves fortunate to have walking among us, and as such he commands complete obedience and total submission from all those who seek to come before him in search of his worldly advice and guidance. Give me a freakin break! Let's be honest here, Barry has demonstrated any number of times that he hates Israel nearly as much as he hates America. In that end, unlike 'most" previous U.S. presidents, he fits in remarkably well with those who are actively working to bring about the demise of the Jewish State. So it should now come as no big surprise that, at least according to a Israel Radio report from Sunday, the United States, read as Barry "Almighty," has now provided Prime Minister Netanyahu with what is, by anyone's definition, an ultimatum regarding any renewing of negotiations with the Palestinians. According to this ultimatum, Mr. Netanyahu has to decide within a month whether he agrees to accept Barry "Almighty's" proposal and resume talks based on 1967 lines. Don't do it Mr. Prime Minister, don't allow yourself to be railroaded into a position that does not bode well for the survival of your country.

An ever-increasingly belligerent Barry apparently feels that he can now dictate his rather twisted views to a leader of another sovereign nation, a sovereign nation for which those twisted views would almost certainly have some pretty dire consequences. How dare Barry presume to essentially blackmail any leader regarding how they conduct the national security of their country. Unlike Barry, there are still some world leaders who take seriously the responsibility of safeguarding their nations against outside attacks. So it becomes very obvious very quickly on whose side in this fight Barry is on, and has been for some time. And as such, Barry apparently now feels very comfortable in pressuring Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to accede to his proposal to resume Israeli-Palestinian peace talks on the basis of his idiotic May 19 speech. An Israeli source who spoke recently with senior officials in Washington said the Americans were very frustrated with Netanyahu’s behavior, feeling that he was impeding America’s efforts to keep the Palestinians from unilaterally seeking UN recognition of a state in September.

Mr. Netanyahu’s personal envoy, a Mr. Isaac Molho, spent last week in Washington, where the Americans presented their proposal for resuming talks on the basis of Barry’s speech. Specifically, Barry’s simplistic plan calls for negotiating over borders and security first, while deferring issues such as Jerusalem and the refugees until later. It also calls for the borders to be based on the 1967 lines, with mutually agreed land swaps. The Americans apparently told Molho that in order to provide the U.S. with some leverage to use in any attempt to block European initiatives such as France’s proposal for an international peace conference in Paris, they must have something concrete to offer, like Mr. Netanyahu‘s agreement to negotiate on the basis of Barry’s speech. If Mr. Netanyahu were to agree to that he would essentially be guilty of dereliction of the duties which he was elected to perform regarding the safeguarding of his country.

Now it should go without saying that information regarding the U.S. "proposal" was also provided to chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat, who said the Palestinians would resume talks on this basis. DUH! Sure, why the Hell wouldn't they agree to resume talks under those conditions, they'd be stupid not to. Because if Netanyahu does agree to this lunacy, then the playing field will have been tilted in such a way as to definitely favor the murdering Palestinians. What leader in his right mind would kowtow to such an obvious know nothing as Barack Hussein Obama regarding any matter that has even the slightest to do with the very survival of his country? And what makes Barry think that he has anywhere near the requisite stature as the leader of a shrinking free world, no thanks to him, to even make such an insane demand? It's laughable! What's exactly makes him think that he can essentially read the riot act to Mr. Netanyahu? The absolute gall of this man.

An Israeli source who maintains close ties with both senior U.S. officials and people close to Mr.. Netanyahu said that Washington‘s, really Barry being infantile, frustration began with Netanyahu’s trip to Washington last month, when he publicly fought with Barry and then refused in an address to Congress to endorse the president’s outline for talks. The Americans were now speaking very harshly of Netanyahu, said the source. Ya know, one does not normally expect this level of juvenile behavior to be emanating from the White House. But it is, sadly, what is typically seen anytime the current resident of the Oval Office happens to be a scumbag Democrat. Speaking of Mr. Netanyahu, “He’s asking us to protect him in September, but he isn’t giving us any tools with which to help him,” the source quoted one American official as saying. “Instead of helping us, he’s making it harder for us.” Blah, blah, blah. Whoever said that trying to maintain some level of stability in the World was easy. What's important here is that the lone democracy in the entire region be treated with dignity and respect and not arm twisted into a scenario that poses a threat to its very survival.

As a result, American officials complained, Barry was unable to get Britain and France to commit to opposing a unilateral Palestinian move when he visited Europe last month. One cannot help buy wonder just how aggressive Barry and his team were in their attempts to persuade Britain and France. I would hazard a guess that any attempts were pretty weak. “The Americans need Israel inside, but Netanyahu isn’t there yet,” the source said. “To date, from the American and European perspective, Israel hasn’t given anything.” That is such a very obvious crock of BS. European diplomats said Netanyahu’s speech to Congress was viewed in Europe as one long “no” and had thus increased European distrust of him. “We want to hear Netanyahu say he‘s willing to negotiate on the basis of Obama’s speech and that he’ll discuss borders based on the 1967 lines with land swaps,” said one diplomat. The one individual not worthy of any level of trust in Barry "Almighty." To trust him is to do so at your own peril.

Since the barren talks with Molho last week, the White House has been upping the pressure on Netanyahu. On Friday, Steve Simon, who heads the U.S. National Security Council’s Middle East desk, told American Jewish leaders that Netanyahu needs to reply within a month to the U.S. proposal for restarting talks. The White House knew this remark would both be conveyed to Netanyahu and leaked to the American and Israeli press, thus making its displeasure public. This is definitely the crybaby administration. It's either their way or the highway. The behavior of this president when it comes to Israel, is nothing short of appalling. He's doing nothing more than throwing Israel under the bus to appease his rag-headed buddies. Israel is Barry's sacrificial lamb. This sentiment is nothing new for Barry, having exhibited pretty much the same mentality as a candidate back in 2008. And it has always struck me as being somewhat odd that so many Jews voted for this guy who essentially wants nothing less than to take whatever action he sees as being necessary in his endeavor to ensure that Israel is wiped off the face of the planet.

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