

Thursday, June 30, 2011


Liberal Democrat "Chuckie" Schumer, the Senate’s No. 3 Democrat, has also now gotten into the budget act having come out and accused all of those mean old Republicans of seeking to slow the U.S. economy for political gain in the ongoing debate over cutting budget deficits. And he insists that the Democrats now have the “upper hand” in the negotiations. Well, that would be only if the American people are as blind as they are stupid! Look, in just the last two years, which political party is it that has enacted more economy killing policies, policies that have actually succeeded in doing nothing more than to bring our economy to pretty much of a stand still. The evidence is pretty clear on that. Was it the Republican Party? No, "Chuckie," I'm afraid not, you pompous old gas bag. Our buddy "Chuckie" here, is really doing nothing more than to try to point a boney old finger at the Republicans when it's been the Democrats all along who have been busying themselves trying to kill our economy. And it was the Democrats who used the same tactics of which "Chuckie" speaks, against Bush, only at a time when the economy was actually chugging along quite well. In raising the rhetorical stakes in such a way, "Chuckie" really has accomplished nothing more than to reveal the level of desperation that must now present within his party. While party leaders are about as far apart as they can possibly be over any plan to cut the deficit and increase the U.S. debt limit, "Chuckie" said Republican leaders are seeking deep spending cuts as part of an effort to slow U.S. growth and to purposely hurt Barry "Almighty's" chances of winning re-election next year. Again, I guess he speaking from experience since he must be talking about how Democrats employed those tactics against then president Bush. “It is becoming clear that insisting on a slash-and-burn approach may be part of this plan,” "Chuckie" said today at the Economic Policy Institute in Washington. If there is a group anywhere more familiar with the use of such tactics, outside of al Qaeda of course, that would be the Democrat Party. “It has a double benefit for Republicans: It is ideologically tidy and it undermines the economic recovery, which they think only helps them in 2012.” The only party that has ever gone about the undermining of our economy in the hopes of achieving some level of political gain, it would be the Democrat Party. So, the two parties remain at odds over Republican demands that only spending cuts, and no tax increases, be included in a companion plan to cut record-high deficits. And as we all know, Democrats just hate to cut spending.

Barry, himself, has insisted time and time again that higher taxes must be part of any budget pact and warned of “significant and unpredictable” consequences if Congress doesn’t act soon to raise the debt ceiling. So, apparently, "Chuckie" remains pretty convinced that the Democrats will now have a distinct advantage from here on out in any deficit talks, in part because Republican leaders last week quit bipartisan negotiations, led by Vice President "Slow Joe" Biden, over the tax issue. But I have to ask, just how long can you spend beating your head against a wall before you simply have to say, enough is enough. And as those of us with children have experienced at some point in our lives, and on any number of occasions, you simply cannot reason with a 2 year old without eventually becoming reduced to a babbling idiot. And that is what the Democrat Party has now become, a bunch of two year olds, as well as a bunch babbling idiots. The public will likely blame Republicans for any default on obligations to bondholders, proclaimed "Chuckie," and Democrats should have little reason to compromise on any of "their" main demands. Those demands, of course, include higher revenue through higher taxes and a requirement that any deficit-reduction deal leave intact benefits for Medicare beneficiaries, he said. He declined to provide any numbers regarding the size of tax increases Democrats want to see in a final plan. Well of course he's not going to tell us now how high he wants raise our taxes. Republicans who “say they are perfectly willing to default on our obligations rather than give a single inch,” "Chuckie" said, are “testing the limits of these talks to see how possible it is to get a deal fully on their terms.” “I think they are bluffing,” he said. “We have a good opportunity to prevail on our critical priorities.” So "Chuckie," who I guess feels the situation calls for the making of threats has now thrown down the gauntlet and is advocating that the Democrats hold firm and force the Republican to simply abandon their demands. To surrender to the Democrats and to cower on some corner, allowing the Democrats to then drive us even farther into debt than they already have. Republicans had best not go wobbly now or any hopes of achieving any sort of election victory come 2012 will go up in smoke. "Chuckie" also rambled on about some “jobs agenda” that Senate Democrats plan to advance during the next six months, saying Democrats will propose a measure to boost highway construction, clean-energy legislation and a measure to overhaul the visa system for highly skilled immigrant workers. Democrats have us on the road to economic ruin and must not be permitted to win this fight.

So there you have the latest Democrat strategy that they see as providing them with the best chance they have of ramming something else down the throats of the American people. That being a tax hike to cover the cost of their rabid spending.

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