

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


In what was essentially nothing more than a very obvious, as well as pretty blunt, challenge, maybe even a thinly veiled threat, directed specifically at Republicans in Congress, Barry "Almighty" insisted Wednesday that limiting selected tax breaks for oil companies and the super-wealthy must be part of any deficit reduction plan. "That's not radical," Barry said at a White House news conference. At the same time, he was quick to add that a bipartisan agreement to cut the deficit and raise the government's debt limit and to therefore avert a threatened financial crisis is possible. Sure anything is possible as long as the Republicans decide to cave on the tax hike issue. Democrats, on the other hand, would most likely get to keep pretty much every thing they want. After all, isn't that how these scumbag Democrats, Barry included, always operate in how they define any sort of compromise? Republicans must always be made to capitulate, because after all, it's the Democrats who are always said to be on the side of the little guy. Just ask them or any of their minions in the state-controlled media, they'll tell you the same thing! Thank God we've got those Democrats or there'd be no telling what those Republicans might try to get away with.

Barry offered up no compromise for Republicans who say that the only way to solve the growing debt crisis is to cut spending. Republicans in Congress have been insistent from the very beginning, but more so in recent days, that any deficit reduction plan needs to be limited to spending cuts, including reductions in benefit programs such as Medicare and Medicaid, and exclude additional revenues. And despite Democrat claims to the contrary, there is nothing whatsoever radical about that plan, no matter how hard Barry and his buds in the state-controlled media attempt to portray it as such. It's all scare tactics and nothing else. What is truly radical here is the constant droning on by Democrats who are insistent upon taking no action whatsoever, or very limited action that would meaningless, regarding the accomplishing of any serious reduction in our current out of control spending binge. But Barry said that both parties must be prepared to "take on their sacred cows" as part of the deficit-reduction negotiations. As long as more is given up by Republicans than by Democrats because as everyone knows, Democrat backed programs are always claimed to do so much for the greater good of all, and those programs sponsored by those evil Republicans assist only a select few. Which we know for a fact is nothing but a load of crap.

In his opening remarks, Barry called on lawmakers to renew a payroll tax cut that took effect on Jan. 1, identifying it as one of several measures lawmakers could approve to help create jobs. He also urged passage of trade agreements with Panama, South Korea and Colombia, and an overhaul of the nation's patent laws. Barry's last full-fledged news conference was back in March. And much has happened in the intervening months. What's been identified as a supposed "economic recovery" has slowed, Barry has announced his own blatantly politically motivated plan, a plan devoid of any input by commanders whose recommendations you think he would have sought, to begin withdrawing U.S. combat troops from Afghanistan and this country has now joined in with what is described as an international military coalition working to prevent the rout of rebels hoping to topple Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi. Then, of course, there have been numerous rounds of golf that have been played during that period of time which have provided Barry with some much needed relief from the rigors of doing his job. It's hard work shoving down the throats of the American people such things as socialized healthcare and the covering the cost of his rabid, out of control spending.

And looming above all else are the negotiations with Congress on deficit cuts demanded by Republicans as being their price for supporting any increase in the nation's debt limit. Barry stepped to the podium not long after the International Monetary Fund (IMF) publicly urged lawmakers to raise the debt limit, now $14.3 trillion, and warned that failure to do so could produce a spike in interest rates and "severe shock to the economy and world financial markets." So what! Ok, now we're supposed to follow the dictates of the IMF, yet another organization under the very questionable leadership of those who reside at the rather bizarre end of the political spectrum. No, I don't think so. It recommended a long-term strategy for reducing red ink, warning that cutting deficits too quickly could slow the weak recovery of the U.S. economy. Why is it that these people keep referred to an economic recovery that is non-existent? It's like if they say it often enough and loud enough, people will actually begin to believe it. The arrogance of these people, including Barry, knows no bounds. They feel they should be able to dictate to us and that we should never question those dictates. Which isn't quite how our system works, at least not yet. Although Barry has demonstrated on numerous occasions that he cares very little what the American people may think. As of this writing we are still permitted to disagree and to question those actions that we see as being troubling.

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