

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Not too long after it first got off the ground the accusations started flying pretty hot and heavy from many of those in the left wing, state controlled, “mainstream” media. How Fox wasn’t a “real” news network like, say, CNN or even MSNBC. So I suppose Fox News felt a certain amount of pressure at the time to bring onboard a certain individuals as perhaps a way silence at least some of the critics who were so eager to accuse it of possessing a conservative slant, or to use their words, a right wing bias. An accusation made for no other reason than because Fox dared to present both sides of an argument or issue. In what I think was a knee jerk reaction, Fox went out of its way to sign up those who were viewed as not being necessarily conservative. So, there were at least three, how shall I say it, personalities that were signed on to do just that. Of the three I am discussing here, two were CNN retreads Greta Van Susteren, Geraldo Rivera and the third was, of course, NBC castoff, Chris Wallace. I’ve never been too keen on Chris Wallace and recently old Chris kinda stepped on himself when he referred to Michelle Bachmann as being a flake. Now there's some objective journalism. Way to go, Chris. Anyway, of the three I suppose I watch Greta the most only because my wife likes to watch her. I watch Geraldo the least because I simply can't stomach the ego, or the stupidity for more than about 5 minutes. But I watch Wallace only slightly more than Geraldo, more because of the guests he has on than because I think Wallace is some brilliant interviewer. Now while I can understand up to a point why these three were asked to join the Fox team, I question the need of actually doing it. It's not like CNN, MSNBC or the three major networks have anyone who hasn’t got a flaming liberal bias. The faux conservatives that they do manage to have on, more often that not, aren't worth listening to. The one lone exception is CNN who has Bill Bennett on with some regularity. And he always represents himself very well.

Geraldo, aka, Jerry Rivers, is just a flat out moron and he proves that point better than I ever could just about every time he opens his mouth. I'm told he's a lawyer, or was a lawyer, and sometimes, because of that, he tries to come across as being some great legal mind, but usually ends up just being laughed at by the real lawyers he may have on his show. His has to be the least watched program on the entire Fox News network. His resume contains more than a few oddities, every thing from the opening of Al Capone's vault to getting his nose busted on his stupid Maury Povich-like television show. Greta actually doesn't seem to be quite as much of a lefty as she was when she first appeared on the network, but still she comes across as not being too terribly bright whenever she interviews a majority of her guests. The most irritating thing about watching her show is the fact that she is constantly interrupting her guests as if she hasn't quite got this whole TV gig down yet. And she's been doing it how long now? All the way back to the OJ Trial, if I remember correctly. With Wallace it is very easy to see that the apple doesn't fall very far from the tree. Daddy, that old fossil, Mike Wallace, has never had any problem letting folks know exactly which end of the political spectrum he is very firmly on. Cut from the same cloth as that other CBS (Communist Broadcasting System) lefty icon, Walter "And that's the way it is" Cronkite, Mike Wallace seems to have no problem whatsoever in being able to go about the casting of his country in any light that will unfavorable to the extreme. He and Dan “Forged Documents” Rather made quite the team.

I must admit that I truly do miss Brit Hume, whom I’ve always thought of, and still do, as being the journalist's journalist. I used to watch his show, now taken over by Bret Baier, the most because you could always count on him to tell you the unvarnished truth. I still enjoy watching him whenever he's on some show or another especially if Juan Williams is also on the same show. Whenever they are on the same panel, Brit has no problem whatsoever with making Williams look like the moron that he is. He can shred Juan’s arguments and hardly work up a sweat. Speaking of Williams, he too has found a pretty regular home on Fox after losing his gig over there on NPR. But just about every time he shows up somewhere in order to make one program or another "Fair and Balanced," it becomes pretty clear, pretty quick just how it was that he got his gig on NPR in the first place, and why it was such a shock that he got canned from that very vocal Democrat propaganda organ. I've often wondered if he'd be the same enthusiastic supporter of Barry, if Barry weren't black. I seriously doubt it. Old Juan has always been quick to mention the fact that the reason behind much of the complaining about Barry's policies is that it's all race driven. He's not the least bit objective and habitually proves himself to be nothing more than just one more rabidly paranoid black man in America. He's one of those that will defend Barry to his dying breath for no other reason than because Barry is black. And it's sad really, that he can so easily sit back as Barry destroys this country and not have the guts to criticize because he just bring himself to say anything bad about another black guy. That's not journalism, however it is the way that journalism is practiced to today by Williams and his fellow liberals.

I don't watch Fox near anywhere near as much as I used to, counting on it less and less and choosing, instead, to get most of my useful information from various websites. Over time they, more and more often, have come to have this tendency to take some useless story that has absolutely no informational value and run it, and run it and run it, until you essentially want to scream. It became more about ratings that about actually working to inform the general public. The latest example involves that young woman down here in Florida who killed her daughter. Enough already with the endless hours of this woman’s trial coverage. There are just so many truly important issues out there that need to be discussed and that the American people need to be made aware of, that to spend so much time on something like this, while it may be very tragic, is not something that requires 24/7 news coverage. We’ve seen endless coverage like this before. Whether it was about men who killed their wives, who were suspected of killing their wives, of drugged out starlets who met an untimely demise and her boyfriends squabbling over money and a little girl, and then there was story about the girl who disappeared on her senior trip to a Caribbean island. Are any of these really the most important issues of the day? NOPE! I'm just tired of the tabloid type journalism. The focus needs to return to the important issues of the day and the actual informing of the American people regarding all of the shenanigans going on in Washington. Granted there was recent survey that was done that showed those that watch Fox News are better informed about the issues than are those who watch CNN or MSNBC. But if I remember right, the spread wasn't that great. A well informed voting public will be key in our being able to pull ourselves out of this quagmire that Barry has us buried in up to our armpits. Fox News needs to move away from the nonsense stories and focus much more on those stories that provide the best information available to the American people as 2012 grows closer.

1 comment:

  1. Posted a comment and it's not here. Hmmmm Wonder what that's all about.
